█ █ ╫ C O R E ╫
█ *NAME ▬ Vantis Blair
█ *AGE ▬ 31
█ *FACTION ▬ Independent
█ *ROLE ▬ Villian
█ *SEX ▬ Male
█ *SPECIES ▬ Faunus: Poison Dart Frog
█ *PARTNER(S) ▬ None
█ NICKNAME(S) ▬ To those who are aware of the organized crime world he's often referred to as Vantablack.
█ OCCUPATION ▬ Organized Hitman
█ █ ╫ A F F E C T A T I O N ╫
█ HEIGHT ▬ 6'6
█ WEIGHT ▬ 156
█ HAIR ▬ Black
█ CLOTHING ▬ Black Suit & Coat: A typical suit one would find purchasable at any store however often complimenting it are gloves and a roughed up cloak with frills frayed from what seems like flames with cuts and several other forms of rough handling. The most standoffish thing noticable is the vibrant cyan accents that contrasts the black. These vibrancies play a part in his 'aesthetic'. What's most curious is the coat is far too big for him to wear.
█ ACCESSORIES ▬ Earrings: The Left has an engraving. Milliana and the right has a similar engraving that says Bastion. Respectively they seem to be referring to a boy and a girl as beneath the engravings are the symbols for female and male and their colors are different.
█ EYES ▬ Blue
█ BUILD ▬ Lean and Tone
█ TATTOOS ▬ A large zugaikotsu(skull) tattoo takes up a majority of his back it emerges from a chrysanthemum and harbors many colors, although the ink of the zugaikotsu is fresher implying that it was done after the original chrysanthemum.
█ SCARS ▬ Several cover his body many which appear to be from bladed weapons with a few from burns, although very few from puncture or bullet.
█ MARKINGS/FAUNUS FEATURES ▬ His soft tissue and sclera are black as per his lineage. Soft tissue in these cases are areas which are normally pink in humans. I.e the tongue, the insides of ones mouth, and if receiving a cut the muscles tissue is also black.
█ █ ╫ A R C H E T Y P E ╫
█ Primary Talent ▬ Enhanced Reflexes: Due to his 'aesthetic' responding to reactions is key to applying his ability. While easily overwhelmed in strength, force is necessary once a target is rendered immobile.
█ Faunus Trait/Bonus Talent ▬ Vantis produces tetrodotoxin aka paralytic neurotoxin from his soft tissue. It has just as much potency as its real life counterparts he himself of course is immune to his own neurotoxin, suffice to say that doesn't apply to other possible neurotoxins and poisons. Physical application of the toxin is not so simple however, it requires either Takifugu as a medium or something similar. Production comes from the black flesh of deep wounds or in a more simple manner spit. In the seconds case the spit would need to make contact with an open wound or an exposed area i.e eyes or mouth to start taking effect. The temporary paralysis has an onset post of one after the post it was administered, after, the paralysis occurs starting at the closest limb in which it was administered and finally at the third post full body paralysis occurs. Multiple doses skip the buildup periods. I.e getting struck once and then twice would immediately lead to limb paralysis as opposed to waiting for the onset. The temporary paralysis lingers for two posts before it starts working in reverse. I.e third post feeling returns to the limb that was formerly affected first then the whole body.
█ Other Talents ▬ Mad Hops: Is quite good at basketball and can jump higher than the average person. Its uncertain whether this is raw talent or from his faunus heritage.
█ Strongest Skill ▬ Evasiveness: Slippery with a sharp perception and reflexes it's hard to draw a bead on the man or get a hit in unless using something that covers wide areas like shrapnel or flames.
█ Weakest Skill ▬ Underwhelming Strength: When it comes to power struggles he's lacking in physical power. This of course is compensated with his 'aesthetic' suffice to say if he's engaging in a power struggle and not focusing on evasion something is most certainly wrong.
█ Other Skills ▬
•Toxicology: A full understanding of toxins and venoms and what's needed to treat, prevent, and possibly cure them.
•Anatomy and Physiology: A full understanding of the human body, its muscles, and structure. Its weak points, its strong points, and its adaptability.
•Neurology: A full understanding of the chemical processes of the brain and nervous system and what to look for in regards to mental health and physical health although not necessarily capable of treating mental health problems under the psychological department.
█ ▬ Acupuncture: "Spend some time on the table with me, I guarantee you won't feel a thing after. That applies to all my clientele."
█ ▬ Gravure: "There is something to be said for women of such confidence, but to assume I'm a degenerate for liking said women is going too far. After all, if there were none who liked them it would make their entire life and career meaningless. It's also unsightly to make judgements on people you know nothing about...unless it's your job to do so."
█ ▬ Sushi: "It reminds me of a simpler time."
█ ▬ Tabletop Roleplaying Games: "You're never too old to use your imagination. More over some scenarios you may find yourself having to deal with in real life. There is more than one way to gain 'experience'"
█ ▬ Peacocks: "Such majestic looking things, you wouldn't guess they're violent as all hell."
█ ▬ Arrogance: "One should not boast lest they have the evidence to backup their claims."
█ ▬ Red Meat: "I doesn't seem to digest properly, and I am constantly reminded of how many such animals are kept."
█ ▬ Oversized Weaponry: "Carry oversized swords and the like seems to be popular among the youth. To me it's something that simply takes longer to swing. In battle, precious seconds count more than many tend to believe."
█ ▬ Jellyfish: "They contribute nothing to the ocean. ******** Jellyfish."
█ ▬ Slow Painful Death: "Nobody deserves to die in agony. That right must be earned...though I may be past due."
█ Nature ▬ Vantis since becoming a hitman has adopted what he calls his 'aesthetic'. The aesthetic being those that he's been given the call to kill are first paralyzed and made immobile and then killed swiftly for a painless 'merciful' death. His 'aesthetic' revolves around not placing individuals in positions of misery unless truly deserving. He has a sense of justice but that justice has been skewed by loss, in terms of alignment one could consider the man Lawful Evil and Evil brought upon out of necessity as oppose to insanity. Business is Business a contract a contract. His personal feelings will often time play second to completing objectives. He comes off as not unlike a typical Yakuza, stoic, tame, mild mannered until enraged where one gets the eyes of a mad dog.
█ Vernacular ▬ Will typically sound composed with some minor flamboyance, his voice sounds of eastern dissent. He can stray and swear every now and then but this is only when his feelings for a particular subject are strong. Swears to him are meant to be used on serious subject matter not wasted and used repeatedly or they loose meaning.
█ Positive Traits ▬
█ Negative Traits ▬
•Prioritizes occupation over ethics as if flipping a switch
•Takes pride in his 'aesthetic' to a fault. Will opt for retreat if a clean kill without excess bloodshed of the victim isn't guaranteed and will likely not even attempt to do so.
•Questions morality after completion of hits despite being indifferent during said hits.
█ █ ╫ H I S T O R Y ╫
█ BACKGROUND ▬ Born and raised in Kuchinashi he was not part of a wealthy family. In fact his family struggled very much so. All the same despite the hardship he Vantis persevered. Both mother and father would succumb to pneumonia and the then older Vantis took care of them. He slaved in the dust mines until came the day both his parents passed in each others arms solely due to his employer refraining from paying on time as he was expected to. Overcome with grief and bitterness rambunctious and rebellious youth took to the streets. Until came another day that seemed to turn his life around. He joined a gang, not any ordinary street gang, an organized gang of shadowy authorities, those who could be compared to another worlds yakuza. It was here that Vantis would find love, Milliana. Though the two were from seperate worlds, she was but a kind hearted farm hand, him a man sworn to a family of faunus criminals. Yet this gap would not stop love from blossoming like that of a first bloomed chrysanthemum. They would elope and in doing so Vantis would shed his life of crime and raise a newborn child with his love...if only it were so simple. One does not simply 'leave' an organization like his. An example was to be made. Found an beat dragged and made to watch as his wife and child were maimed before him slowly, painfully, mercilessly. The will of a man was broken. "Know you can never escape the path you've chosen." There was no anger, there was no spite, the tears had ceased. All there was left to do was stand...and continue to walk to path he'd chosen...but he would do so on his own terms. Ten men entered his home that day. None but one left. The world is cruel, and those who walk same path as Vantis know the saying well. One family is dead and buried another hunts him down to this day. ~There is no rest for the wicked.
█ █ ╫ I N V E N T O R Y ╫
█ ▬ Takifugu Kiri & Ameerega
█ ▬ Takifugu is a simple tanto knife. It isn't particularly threatening when unsheathed either. However it is for that very reason it is lethal, Takifugu releases a tetrodotoxin via an internal reservoir as is commonly expected of fugu fish and venomous frog species. It is a weapon complementary to Vantis in that regard as he fills said reservoir. Ameerega is a wakizashi that came paired with Takifugu.
█ Melee Form ▬ Takifugu simply has a reservoir where the neurotoxin steeps. Aside from this it is a normal tanto knife but with a paralytic edge. Ameerega is a simple Wakizashi.
█ Ranged Form ▬ The back of the weapon has a simple push trigger mechanism that releases hair like projectiles. Their emission is silent and their thin nature allows for a single cartridge to contain roughly fifty or so. They are equatable to thinner toothpicks. It is incapable of holding dust. In close combat a needle can be injected similar to an epi pen. They are not particularly painful but they are paralytic in nature making them deadly in that regard. Ameerega can combine with Takifugu to create something akin to a Tanegashima rifle however, it only fires the same projectiles Takifugu has and is merely a means to extend the distance of which a projectile may fly for far away targets exceeding a hundred feet.
█ Other Form(s) ▬ None
█ Ammo Type ▬ Hairpin Needles
█ ▬ Can't use dust, can't use alternative ammunition
█ ▬ Garrote Wire: A garrote essentially used for choking out individuals, in more extreme cases with enough pressure the garrote slices into a targets flesh, however Vantis's garrote is designed primarily for reducing individuals unconscious, only if he were obscenely angered would it ever break flesh.
█ ▬ Mercy: A simple short barrel silenced .50mil cal pistol. It's used as the method of killing immobilized targets quickly and painlessly and to a degree quietly.
█ ▬ Smoke Pellets: Tossed to create smoke screens. Small but effective for hiding the length and width of a single body before dispersing.
█ ▬ Black Book: The black book contains a list of hits. The black book is essentially a second scroll with heavy password protected encryption. It is the scoll used when a hit is ordered and made. Even then the messages written in the Black Book are ciphered example. X-234 at Z-196 would be something along the lines of "Kill, Person at Location, Blank" To a normal person this would simply just be another scroll with a bunch of weird numbers and letters as contacts.
█ ▬Epi Pen A: A customized epinephrine pen only containing the antidote to his neurotoxin.
█ ▬Epi Pen B: A customized epinephrine pen only containing his neurotoxin.
█ █ ╫ S E M B L A N C E ╫
█ *NAME ▬ Black Secretion
█ ▬ Vantis can produce a black ichor like substance from his aura, this semblance he states he has a particular dislike for as it makes people assume things about him he finds unsavory. The black ichor is emitted from his extremities or can be spat in combination with the neurotoxin. The secretion doesn't damage living matter. Plants, animals, and people come out uninjured however, it utterly decimates clothing and in extreme cases metals and minerals. It often isn't used unless the need for humiliation is required as Vantis makes apparent his semblance takes not life but 'dignity'. In fields of work where it's necessary to 'rough someone up' as opposed to killing someone this is often the alternative. As many lose their will to fight when exposed to the elements or their 'super weapon' is corroded.
█ *LEVEL 0 ▬ The secretion is emitted viscously its potency is limited to destroying common clothing on contact. The viscous nature allows it be flung, globbed, or lobbed. It cannot be freely manipulated.(0-99 posts)
█ *LEVEL 1▬ The secretion becomes more fluid and water like, it can then be ejected in methods akin to sprays and bursts. It's corrosive nature extends to being strong enough to start corroding metallic armors and damaging weapons and robotics although not necessarily making them defunct. (100-199 posts)
█ *LEVEL 2▬ The secretion can start being emitted gaseously through the pores, in combination with the neurotoxin it can create a paralytic cloud where if inhaled could lead to potential death via paralysis of the lungs and organs if careless. Its corrosive nature decreases back to effecting only clothing in this matter but the effects are slower as oppose to instantaneous due to the weaker concentration when becoming gaseous. (200-299 posts)
█ *LEVEL 3 ▬ The secretions potency increases, structures that are soundly built can be eroded with ease. The ground can be rapidly eroded making sudden pitfalls, advanced robotics and weapons have a dangerously high probability of becoming defunct if not disintegrated entirely with prolonged exposure and finally the ichor can be manipulated freely as desired when emitted. (300-399 posts)
█ *DRAWBACKS ▬ The secretion at its root is produced by his own aura, if anything were to make his aura foreign to him he to would be subject to its effects. Additionally as a manifestation of aura, aura of an equivalent amount and of greater strength can neutralize it appropriately.