Since my brother's coming home early today, I don't really have a lot of time here. So, basically, today was okay. With the exception of a few not okay things.
I did pretty well on the Math test, though I figured out what I was doing wrong in the last 10 minutes, so I had to rush to finish it. sweatdrop However, I did do pretty well on the science test. I probably would've failed, though, if Mr. Bednar didn't let us use the textbooks. xd
The people for the Mock Trials were finally chosen. Haha, well, I guess I don't really care. But congrats to Shirley!
The rest of the day was actually quite boring today.
Except on the bus. I was almost crying on the bus. I'll write why in my other journal. hehe. No, I was not sad!
Okay, now I'm just bored, so I'm gonna go eat my chicken, and write in my other journal, hopefully. ^_^ heart

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