Wölf opened her eyes and found a russian stareing at her. He was standing next to Yule. They were talking, but Wölf could not understand them. They must be speaking russian, she thought. Yule noded to the russian, and pointed at Wölf. The russian noded as well and said something. He walke dover to her with Yule "This is Mosletov, he will be visiting for a while"Yule grinned. Moseltov kicked Wölf hard in her side and she fell out of the chair and winced. "Now he knows a lot mroe painful ways to get people to talk so if I were you I would speak now before he breaks your bones"Yule said. "Nein"Wölf growled and was subjected to more kicking.
Hours passed, and the sun was setting. Wölf was bleeding from wounds all over ehr arms and legs. She was coughing badly, gasping for breath. "Get him out of here"Yile ordred, and Clark helped Wölf up, who did nothing, and could do nothing, to get away. He took her back to her cell and helpe dher onto the bed, then left. "Mark my words I will kill you all"Wölf mumbled to her self and layed down trying to comfort her wounds and relive stress on her badly injured leg.
Berlin; Near the Fuhrer's bunker
Sunset, near dinner time
"Has Michael turned up yet?"A german SS officer asked a Luftwaffe pilot. He shook his head "Im sorry sir he has not"The Pilot said "Ah thats bad. The Fuhrer wants to meet with Wölf"The SS officer shook his head and lit a cigerette. The pilot looked off into the sun set "I hope Wölfs ok. He is our best pilot"The pilot said "Yeah I have heard great stories about Wölf and his Messerschmitt"The SS officer said. The Fuhrer was headed their way "be redy"The SS officer said, and they both snaped a quick salute. "At ease. Has our Ace returned?"The Fuhrer asked "No my Fuhrer. Finding the American base where he is held is proving to be hardeer than we thought"The SS officer said "Hmm thats bad. Well keep looking"The Fuhrer said "Yes my Fuhrer"The SS officer said and the Fuhrer left. "Damn I swear I was going to soil my shorts"The pilot laughed "I know its always so intimadating talking with the Fuhrer"The SS officer laughed as well. "Damn Michael what have youg oten your self into"The SS officer mumbled to him self, and left the Pilot all alone. "Good Luck!"The pilot called and the SS officer waved.
(more to come!)
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"You better fokyoos und suck my ectoplasmic schwanzstucker!"~Johann Krauss