4 Weeks Later
Back at The Bunker
Lunch Time
The Russian had left Wölf in a tatered state. She was laying on her bed in her cell curled into a defensive ball. Shivering from pain, and illness that had set in. She had a high fever. The medics had just given her cold and pain medicine, well what they called medicine. Clark stood at the cell door "You alright in there?'He calle dout. "Your to nice American dog"Wölf spat "Go find a tree to piss on"She growled. Clark sighed and left "I'll bring back lunch"He said as he left. Wölf sneezed a few times and wiped her nose "Damn americans and their russian friend"She cursed. Clark was gone for ten minutes when he came back tray of food in ahnd. There was a turkey sandwhich with lettus and a cup of orange juice. He unlocked the door and set the tray down then left, forgetting to lock the cell door. Wölf looked up and grinned. She would wait till dark to strike. "For now..I eat"She said and started eating her food plotting her escape plan.
Night fell, and no one had checked up on Wölf thinking she was to sick and wounded to do anything. She eased her cell door open and peered out into the darkness. No sound could be heard but the soft breathing of the american soldiers. She made her way down a hall and looked through an open door way. It was a storage closet. She steppe dinside and shut the door, locking it. She found alight switch and clicked it. The light was so intense she almost fell, blinking. She looekd around. There was a box with Luger pieces in it. She pulled it down and left the closet. She slipped back into her cell and hid the box. 'Not time to leave yet'She thought and layed back in her bed, and fell asleep.
The next morning, Yule checked up on her "Still a high fever?'He asked a medic that had came with him. The medic noded "His injurys are horriable, on top of that fever, I dont think you will get him to talk in that state. He'll pass out first"The medic said. Yule noded "Lucky break for you German"He said, and the two left. Clark ran past Yule and to the cell wall "Hey feeling better?'He asked. "Nein go away"Wölf snapped. He sighed "Come on! Im nice. Yeah I wont let you go but hey I treat youmuch better. Why not be nice to me?"He said. "Because your american"Wölf said simply and rolled over in her bed.
(thats all for now)
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"You better fokyoos und suck my ectoplasmic schwanzstucker!"~Johann Krauss