*Please note that you are allowed to draw ANY two characters together, in any way.
If it is obviously meant to be romantic or some such, it will be considered a crack
pairing, but thats okay because I love crack.
This would be kind of a crack pairing. At least a parody pairing. Katriana is kind of a
*****, i guess, and Fydel is actually a 20-or-so-year-old woman, who everyone else
thinks is a twelve year old boy (but she's not). I suppose there is potential for yuri.
<-------- >
Two strong-headed females, constantly butting heads, wanting to be in charge.
Katriana is usually the one who gets knocked down.
-------- ANY FEMALE
This guy is a total flirt, and he especially has an affinity for goat-women like Inot
and Ayda... not that they always go for him.
------- >
Taro felt a little something towards Katriana, before she passed away. However, it
was probably a one-way thing as Katriana was never quite that interested in men.
------- >
LONG after Katriana's death, Taro would eventually have feelings for Nikaeta but
would never express them. Unlike Katriana, Nikaeta is very perceptive and these
"feelings" would not go unnoticed. However, she doubts the possibility of a
friendship, due to a large gap in age/longevity. After all, Nikeata will grow old and
die, hundreds of years before Taro is able to do the same. So yeah. >>
----- ?? ----
This would totally never happen, but i will allow it to satisfy the yaoi-craving
contestants. And, of course, crack pairs always amuse me.