Okay, today, I'm gonna start a little different. Since Jasdeep is here, let's get her account of the day first, lol.
Ok, well see , today what had happened was that in gym we got to play sideline soccer gaian, and well it was really fun!! And like whne it was my turn, I like hit the ball and it like flew all the way over their heads and it was kool!!! But at lunch today when we were playing freeze tag, I was chasing Asher, and I tripped over Brianna's bookbag and I scarped my hands and knee..boy did that hurt.....other than that, the hutnun wasn't here today but oh well...ok I'm done lol.
Okay, so that was Jasdeep's account of the day. Haha. She got hurt! xd Her pain, my gain!
Okay, I'll be back a little ater to finish mine. ^_^ xd
Okay, now it's just me. So...let's see. What happened today? For Math, we just did some worsheets, finished the quarterly exam review, and then whatever. I think Ms. Croft was sick. whee
In gym, we did sideline soccer again because some people were complaining about how we did all those drills for soccer, and then we never got to play a real game. I wanted to do yoga today, though. Oh well. At least I got the point when I went up. Haha, I beat Briana. We also got our fitness reports today. Let's just say that I did horrible in everything, except flexibility. Yes, that's very sad, but I guess I was never fit anyway.
I feel like I can completely relate to Alice from Alice 19th! heart
In Science, we did..well, work. whee
At lunch, we were playing tag. Hehe, and Jasdeep, as she said above, was chasing Asher. And she tripped over Briana's bag. Haha. She scraped her hands, and I think her knee. I know I should be nice, but it was still funny. lol I mean...
After that, in Literacy, Ms. Savina (I forgot her last name) actually came today. Haha, Lwam and Maurice were auditioning for Police Officer Johnson, and Lwam got voted. But she didn't want to do it. I really didn't know who to vote for, though. They both did really good, but I voted Lwam, anyway. xd Hehe, since I wasn't doing any parts, I had to be in the jury, and criticize people.
Strangely, I've noticed something about that. When I talk in front of people, I don't seem to get quite as nervous as I used to. I mean, I still tlak really low, but I don't feel nervous about it anymore. Strange. neutral
The regents classes were fun today. We went to the computer lab and did the practice test for January 2007. Me, Jasdeep, and Kim worked together. So, I basically got the answers off of them. cool Haha, yeah. I actually kind of like the regents class. It's easier to learn more, and it's not as boring as regular science can sometimes be. So, haha to the people who were too lazy to join. blaugh
Anyway, Jasdeep, as you can see, came home with me today. I threatened to lock her out, but that didn't turn out as I planned, since my mom was home. sweatdrop I would've thrown her out the window too, but I think that might have caused a bit of a scene. xd
So here I am, doing the usual, music and gaia. xd

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