anyway.... i have strep and i am at my uncles house alone..... ya see my parents moved up to Colorado without me and i am living with my uncle till the end of the school year.... i think i am just using my journal to complain....
Sooo..... my step dad, who has cancer, got accepted to a medical center in Mexico...problem is it costs $30,000.... So instead we moved to Colorado to get him help.... he likes it up there better.... i have to give up my friends down here, one of them is bipolar, has multiple personality disorder and wants to die. the other is changing in a way that is scaring me and i am afraid that when i move she will be distant from my other friend...
I have to get my last named changed before i move so that if anything happens to my mom my birth dad cant take me away.... he is a big jerk and an alcoholic.... he is messed up......
my moms knees are screwed up and she cant walk very well... she is the only one in our family working right now.... my step dad is homeschooling my little brother... my little brother is evil.... he destroys my stuff and complains all the time about life, he makes my step dad cater him and my step dad is a push over.... my little brother is a spoiled brat.....
School is not so good, i am failing one class and i have a D in another..... and because of that it brings more stress into my life at home and that stress goes back into school and makes me fail more.... its a loop that is going to kill me....
anyway thanks for listening to my ranting....
comment if u wish....