So, life's been busy. That's nothing new, and I can't say I don't like being busy. Keeps me from pining over things, I guess.
Well, I'm really beginning to miss my dependant friend, not the dependance part, but just them being there to talk to, and do fun things with. I know it's good to give us space, and I'm still glad I made that decision, however... My other friends aren't as close as this one, and I don't get to talk to them much anymore due to our schedules being busy at different times. At least a good online friend of mine who I've known for... gotta be 3 years now, is getting the internet back at her house, so that'll give me someone else to talk to.
Eh, I dunno. I just miss having my buddy to talk to about random stuff, and everything. Hopefully things will return to normal soon after all of the dependancy s**t's been taken care of. Of course, I'm not gonna rush it and just end up at square one again. I'll just rely on other friends to listen to my ramblings and stuff for now. I'm thankful for having some great, and close friends who are willing to put up with me all the time.
Oh yeah, and this journal too, I guess.
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