I am discontinuing the Blue section. No reason to drag this thing along any furthur than it needs to be.
Got that out of the way, So what have you been up to Gaia? Put the tea on, 'cause we have some catching up to do don't we?
So worked in a call center for a while. A while is all I could stands and i couldn't stands no more. I can't wait for the day when a massive coronal mass emission causes a sever spike and EM entropic failure frying cellular technology. Cell phones were a good idea, they really were. But then they got a little long in the tooth. The ability to place a call is now an integrated app in most phones. have we missed the point a tad? It's called a PHONE! a shortened version of telephone. The thing you make telephone calls from. At what point did that become a last minute add on? And i can't stand self entitled little... those, grrrrr!! well, lets just say that if your ringtone doesn't work, the PHONE still does. Quit your complaining. (This is aimed at no one individual, but the call center was working with a cell phone provider and I didn't like the fidgety little bastards to begin with.)
I have since left that toxic dump hole to better things though. Anyway, Back in the saddle as they say.
If any of you would like to throw down some League of Legends sometime, my username is Overlord Kujo. We'll have a grand ol' time. If you don't play yet and would like a fun online game to kill some time with, follow the link here and get started.
Like I said, Fun ol' time.
-No more blue section. Joy of joys