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Welcome to my world heart
Chapter 3!!!

Elizabeth went back out to answered it, but her mom head grabbed it. Her mom didn't hand over the phone so it must have been her aunt that called. She slid back into her room. She sighed and flopped herself on the bed breathing in the smell of her fresh clean pillow. She thought to herself when her mom gets off the phone she'll call Geoffrey again. Knowing her mom she'll be on the phone for hours so Elizabeth picked up one of the books she had to read for English. She read, but wasn't really reading it. Her mind drifted as she thought of the tall, pale, and beautiful. 'Who is he? How could someone be so beautiful, but be that pale? His skin was like marble. His eyes were are so.......'
“Elizabeth!” Her thoughts were cut short by her mom calling her name.
“What!” She called back a little irritated.
“Some one is on the phone for you.” Elizabeth heard her mom's footsteps out side her door. She leaped off the bed and opened her door to see her mother standing there. She had a wide grin on her face and said, “Tell him I said hello and he's more then welcome to come over any time.” She turned on her heals and headed back out to the living room.
Elizabeth was confused by her mother's words and finally noticed what she meant. She glanced at the phone in her hand; afraid of what to say. “Hello.” She finally said after a few seconds of hesitation. “Elizabeth.” Said a cool velvet voice.
Elizabeth knew that voice. It was Geoffrey. A smile spread across her face and she said in a cheerful voice, “Hi.” She caught herself and calmed down. It was to late he laughed on the other end. She changed the subjected quickly and asked, “So what made you call me?” Her voice tried to stay calm.
“Look out side.” Geoffrey said with a teasing tone to his voice.
“What?” Elizabeth asked confused.
“Just look out side.” He said lightly.
“Alright.” She said still confused. She walked over to her window looking down at the grass. “What am I looking for?” She asked.
“Driveway.” He said in one simple word. Elizabeth could tell he wasn't much for words. She looked over to the driveway and saw him leaning up against his car. It was black and Elizabeth could of sworn a guy like him would be driving a really expensive car, but it wasn't it was just a simple Ford Taurus. She waved when he saw her and he waved back. Elizabeth ran down to greet him, but made sure to hang up and put the phone in the holder. He greeted him with a wide smile, “How are you feeling this fine evening?”
She smiled back at him. “I'm good. You?” She asked hoping he was the same.
“Never better.” They both laughed and Elizabeth brought him to up her apartment. Her dad was now eating dinner and Elizabeth's mom was washing the dishes. They tried to tip toe through the living room with out being caught, but Mrs. Furn turned around. “Oh it's you dear. Welcome! Elizabeth were you trying to sneak him in with out me noticing?” She asked her daughter while walking over to give Geoffrey a hug. He excepted the hug gracefully and smiled at Elizabeth.
“Jim. This is... I'm sorry dear I didn't get your name.” She said while smiling at Geoffrey.
“My name is Geoffrey Connor. I'm please to meet a noble man of a such beautiful daughter.” He bowed his head toward Mr. Furn and continued to smile. Elizabeth father got up and shook his hand firmly to let him know that he isn't messing around when it comes to his daughter. Geoffrey didn't seem to be intrigued by his grip. He grip just as hard. Mr. Furn was amazed by how strong Geoffrey was and nodded in approval. Elizabeth blushed and turned her face away from the crowed, hoping no one saw.
“It's nice to meet you as well Geoffrey.” Said Elizabeth, “I'm great full to you for bring my daughter back to us.”
“It was problem.” Geoffrey said while nodding his head.
Now that Elizabeth's father was acquainted with Geoffrey she stole him away from her parents into her bedroom. When they both slipped into the bedroom, Geoffrey started to laugh as soon as the door shut. “What's so funny?” Elizabeth asked him as confusion crossed her face. He shook his head and said, “Your parents are great Liz. One look at your mom and I could tell where your beauty came from.” He smiled at her showing off his perfect glistening teeth. Blushing under his gaze she turned away from him and pretended to be interested in making her bed.
Slowly Geoffrey walked over to her and put his arms around her following her arms until he reached her hands. He cuffed them into his big hands and Elizabeth felt like a child under his partial embrace. She moved away when he sniffed her hair asking him, “What were you trying to do.”
He smiled again and shook his head, “Sorry, sometimes I seem to loose myself when I'm around a pretty girl.” He told her while taking a step back from her. “Why is that and what do you mean loose yourself?” She was beginning to want to go sit in the living room with her parents then be alone with right now. Her expression turn to anger in a second after she asked that.
“What's wrong?” He asked when he noticed her expression grow sour.
“What do you think? All you boys are the same.” Her tone rose a little more the she wanted it to. He did reacted much to her words, but he did say, “You have it wrong. I can't explain it to you now. You'd just freak out on me. You'll now
sooner then you think.” He told her while taking a step closer to her.
Elizabeth took one step back again and bumped into her dresser. He seem to smile at that, but quickly stopped himself. His expression turn sad and he sat on her chair to her desk. Elizabeth noticed him sulking and asked, “What are you talking about? “I'll “freak out” tell me, I should have the right to know if your trying to hit me.” She used finger quotation around freak out to mock him. He just smiled and laughed ignoring her question on purpose. The annoyed girl rolled her eyes and felt she was safe with him so she stopped worry about him being perverted and sat on the bed. He stared at her as she sat with a sigh. “What's wrong?” He asked still staring at her.
“You, well guys in general.” She fell back on her bed and stared at the ceiling trying not to look into his eyes. Geoffrey left the chair and was on her bed next to her in seconds. He slowly hovered over her until he reached her ear and whisper, “What's wrong with guys? Not all guys are the same you know.” Elizabeth's heart went nuts, like it was beating twenty times it's normal speed. His cold breath left a tingling feeling in her ear. His lips then hovered over to her lips and slid across them as he gently placed them on hers. Her head spun as she felt his icy lips kiss her. He pulled away quickly when he heard a knock on the door.
“Elizabeth?” Her mom said on the other side of her door. Quickly getting up to answer the door she noticed Geoffrey was already sitting on her chair smiling at her. She turned to give him an evil look, but opened the door instead. “Yeah mom?” She asked hoping it wasn't a “what are you to doing?” kind of a question. Elizabeth wouldn't be able to lie to her mom.
“Elizabeth. Cindy is on the phone.” Mrs. Furn said to Elizabeth while handing the phone to her. Elizabeth quickly grabbed the phone out of her mom's hand and thanked her mom. She closed the door and walked back to her bed saying, “Hello.”
“Hi Elizabeth! I heard what happened. I'm so so so so sorry. I should of walked you home that night or better asked my mom to drive you home. Will you forgive me?” She pleaded into the phone.
“Yeah Cindy I forgive you. I'm fine now so don't worry about me. Thanks for calling to check up on me thought. I can't talk now I have some one over.” She tried to quicken the conversation to make it sound like she was busy.
“Oh I'm sorry. Can I call you back tomorrow then? Who's over at your house?” She asked forgetting about her other question.
“It's just some one I know.” She glanced over at Geoffrey. He seemed to be amused with her conversation. Like he could hear Cindy on the other end.
Cindy spoke again, “Is it some one from school? Do I know this person?”
“Cindy you sound like a mom more then you do a friend. Look he's a just a guy I met. I'll call you later alright?” This conversation was going down hill and Elizabeth wanted it to end. Geoffrey started to laugh under his breath when Cindy
asked, “Oh it's a guy. Is he hot is he single?”
“Cindy what difference does it make if he is or not?” She asked more annoyed with her stupid questions.
“Well if your going to be mean about it. I just won't call then.” Cindy sounded upset and Elizabeth sighed and said, “No. Look I'll call you in the morning and tell you every thing alright.” There was a moment of silence on the other end before Cindy answered. “Well okay, but promise you'll call tomorrow.” She pleaded. Geoffrey had a smug smile on his face now. Knowing that he was the topic their conversation. “Yeah I promise.” Elizabeth ensured her, “Bye Cindy.”
“Bye Elizabeth.” Elizabeth hung up the phone as soon as she heard those words.
She looked over to see Geoffrey still smiling. She rolled her eyes again in his direction and collapsed on the bed. In seconds he was by her side again. “How are you able to do that?” She asked him. It's like he can be doing something one time then in seconds sitting a chair. Like when Elizabeth's mom knocked on the door. Before Elizabeth could reacted he was off of her and sitting on the chair like nothing happened. He gave her a funny look, “What do you mean?” He played with her hair as he asked.
Elizabeth sat up. She didn't really feel comfortable laying next to a boy she only met last night. “How is it that you can move so fast? Are you on steroids or something?” Her eye brow moved in a curious pose.
It came out of no where. He started to laugh a real laugh, not his smug laughs. This laugh was real. “I was being serious.” Elizabeth pouted and crossed her legs. Looking the other way so that he could tell she was ignoring him. He was amused by this and slowly teased her by running his hand up her back and down her arm. It sent shivers down her spine. “Stop it.” She shoved his hand off her. He looked sad when she did it, but came back around. He behaved himself after that.
He glanced at the clock on her night stand and said, “It's late.”
Elizabeth looked over and said, “What are you talking about? It's only nine o'clock.”
“You need your sleep.” He gave her a stern look. He pulled her down onto her pillow and wrapped an arm around her. She went to complain, but his cold lips met her cheek and she cooled off, literally. The second she felt his lips on her skin the same chilling feel was there. She shivered and he smiled while pulling the covers up over her body. “Sleep now.” He whispered in to her ear.
“But I'm not....” Geoffrey had his hand on her chin as he pulled her face toward him. His lips met hers again as he hovered over her. This kiss was different from the first time he kissed her on the lips. He slid his tongue into her mouth in this kiss. She began to feel pleasure in this kiss and didn't stop it. They kissed for the longest time before Geoffrey stopped. He pulled away from Elizabeth. Leaving her baffled on the bed. That was the best and only real kiss she had gotten from a boy.
“Why did you do that?” She asked sounding like she was offended by his kiss. She really wasn't. In fact she loved his kiss, but she had to know without letting him know she liked it. He smiled as he sat up and walked over to the light switch on the wall. “I just wanted to remind myself of someone......” He answered her question while shutting off the light. Elizabeth wonder who. She laid there and wonder if she should ask. “May I ask who you wanted to be remind of?” She finally asked.
“You'll find out later.” He left the room quietly. It took Elizabeth a minute to realize he left the room. She thought to herself about her question she asked him. 'Who could she or he be?' . The clock read nine thirty and Elizabeth's eyes began to shut. She drifted to sleep a second later, dreaming of the boy who helped her.
She awoke from her fabulous dream by a hand gently rubbing her forehead. Elizabeth thought it was her mom and lifted her head to ask what her mom was doing, but the hand held her down. Not forcefully, but enough to get the point through that the hand didn't want her to get up. She tried to get up, but another hand on her lower back wasn't going to allow her to. Her eyes traced the bed to see who was doing this to her. It was to dark to see. “Mom.” She said into the darkness. No one answered her. “Tell me who's there.” She said firmly while trying to get up again. She was unable to get up and still no one answered her. Panic began seeping in and she started to get scared.
“Shh. I won't hurt you Liz.” A calmed soothing voice reached her frightened mind. She recognized that voice and said. “Geoffrey?” Her body and mind calmed down. She heard him laugh softly and felt the weight of him next to her on the bed. She asked him, “What are you still doing here? I thought you went home.” thinking he had gone home already. A cold chilling air went past her ear as he whispered. “No I had to ask your parents something. Hey what do you say you spend the rest of your vacation at my house?”
“What?” She asked confused. She was tired and wasn't really thinking straight.
“I asked your parents and they both said it was cool if you wanted to.”
He spoke in nonsense. Elizabeth couldn't get her mind to listen to what he was saying she just wanted to go back to sleep. “Yeah okay.” She said while closing her eyes. He embraced her from behind and she felt this odd feeling like she belonged in his arms. He sat up and pulled her into his lap so that her head was on his chest. Something seemed wrong went her head was rested against his chest. There was no heart beat. She moved quickly away from him and stared at him in the dark. “Are you alright?” He asked her wondering why she moved away so quickly. 'How could he be talking?' She thought. 'He has no heart beat, but yet he's talking to me like he does.' His soft calm voice interrupted her thoughts.
“Is there something wrong Liz?” He asked like it was no surprise that she
would be confused.
She thought to her self thinking that it could have been that she was so tired that she didn't hear it. She shook her had and laid back down. “It was nothing.” He smiled a secret smile to himself and wrapped his arm around her as she laid down next to him. It wasn't long before Elizabeth dozed off with him still wrapped around her waist whispering a lullaby with out missing a word.
She had a weird dream that night like Geoffrey was carrying her through the sky like he was flying, but she realized that she wasn't flying she was in a car. The car made no noise. Which that some how made Elizabeth want to jump out of the car. She was nervous and didn't know what was going on. It felt like forever before the car finally came to a stop. Elizabeth didn't pay attention to much that was really going on in her dream and her dream person dozed off as well.
Elizabeth woke up feeling like her dream was real and not just a dream. It didn't have any weirdness to it at all. It surprised her a lot because she usually always had some kind of weird dream to tall her mom in the mornings. She did it to put a smile on her mom's face every morning, before she left for school. She opened her eyes and realized it was dark still. She rolled over to see if Geoffrey was still there, but he wasn't and she figured he just went home. She sat up and stretched her body. That was the first night she slept in peace through the whole night. No sirens going off, no gun shots, it was peaceful like she was taken somewhere else. Where there was nothing, but silence. Elizabeth felt nervous in a room that was quieter then her own breath. Which was really calm and had no stress what so ever in it. She was so use to all the noises around her that she wasn't sure if she was in the same room any more, her room.
With a yawn and another stretch she got out of bed feeling her way through the darkness. It took awhile before she could find the wall. It was strange she didn't remember her room being so big. She felt along the wall and couldn't find the light switch. 'Where is it. I know it's here somewhere.' She though to herself. Continuing along the wall, she had no luck in finding it. She ended up getting frustrated and walked over to a window to let in some light. The window was in the same spot, but how come her light switch wasn't. When she pulled the curtain back she was amazed at what she saw. The term “Toto. I don't think we're in Kansas any more.” came to mind when she saw where she was.


User Comments: [3] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Sep 21, 2006 @ 12:58am
Enjoy. xd

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 25, 2006 @ 04:08am
that was great! I laughed in some spots. I'm soooo curios on what's happening next!!!

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Oct 22, 2006 @ 01:46am

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