Ray (Kaze)

Age: 23
Birthday: July 20
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 200 lbs
Race: Reaper Demon
Parents: None, adopted: Mercinary father, Prist father
Weapons: Scythe made of bone that's summoned, long sword, four daggers
Sexuality: Bi
Personality: Cold, quiet, distant
Powers: Wind, water, fire, lightning, ice
Skills: Weapons, her elements, cooking
She has a long history of rejection. She was just a lump of flesh made for that of another soul. The reaper of her relm. She had the soul trpped inside of her body and was released into the woods. A passing mercenary found her and took her up. Where she had come was a village that sacrificed one new born every year. He didn't try ro take her back, becuse he figured it would be her death.
Soon he took her home and raised her until she was five. The people of his town didn't know exactly what she was or were she came from, and attepted to kill her every chance they got. Soon the mercinary had to take her to an old friend of his; the prist out in the wild. Ray was asleep when they arrived and the prist took care of her after that. He had tryed to make her lady like, and had a hard time doing so. She was a rebelious kid and was always happy once the mercenary came along. He would teach her how to defend herself against the unknown of the forest, and the people who tryed to kill her. At night the prist would always sneak into her room and place a talisman on her head. It would suck away her demonic energy and stay inside of the talisman until it would have someone release it.
Her life changed a bit once she was fourteen. She was sent with a mask and a swordswoman costume with butterfly decorations on it, to the castle. A masquraid. She met up with the prince and spent most of her time with him during the dance. Her hair was then brown and she had a soft look in her eyes. Her body wasn't yet starting to mature, and still the prince fell for her, like a faire tail. She soon had to let him go and return home. The one place where she knew she belonged. For years she returned, to play with children, and to meet the prince. On the fourth year of coming, the prince took her around the waist and kissed her. Like a dream come true for her, and with a proposal from him, still in his mask. But soon a vampire came to rob her of her most presious dream. He took away the prince, and all that she had begain to love. A scream came from her, and all of the people stoped, and sunk into deep morn. Their prince of the kingdom was gone, and there was no other heir. She was, thoguh dicided to become the heir next year, since the prince was to merry her.
Rumors started to fly around that she pland this all. She hated it, soon sinking into her mind and leaving the partly, slipping off her mask out and near the house of the vampire. She walked to the house and flung the door open, her hand on the hilt of the sword. She entered the building, and met the vampire over the body of the prince. Ray broke out into tears, her first love was now dead, and would never know her as she seemed to know him. The vampire raised his gaze over to her and took his hands and clasped them on Ray's shoulders, and bit her behind the neck. Two bite marks now mark it, and she wrenched off the vampire's head, and slamed it into the ground of the house. She knocked him out for a while at least, and took the body of the prince in her arms, in tears. The prince was still alive, and put his hand weakly behind her head, and kissed her lightly.
"Don't be afraid, Butterfly... Or should I say, Ray?" He smiled, more tears running down her cheek, and hugged him tightly. He hugged her weakly, and continued, "I've lost to much blood... I might not be able to take you as my wife when it's time for my crowning, I might not even be long for this world."
Ray sniffed in the sent of him, as he put his hands lightly on her neck, where she bled from the bite. Not much of her blood was sucked out, but he licked his fingers and put it to the puntures. Ray had a slight hiccup before she said, "Don't say anything like that... I don't care if you are the prince... I'd fall for you if you were or not..." The prince smiled and soon his grip became lose, and his limbs grew limp and his soul soon left his body. She stood up with the body in her arms, and walked out. She brought the body all the way back to the castle, and gave it to the king, her mask off and her identity reveiled to only them. She slipped her mask back on and headed back to her home. She soon changed into a pristess outfit and a demon entered the shrine, a black neko with a completly fuzzy body. He walked right into her room and covered her eyes.
"You're planing on running again..." He said, and Ray stood still for a heartbeat and nodded. "Then I shall come with you." He uncovered her eyes and Ray turned around. He knelt down. "I am the prince's in shadow body guard. He asked me before the masqueraid to come with you if anything went wrong. But now I am under your survice and your sevice alone."
Ray took a glup. "But are you sure you want to abondon this place?" She asked. The neko nodded. She soon nodded, and said, "You may come if you wish..."
The demon stood up and said, "I am Kinku, and I shall now be known as your pet." Before Ray could say anything else, he dissolved into a slick black cat with emerald green eyes. He jumped up into her arms and Ray took a single book, with the incantations of the portals and the old writings and curses of her realm. She left a single note to her fathers telling them good bye forever.
During the time away, she had found herself months alone, merely talking with people of a town that she had found, and begging. Kinku had been by her as only a few people had given her money, enough to exchange for new clothes and food. She didn't have any skills. She had met a young woman, and she had given her an invitation a few weeks later. Ray didn't know what else to do, so she decided to go. She didn't want to be known as she had before in her home, so she went with a different name: Kaze.
The newly named Kaze had no real clue how to act, but seemed to quickly fall into pace with the group, and become quick friends with the one who had given her the invite.
During this time, she had met Fire, Luna, Baby, Des, Bw, and Volt. Fire was the one who had given Kaze the invite, and Luna was her Twin, Des her brother, and Baby Des's girlfriend, Volt a friend, as well as Bw, and Kaju.
Since the party though Fire had created another bar. Kaze had an attachment to her friend, and had decided to fallow her to her place, The Red Dragon. There Kaze had gotten a job, a place to stay, and was able to at least receive some bartending and waitress skills. She had brought an umbrella, and had before that learned how to control wind. She had fallen in love again after a long time though, with a ninja who had a cat. Ishimaru and Ken'ichi. Her first few meetings with him were merely him asking for sake, and she giving him some. There wasn't much interaction with either of them until Kaze had to serve his cat sake, and soon started to play with each other's cats. That lead to the stealing of her hat. Soon, the two of them started to spend more and more time together. They told the other that they loved each other before even a kiss, and then, after a month of being together, Ichimaru had vanished for months. She had loved him, but not as deeply as one should have to actually admit their love. She waited only a few months, then without word, decided to move on.
Before Ichimaru left, Bw had decided to become her brother, and she met Mako, who was his girlfriend. Kaju had taught Kaze how to play with water and control it, and she learned how to fight basics. After he had left though, Kaze had met Wolf, a fighter. He was a teacher of Kaze's for the elements. He had proposed, and gotten married, at the Red Dragon. She missed the wedding, but Mako had been adopted by the couple. Kaze went a head and ruined it for Wolf, opening her mouth and telling him that she liked him, holding back her statement of actually loving him until shortly afterwards.
She returned home, having taken Wolf away from his wife, because of needing to figure out what she was. Fire was her best friend, and had come with her. To this day, Kaze doesn't regret it. She had found out that she was the grim reaper, and that her priest father was sealing away all her power when he could.
~More added later.~