First of all I'll have to give you a name, right? All my diaries have names. My last one was called The Godfather, The one before that was simply Diari, and my other web journal (in Finnish) is Dimitri. When I was small, I used to call my diary Elliot. You shall be Miguel, I'll name you after my poodle.
I am really bored. Today is my last free day before the school starts again. D: Isn't that terrible? Yesterday I came from a camp thingy and I was hell tired. I woke up at 10 a.m today and in a few hours our grandparents came. I like them a lot but today it's such a rainy weather that gets you down and makes you want to do nothing but sit at gaia. You know.
I would love to go outside, but I might be too lazy to do that. I have hw too, for tomorrow. I'm far too tired to do them.
Haha. : D The Ark is great, that Swedish bi band. I luff it. I am listening to "Father of a son" at the moment, and I think it's their best song. (You can find it in my profile too) Ola Salo is so sweet. lol. He says he is bi but I think he is more into guys anyway. I hate being a girl irl, I wish I was a boy.
I am from Finland but I live in the Netherlands. x( I obviously missed Sweden as well. That's why I keep going to Ikea and drawing my emoticons this way Ö.ö
It's meh.

I decided to add this every time. Just for fun. ^^
But I'll have to go now. See you later, Migu.<3