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View User's Journal

Welcome to my world heart
Chapter 2 ^^


When they saw her mom they tried to be really quiet. They didn't want to disturb her sleeping, knowing that she probably stayed up all night worrying about Elizabeth. The young man, who Elizabeth still didn't know his real name yet, tip toed across the small living room with his arm around her waist. Elizabeth noticed on the counter that there was two pies on it. They smelled really good and her stomach rumbled as she smelled in their delicious aroma. The strange young man heard her stomach beg for food and smiled.
“Would you like me to get you a piece of pie?” He whispered softly.
“I'm starving.” She whispered back.
The living room wasn't that big, but with all the decorations Mrs. Furn put up it made the room feel a little bigger then it was. There was a Christmas tree in the corner of the room with a few presents underneath it. It was small and kinda lope sided, but they didn't really care much as long as they spent Christmas together. Mr. Furn was no where in site, so Elizabeth thought he must be at the school cleaning up all the Christmas decorations before school started again. The kind boy helped her onto a stool and asked, “Where do you keep the knives Liz?”
Elizabeth was surprised that he called her Liz. Only one person had called her Liz and that was her grandma. Elizabeth didn't really get to know her grandma much because she died when Elizabeth was only five. “Are you okay?” He asked her after a few seconds of silence.
“Yeah sorry. The knives are in that drawer there.” She whispered while pointing to the drawer next to the kitchen sink.
“Alright.” He grabbed a knife out and sliced out a small piece of pie for Elizabeth. He turned around and guessed where the plates where in the small kitchen. He got it right on his first try. He pulled one out and placed it in front of Elizabeth. He carved the piece out and placed it on her plate.
“Thanks.” She whisper, “Aren't you going to have any? You must be hungry?”
“No I ate while you were getting your stitches.” He smiled and Elizabeth locked eyes with him.
Now that Elizabeth wasn't loopy or in total darkness any more she could see what he looked like. He was tall with a boyish face. He was very handsome and Elizabeth almost mistook him for a god. His skin was pale, but that just added to his beautiful complexity. His hair was long and pulled back into a pony tail. It was black and shinny like raven's feathers. His eyes were purple, but Elizabeth didn't
find them weird. They were beautiful like the rest of his body. She also thought that it was just the lighting in the room and that they were really blue and not purple.
She blushed and pulled away from his gaze. “Sorry.” She mumbled under her breath. Even thought she wasn't really sorry. He was just to beautiful not to stare. “It's alright. I'm use to it.” The corners of his lips pulled in to a grin as he continued to gaze at Elizabeth. “You know. Your cute when you blush.” He pulled another stool around and sat next to her. Elizabeth's heart raced as he leaned in closer to her and whispered, “Aren't you going to eat?” He giggled and Elizabeth spoke out loud with out meaning to. “Even your laugh is beautiful.” She blushed even more and took a huge bite of pie to stop herself from saying anything else stupid to embarrasses her even more.
He didn't seem to care and that was a relief to her. Her eyes shifted from her plate and his eyes. He playfully tugged on her hair and ran his smooth skinned fingers down her hair.
“What are you doing?” She asked even though she really didn't mind him play with her hair.
“Just wanted to see what your reaction would be.” He smiled again.
“Why? Were expecting me to get mad or something?” She asked him out of curiosity.
“No. Just wondering was all.” He grabbed Elizabeth's plate and placed it in the sink when Elizabeth was done. The dish made a noise in the sink as it was placed in it. That was enough to wake Mrs. Furn up. She rolled over unsuccessfully because the couch was to narrow for her to roll all the way over with out falling off. She lifted her head up off the couch to see Elizabeth on the stool. She got up and ran over to her daughter, hugging her like she was about to die. “Oh sweetheart! I'm so glad your alright. What did that man look like? I'll give him a piece of my mind for ever lying a hand on my daughter! He will not get away with this!” She yelled next to Elizabeth's ear.
“Ow mom. That was my ear you yelled into.” She said quietly to her mom while rubbing her ear. She knew her mom was upset, but she didn't want to start a big deal about it. So she told her mom, “Sorry mom I didn't get the chance to see his face. It was to dark.” She left it at that hoping that she would drop the conversation.
“Well we'll find him dear don't worry. He was last long with th police searching for him.” She finally realized that someone else was in the room with them. She glanced over at him and said, “I'm sorry dear. You must be that sweet boy that helped out my daughter. I thank you for that and so does Elizabeth Father. We were so worried about her when she didn't call.” She glanced back over to her daughter. Elizabeth face fell under her mother's gaze. She knew she should of called before she left Cindy's house. The young man nodded to her thanks.
She looked back up at her mom and was greeted with a heart filled smile. “I'm just glad your safe dear.” Her mom said while still smiling at her daughter.
“I think I better get going. My father is probably looking for me.” Said beautiful god while sliding off the stool trying not to ruin the moment between daughter and mother. He gently kissed the top of Elizabeth's head where the wound was. Elizabeth instantly felt the a pricing chill down her spine as he kissed her. He slowly pulled away leaving Elizabeth frozen to the stool. He gracefully bowed to Mrs. Furn and quietly walked out with out making a sound.
As soon as the door closed behind him Elizabeth's mother said, “Wow sweetheart he is very handsome for his age. If you don't take him I will.”
“MOM!” Elizabeth shouted hoping that he wasn't anywhere near the door when she said that. Her mom just laughed and said, “Don't worry honey. You can have him for yourself. I have your very handsome father to be happy with.”
Elizabeth heard a car pull away from the driveway and let out a silent sigh. “You must be tired. Why don't you get some sleep hun and as a special treat for what happened to you last night. I'll let you open a present earlier. What'd ya say?
Elizabeth smiled and answered her mom, “Sounds like a deal.” She stood up and headed toward her room on the opposite side of the little hallway. “Night or should I say morning mom.”
Her mom smiled and said, “Night honey. Get a good sleep alright or I might have to ask the doctor if her could lend me some anesthesia to put you a sleep.” She commanded her daughter playfully.
Elizabeth rolled her eyes and stepped into her bedroom closing the door behind her. Elizabeth walked over to her dresser and pulled out a big tee shirt to sleep in. She got dressed and looked in the mirror, she was disgusted by what she saw. Her brown hair that was pulled back into a bun was now lop sided. Her make up was smudged and almost completely wiped off from her crying so much. She listened for her mom to see what she was doing. She heard the T.V. in the living room and quietly made her way to the bathroom. She made it with out making a sound and closed the door. She turned on the shower and got undressed. She slipped into the warm water as it washed all the dirt and dry blood down the drain. She felt relaxed under the water like nothing could hurt her. Like a water barrier cascading down her back protecting her as she washed.
After ten minutes of being in the shower. She shut off the water and grabbed a fresh clean towel from the towel rack. She wrapped it around her now cold body and dried herself off. She got dressed and went back to her room. She saw her mom on the couch sleeping yet again. She didn't blame her Elizabeth knew what she went through last night.
She made it to her room and quietly closed the door trying not to make a sound to wake her mom. She took a quick look at her self in the mirror and was happier with what she saw. She turned her covers over and shut off the lights.
She got into bed and pulled the covers up over her head so the light didn't bug her. She fell asleep as soon as she hit the pillow. She wasn't a sleep long before she woke up again. She heard a car pull into the driveway and jumped out of bed and ran to her window. It was her dad that pulled in. She flew out of her room like it was Christmas already and opened the door to see her father's face. He saw hers and dropped his hat. A smile spread across his face as he looked into his daughter's eyes.
“Welcome home dad.” Elizabeth said while given her father a bear hug. He excepted her warm hug and kissed her on the head. His kissed felt different then that of the boy who helped her. She really wished she could see him again, but knew nothing of him to find him again. “It's good to see you home alright and not to banged up.” He chuckled. Elizabeth felt the booming vibration from his laugh in his chest.
Her father was a big man as in his was tall, but not skinny either. He was on the chubby side and Elizabeth loved her father the way he was. It was for her to love. He had a buzz cut, brown hair like Elizabeth's and her mother's hair and beautiful emerald green eyes. Elizabeth took after more of her mom then her dad. Just the hair and her eyes came from her dad. The looks and shortness came from her mom.
Mrs. Furn woke up from her nice nap and saw her husband and daughter in a bear hug. She smiled more to herself then for them to see. She turned off the T.V. and said, “I believe I told you that you could open a present early.” She said looking straight at Elizabeth. Elizabeth's father let her go and she walked over to the tree and grabbed a small square one in the back. Her father sat on the couch and her mom joined them both as soon as she got a camera. “Mom is that really necessary.” She asked her mom looking at the camera.
“Of course it is honey. I need to have memories for when I get old I won't for get what you look like.” She smiled happily getting the camera ready for when Elizabeth opened her present.
“What are you talking about dear? How can you forget an angel face like that?” He gestured toward his daughter.
“You do know she got her looks from me don't you?” She teased her husband.
“Yes, but she wouldn't be half as pretty with out those eyes. Which came from me.” He said toying with her to see when she'd just give up. He enforced the “which” a little to much and that made Elizabeth and her mom laugh.
Elizabeth tore off the wrapping paper and a flash of light came from the camera. “Mom.” Elizabeth complained.
“What I told you “memories”.” Quoting herself.
Elizabeth loved what was inside. It was a sketch book for all the drawings she did. She was glad to see her parents noticed that she was drawing a lot more.
“Thank you both.” She got up and hugged both her parents.
“Your welcome dear. I'm glad you like it.” Her mom said while smile.
“Your mom notice you drawing a lot so we thought we'd get you your very own sketch book. So you can doodle on that instead of your homework paper or note book paper.” He chuckled after saying that and Elizabeth just said thanks again.
She put her new sketch book aside and sat next to her mom on the couch. She turned back on the T.V. and they all agreed to watch a football game that was on. The teams that were playing were the New England Patriots and the New York Giants. Elizabeth wasn't really into sports, but she'll watch a few games to keep up with who's wining the most or to see who's going to the Super Bowl. Her dad was a big foot ball fan. He was routing for the Patriots to win, but Elizabeth doubt they'd win this game. They weren't doing to well this season. Her father would just say, “You wait. They'll get their win.” He'd always say every game they played.
Noon rolled around and Elizabeth's mother got up to make lunch. She could only deal with sports for so long. Elizabeth got up as well and stretched her body. She picked up her sketch book and noticed she was still in her PJ shirt. She ran off down the hall toward her bedroom to get dressed. She slid into her room and walked over to her dresser. She put the sketch book on the dresser. She picked out a cute top and a pair of comfortable slacks to put where around the house. She quickly got dressed and took a quick look at herself in the mirror. She pulled her hair into a messing bun and saw a note on dresser. She didn't see it until then. She grabbed it off her dresser and walked back into the living room.
She smelled the food her mom was cooking in the kitchen. It smelled really good. She sat on a stool and placed the note on the counter. She faced the T.V. and asked her dad, “So who's wining?”
He turned around and said in a sulking tone. “The Giants. The Patriots will come around before the season ends I'm sure of it.” He seemed to say that more to ensure himself then to Elizabeth. She giggled at her father for being such a loyal fan. “That's right dad.” She smiled while facing her mom again. “What's for lunch mom?” She asked while breathing in the delicious smell.
“Home made mac 'n cheese. Your favorite right?” She asked Elizabeth like she'd forgotten. Elizabeth nodded her head. Home made mac 'n cheese has been Elizabeth's favorite food ever since she was old enough to eat solid food. “What's that?” Mrs. Furn asked pointing to the note on the counter.
“I don't know. I found it on my dresser.” She took it off the counter and opened it up. She read it to herself.
“Liz, here's my cell # if you ever want or feel like calling me. 555-2896. Geoffrey. P.S I'll call if you don't.”
Elizabeth couldn't believe what she read. This whole morning she wanted to her savors voice or see him again and here it was. His phone number. She could
call him when ever she'd like to. She slipped the note in her pocket for safe keeping. Her mom asked from behind her shoulder, “So what did the note say?”
Elizabeth blushed and said, “It was a note I left myself. It's not important, I just forget I had put it there.” She giggled hoping her mom wouldn't turn around and see her blushing face.
“Oh come on! You call that a throw!” Mr. Furn yelled at the T.V. Mrs. Furn turned around and rolled her eyes at her husband. Elizabeth thought it was funning and laughed.
“Lunch will be ready in twenty minutes dear.” She told Elizabeth knowing she'd have to just scope some out on a plate for Elizabeth's father. Elizabeth decided to kill time and draw in her knew sketch book. She went back to her room and grabbed it off her dresser and came back to sit on the stool. She began to sketch her dad on the couch watching the game. She got far with in twenty minutes. Her mom saw what she drew and was amazed at how good Elizabeth was at drawing.
“Good job honey. It almost looks like an old photograph was taken. Mind if I frame it on the frig when it's done?” She asked giggling while Elizabeth's father got up off the couch to sit at the counter. “What's funny?” He asked.
“Oh Elizabeth drew you sitting on the couch. I said I'd frame it when it's done.” She smiled and turn back around to take the mac 'n cheese out of the oven.. Elizabeth showed him the drawing and he nodded his head. He wasn't into art, but deep inside he really loved her drawing.
“That's really good baby.” He patted her on the head. Mrs. Furn put two plates down and grabbed one for herself. Elizabeth knew she would regret asking, but asked any way, “Is the game over?”
“No it's half time and that means the Pats have a chance to get their butts into gear.” He said a little irritated.
“I'm sorry.” Elizabeth said while patted her dad on the shoulder. They began to eat and by the time Elizabeth's parents were done with their plates Elizabeth had moved onto her seconds. After she had finished her seconds she agreed to do the dishes for her mom and her dad continued to watch the game. Elizabeth finished up the rest of the dished and began to finish her drawing of her dad. She finished and her mom hung it up just like she said. Elizabeth watch the last half hour of the game with her dad and her mom took the time to take a nice refreshing bath.
The game ending in a miserable defeat the Pats lots the game 7 to 20. Mr. Furn said something under his breath. Elizabeth didn't catch it and didn't want to know what he said. She headed to her room grabbing the phone off the charger as she walked by. She slipped into her room with out her father noticing. He was to busy cursing at the T.V. to see what she was doing and her mom was still in the bath. She sat on her bed and placed the phone next to her. She pulled out the little note and read it again. 'He did say to call when ever I wanted to talk.' She picked
up the phone then put it back down. Then picked it up again she looked at the clock on her side table next to her bed. It read two thirty. She picked up the phone again, but this time it rang. She jumped and tossed the phone on her bed. It rang again and she watched it afraid to pick it up let alone answer it. It rang again and Elizabeth's father yelled from the living room, “Are you going to get it or let it sit there?”
She could tell her dad was getting angry. He doesn't like the phone to ring more then twice. She picked up the phone after it rang another time and she slowly pressed the flash button in the middle of the phone. She didn't know why she was afraid of answering the phone. She's talked to him before. What was wrong with her?
“Hello.” She said softly. Unable to hear even herself.
“Hello, is any one there?” Came a voice she didn't recognized. She sighed in relief and said a little louder this time. “Hello.”
“Oh hi. Is that you Elizabeth? You sound much older on the phone deary I didn't even recognize your voice.” It was her aunt.
“Oh hi Aunt Betty. Are you looking for mom?” She asked while getting up off her bed and walking out of her room. She looked around the living room and didn't see her mom. “Aunt Betty?” she asked.
“My mom is in the bath still and she doesn't like to be disturbed while in there. My dad is here if ou want to talk with him?” She told her aunt as politely as she could.
“Oh no thank you dear. Well alright then I'll call back later. Give my regards to your father dear alright.” She thought Elizabeth was getting older.
“Alright I will. Bye.” She hung up the phone before her aunt could say good bye. She didn't want to be mean, but she finally plucked up the courage to call Geoffrey. She dashed to her bedroom again and dialed Geoffrey's cell number into the phone.
It rang and it rang. It felt like forever and Elizabeth was beginning to feel like she dialed the wrong number. Until the ringing stop. “Hello?” She said into the phone. No one said anything on the other line then the voice mail recording came on. She hung up and didn't call again. She told herself that she'll call back later.
She headed back out to the living room and put the phone back in the charger. She sat next to her dad who was still watching T.V. “Any other game on?” She asked out of curiosity. He shook his head and she shrugged and leaned into her dad's chest. “Aunt Betty says hi.” Said Elizabeth to her father. He nodded still sulking over the last game. “She called?” He asked like it was news. “Yeah. She was looking for mom, but I told her she was in the bathtub and she said she'd called back later.” She informed him.
“Oh, alright then.” He said while still watching the screen. He placed his

arm on his daughters shoulder and together they watched C.S.I. Elizabeth's mom finally got out of the tub and asked who called earlier. Elizabeth told her that it was her sister and that she'll call back later. Mrs. Furn shrugged and went into the kitchen to start dinner.
“What do you guys feel like for dinner?” She asked them. They didn't answer her. She rolled her eyes and stood in front of the T.V. and smiled. Elizabeth and her husband had fallen asleep on the couch. She quietly made her way back to the kitchen to make dinner. Elizabeth woke up a couple hours later to smell lasagna cooking. She got up off the couch and walked over to the kitchen. She saw her mom talking out the tray of lasagna and sat down at the table. “Oh your awake? Well that's good. I came out here to see what you guys wanted for dinner and you were asleep on me.” She said while just noticing her sit down. Elizabeth's mom cut out a big slice of lasagna for her husband and cut another two slice that wasn't as big for Elizabeth and herself.
Mrs. Furn put there two plates on the table and Elizabeth's fathers in the oven to keep it warm. Elizabeth didn't wait for her mom to get settled in. She just dug in. Elizabeth ate slowly and her mom noticed and asked, “What's wrong baby girl?” She knew something was troubling her daughter. Elizabeth looked up from her plate to meet her mom's worried eyes. “I'm fine.” She lied looking back at her plate. “Elizabeth. Your lying to me.” Her mother said in a mother's tone of voice. Elizabeth didn't acknowledge her. She finished eating and left the table. Her mom just shaking her head.
Elizabeth decided to get ready for bed; even if it was only six o'clock. She had nothing else to do and she didn't feel like talking to her mom about her problems. She walked quietly to her room and shut the door. Right as she shut the door the phone rang.


User Comments: [5] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Sep 12, 2006 @ 09:54pm
Enjoy. ^^ sorry for any stupid mistakes i made.. mrgreen

commentCommented on: Thu Sep 14, 2006 @ 03:08am
That was great! Is he a vamp? heart

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Sep 14, 2006 @ 11:16pm
You'll have to find out... heart

commentCommented on: Thu Sep 14, 2006 @ 11:22pm
3nodding its really interesting I cant wait till ya post the next chapter 3nodding

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Oct 22, 2006 @ 01:45am

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