and this is what i've been up to rather than drawing or fishing.....

sewing a cupcake kitty... based on the pusheen plushie i bought recently.....
those pusheen plushies really are made with love and care. considering when you remove em from cups or w/e they are attached to, they still have all their body parts =D
this one however was made with yarn and some scrap fabric(pink), i forgot what the fabric(white) was called but its fluffy and soft. its arms and feet are also made of the same yarn used to line the cupcake bottom.... on a side note, yarn is terrible material to use as whiskers... they broke off almost immediately after attaching which is why they are so short and uneven =/
the dots on the strawberry was also sewed on using the same black yarn as the face. the face is kinda weirdly shaped(and also a little too low on the head) since i did the face 1st and got used to sewing with it half way into it >_< (ps i photoshopped the face a little since i wanted to use the pic as my avi for some other site. its a little more messed up than what you see)
i'll probably make another one once i figure out a proper material for the whiskers. (maybe plastic?)
stupidpsycho · Wed Aug 10, 2016 @ 10:56am · 0 Comments |