Shamrock woke up the next morning like he always did, left for the air base, and met up with Ghost Eye. Every thing was going fine. Clear skys, the sun was shining, it was also a day off for children from schools. Emmeria's day of remebrance. The day the war finaly was ended by Garuda Team.
"So redy for anouther patrol?"Ghost Eye asked Shamrock "Why bother? The war is over"Shamrock sighed "Not really. Estovokia is still a threat we need to look out for. You never know when they might attack again"Ghost Eye said Shamrock was about to object when alarms sounde doff in the air base "All Fighter Pilots suit up and take to the skys, enemy fighters spoted near the out skirts of our city, I repeat all fighter pilots suit up and take to the skys"Came a voic eover the COMS. Shamrock and Ghost Eye took off for their planes.
"Alright Garuda One you are clear for take off"Said Ghost Eye 'Roger"Shamrock replyed. He felt a jolt of sarrow fill his heart, his mind asking him why she was not their to fight with him. He took off down the run way and into the sky, re-grouping with the other fighters. Yellow Jacket and his squad of helicopters were joining with the group as well.
It took about an hour but they made it to the out skirts of town, there was about five Estovokian Strigon fighters. They were flying in a V formation. "There they are"Ghost Eye said "Stand by for orers"He added. "thats an odd formation almost like they are chaseing one of their own"Shamrock said "Ghost Eye can you get a better look at the leading plane?'Shamrock asked. "Yeah... hold on.... wait the leading plane's wings are on fire! And the other planes are shooting at it!"Ghost Eye said "This is Garuda one to leading strigon plane what is your situation?"Shamrock asked "Shamrock dont talke to the..."Ghost Eye said but Shamrock cut the COM. "This is RazGriz sixteen, I have escaped from am estovokian prison and am being chased by their planes, need back up over"Came a female voice, filled with pain.
"Roger! Fox two!"Shamrock eylled as he launched a missle at one of the strigon lanes chaseing Razgriz sixteen. The plane exploded engulfed in flames "Retreat!"One of the estovokians yelled, and the planes banked a hard right flying away from the city, Yellow Jacket put up a chase fallowing them. "Kelly... is that you?"Shamrock asked flying close to Razgriz sixteen's stolen strigon plane "Yes it is Shamrock... I missed you"She replyed. "Kelly!? Oh my god Kelly!"Ghost Eye yelled "Hey Ghost Eye"Kelly grinned "Lets get back on this happy moment when I back on the gorund and not on fire ok?"She asked "Ok I got clearence from the local air port to let you land"Ghost Eye said "Awesome thanks Ghost Eye"Kelly said.
Once saftly on the ground Kelly stumbled out of her stolen plane, badly wounded on her left leg and left arm but none the less fine. Shamrock had landed as well and took off from his plane to meet her. Open arms they held each other close "I never want to loose you again"Shamrock whispred "Same here"Kelly smiled. They pressed their lips tougher and let go of each other turning to see Ghost Eye comming their way along with a few others, Avalanch and Sky Kid was there as well "Im home guys, Im back"Kelly said. That whole night they partyed it up, drinking, eating, playing card games, well after Kelly's wounds were tended to.
-Yay finaly Shamrock gets to see his love again =] dont worrie the story is not over yet-
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This is Freelancer 008, Agent Tennessee Reporting logs of my missions.
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"You better fokyoos und suck my ectoplasmic schwanzstucker!"~Johann Krauss