this morning i woke up and everyone was gone... i started to panic because i was tired and it felt like a dream... then i remember mom was going on a trip and needed to be drove to the airport.... then i realize that the basket were askew and some stuff was missing... at first i thought it was my little brother... then i saw my dog with a big bar of chocolate in his mouth.... it was half eaten..... i started to panic, not for my dog (because he eats so much chocolate its a wonder he isnt dead), but because it was my little brothers.... so what i did is i ran to the gas station across the street to buy a chocolate bar... it was closed.... so i decided to walk to the nearby store to see if it was open, THANK GOD IT WAS!!!!! i bought a bar of chocolate and ran back home, and just in time because my dad and little brother came home five minutes later. if my brother saw his chocolate gone he would destroy the house in fury, then he would take my chocolate bar, and that would have made me pissed and hurt my dog.... which i dont want to do..... soooo ya.... life is normal except for the annoying muscle twitch in my arm....
now what?
stop typing?
y would i?
is it because this is annoying?
im just bored.....
ok good bye and comment if u wish!