Full Name: Yuto Jahkeen
Nickname: Jack the Rabbit
Age: 20
Birthdate: 10/31
Gender: Male
Body Rank: D-Rank
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Gray
Height: 6'6
Weight: 155 lbs
Bloodline: Loyalty: Grants One Keystone, can be used to acquire Two Keystones even if the user has a Keystone granted by a Discipline. A second keystone acquired this way makes it so the user cannot ever use the Genetic Palette PA to acquire an additional implant. This additional keystone cannot be attained by Human Sages in anyway. Additionally, the user acquires +10 Techniques Slots or +1 Style of the user's preference. 50% XP is awarded from every specifically assigned missions completed at or below their body rank that is in service to their place of origin -- be it Hidden Village or Faction.
Non-Combat Outfit:
Combat Outfit:
Creedo: "There are the Hunted. There are the Hunters. They share one commanality. They both contain 'Hunt'. "
Personality: Yuto, is unhinged. Since he was initially born a beast his blood and behaviors are rooted in both instinct and primal nature. His socializations with the average person are broken and often a farce to feed into his addiction. Tactics found from people watching. Manipulation, artificial empathy, falsification of interest. When the facade is over he is clearly a being consumed by his lust for vengeance against mankind. He covets the severed feet of his prey and claims them to be "lucky" as the humans did his kind. Death may not always be the intent but the claim of his trophies. The sadistic satisfaction he gains from engaging in his fits of mutilation are intoxicating. However he has a partial hunters pride, and if he can 'groom' an individual for a more worthwhile hunt and a 'luckier' trophy he'll aim to manipulate them in order to do so.
Village: Tanigakure Wanderer {Villianous}
Title: None
Background:Yuto was a rabbit. A member of the rabbit sagelands to be exact. However this was not always the case. Yuto was a simple rabbit. Only until his family was taken by hunters. In a life sense the hunters were simple youths. Youths playing into the 'lucky rabbit foot superstition'. Eight of them in total slaughtered his family with smiles on their faces. While their deaths were quick being the ninth member of the family his life was not neccesary to feed their vanity and whimsy. They even had the nerve and audacity to 'pet' the creature whoms family they had just slaughtered. While they fawned for him there was only anger in exchange, and anger their foolish human eyes could not understand. They were just beasts to these 'humans' a piece in the cycle of predation. A being believed to be simple minded beast. Incapable of deeper thought aside feed, flee, and ******** they were wrong. For within this rabbit stewed a hate unfathomable. When set free to return to his 'simple life' he ventured to the inner reaches of the sage lands where his vegeant gaze was acknowledged by Mopsy. Challenged as but a simple rabbit while he had failed and had been tossed around like a dew rag, Mopsy found his spirit and conviction intimidating and impressive in of itself. Thus Yuto's evolution into a Shinobi animal became reality.
However, its wasn't long before Gran-Gran noticed the murderous eye of vengeance that filled him. Gran-Gran would scold Yuto while Mopsy tried to level with him. As a result Yuto was prohibited from being attached to the summoning contract for sages to invoke. Simply due to Gran-Grans worries he'd turn on the summoner. Yuto later adopted to appear as what he hated most in order to blend in with the humans ironically. It wasn't long then that Gran-Gran and her fears were realized. When he could not be a part of the universal pact Yuto made a pact with a lone summoner. Naive and foolish his face reminded him of the man who had wrought murder on his family. When summoned Yuto would not only turn on his summoner but as a trophy sever his right foot. From that point on his lust for vengeance steeped in irony became an addiction. Gran-Gran would exile Yuto stripping him of a good majority of his strength in the process. NEITHER MAN NOR RABBIT, Yuto was branded a monster and after his exile had begun a rampant maiming spree that gave him the title Jack the Rabbit.
However, his recent endeavors and escapades has landed him in the village of Tanigakure. Why this is, is mostly due impart to the particular tribe that has taken refuge there. Due to his hunter nature jeopardizing his trophy hunt with blatant acts of violence became counter intuitive with the time passing. Ideally he intends to use Tanigakure for his own benefit in physical self-improvement. However, his escapades often leaves him short changed and a profession he's found himself partaking to is becoming a 'man of the night' which has surprisingly served to his favor when it comes to his trophy collecting. That said he's often confused for one of the rabbit tribes-folk but the contrast in their behaviors is jarring especially with how little he cares about the moon.
First Class: Jack
▱▰▱ Mundane Master: → Sure, you have an elemental affinity like every other ninja, but, for some reason, you've really taken a shine to Maruton techniques. If you take this Discipline, your Maruton techniques gain Overwhelming. You may cast Maruton through one-handed seals.{The Overwhelming Trait does not apply to anything above S} In addition, the user may create a free PA that augments their maruton techniques in some form, adding depth to them without costing additional chakra.
Second Class: Jack
▱▰▱Alternate Discipline > Expert: The user has achieved a sense of mastery and focus unlike others and are known as an Expert, a dedicated focus over a weapon they use to near perfection. The shinobi can pick a single weapon, or two if dual wielding, to apply this focus toward with examples such as Katana, Spear, Bows or even Dual Daggers. They acquire a Keystone technique that is unique to them with an additional 2 Custom Techniques derived of this special ability. Refer to the Keystone Guideline for more information. They gain a [+1] boost to both speed and agility & techniques cost [5] less Chakra and/or Stamina per rank of the technique when wielding attacks with their specialized weapon in attack or defense. With a minimum of 5 chakra or stamina paid.
Specialization: Jack - Jack: Master of none, the jack does, however, have an impressively large inventory of techniques. The jack gains technique slots per body rank equal to the technique slots offered by that rank's jack body rank. In addition, the user gains 50 chakra at D, B , and S ranks while gaining 50 stamina at C, A, and S+ Ranks. User may also select an alternate discipline from other classes besides Jack.
Chakra Pool: x
Stamina Pool: x
Chakra Element: Fuuton, Raiton
Chakra Color: Red
Chakra Materialization: Feast of The Family: Images of Yuto's dead family members flare around him.
Passive Stats Increases:
• Strength ► +6
• Speed ► +6
• Reflex ► +6
• Fortitude ► +6
• Seeing through lies and disillusion
• A Welcoming attitude towards pain
• His Arrogance or what some may call Ignorance
• An Inability to see humanity as nothing more than simple animals, including himself
Personal Attributes:
▱▰▱ Touch Fluffy Tail | Yuta alternatively molds chakra using his moldable often massive tail and may alternatively be used as the base emittance point of a technique.
▱▰▱ Fluff of Fortunes | Yuta's tail functions similarly to a scroll and magic pocket capable of storing objects of the mundane variety, people, and chakra entities maximally equal to his body rank worth of resource. Still requires [Fluff Release] if attempting to contain anything with a chakra interaction involved. These objects are not removed via fuuin but manually removed via hand or alternative method.
▱▰▱ Trophy Hunter | Yuta's trophies for a good hunt is already made apparent. However, perhaps its his steadfast belief in his response to the superstition that killed his family but for each [RPC] or significant enough [NPC] foot he collects he becomes all the more luckier. Each Foot collected reduces the cost of evasion by [10]
▱▰▱ Martial Mutilator | The [Manipulate Advancing Blades] technique extends to [Large Weapons] when doing so the [2] Stat bonus in [Speed] is redistributed to [Strength] alternatively may do the same exchange for [Small] and [Medium] weapons
▱▰▱ Counter Fluff | Yuto's tail is impervious. Any individual whom Yuto has not deemed his ally when reaching into the tail will find the limb incapable of being removed.
Ryo: 両 0000
Xp Total: 4228
Replenishment AC: 1200
Missions Complete:
D Rank :: 0
C Rank :: 0
B Rank :: 0
A Rank :: 8
S Rank :: 2
Crafting Trees
• {First Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
• {Second Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
• {Third Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
• {Fourth Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
Crafting Jobs Complete:
D Rank :: 0
C Rank :: 0
B Rank :: 0
A Rank :: 0
S Rank :: 0
Job Titles
• {Job} || → {Current Title}
• {Job} || → {Current Title}
Job Missions Complete:
D Rank :: 0
C Rank :: 0
B Rank :: 0
A Rank :: 0
S Rank :: 0
Mission, Training, and Job Claims
Missions Claim:
• Shakujo {Back}
• Fan {Side}
• Gunbai {Back}
Weapon Specs
•Scroll Of 100 Weapons:
A Scroll Containing 100 Different Weapons
• Ninjutsu : : 101 / 105
• Maruton : : All Excluding S+/Exclusive / 105
• Katon : : All Excluding S+/Exclusive / 105
• Raiton : : All Excluding S+/Exclusive / 105
• Suiton : : All Excluding S+/Exclusive / 105
• Fuuton : : All Excluding S+/Exclusive / 105
• Doton : : All Excluding S+/Exclusive / 105
• Genjutsu : : All Excluding S+/Exclusive / 125
• Universal Fuuinjutsu :: 54 / Ninjutsu {All Excluding S+ and Specialized}
• Universal Eiseijutsu :: 047 / Ninjutsu {All Excluding S+ and Specialized}
• Universal Sensory :: 00 / Ninjutsu
• Bukijutsu Styles: : 04 / 04
• Taijutsu Styles: : 04 / 04
All Excluding S+/Exclusive
Full Name: Yuto Jahkeen
Nickname: Jack the Rabbit
Age: 20
Birthdate: 10/31
Gender: Male
Body Rank: D-Rank
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Gray
Height: 6'6
Weight: 155 lbs
Bloodline: Loyalty: Grants One Keystone, can be used to acquire Two Keystones even if the user has a Keystone granted by a Discipline. A second keystone acquired this way makes it so the user cannot ever use the Genetic Palette PA to acquire an additional implant. This additional keystone cannot be attained by Human Sages in anyway. Additionally, the user acquires +10 Techniques Slots or +1 Style of the user's preference. 50% XP is awarded from every specifically assigned missions completed at or below their body rank that is in service to their place of origin -- be it Hidden Village or Faction.
Non-Combat Outfit:
Combat Outfit:
Creedo: "There are the Hunted. There are the Hunters. They share one commanality. They both contain 'Hunt'. "
Personality: Yuto, is unhinged. Since he was initially born a beast his blood and behaviors are rooted in both instinct and primal nature. His socializations with the average person are broken and often a farce to feed into his addiction. Tactics found from people watching. Manipulation, artificial empathy, falsification of interest. When the facade is over he is clearly a being consumed by his lust for vengeance against mankind. He covets the severed feet of his prey and claims them to be "lucky" as the humans did his kind. Death may not always be the intent but the claim of his trophies. The sadistic satisfaction he gains from engaging in his fits of mutilation are intoxicating. However he has a partial hunters pride, and if he can 'groom' an individual for a more worthwhile hunt and a 'luckier' trophy he'll aim to manipulate them in order to do so.
Village: Tanigakure Wanderer {Villianous}
Title: None
Background:Yuto was a rabbit. A member of the rabbit sagelands to be exact. However this was not always the case. Yuto was a simple rabbit. Only until his family was taken by hunters. In a life sense the hunters were simple youths. Youths playing into the 'lucky rabbit foot superstition'. Eight of them in total slaughtered his family with smiles on their faces. While their deaths were quick being the ninth member of the family his life was not neccesary to feed their vanity and whimsy. They even had the nerve and audacity to 'pet' the creature whoms family they had just slaughtered. While they fawned for him there was only anger in exchange, and anger their foolish human eyes could not understand. They were just beasts to these 'humans' a piece in the cycle of predation. A being believed to be simple minded beast. Incapable of deeper thought aside feed, flee, and ******** they were wrong. For within this rabbit stewed a hate unfathomable. When set free to return to his 'simple life' he ventured to the inner reaches of the sage lands where his vegeant gaze was acknowledged by Mopsy. Challenged as but a simple rabbit while he had failed and had been tossed around like a dew rag, Mopsy found his spirit and conviction intimidating and impressive in of itself. Thus Yuto's evolution into a Shinobi animal became reality.
However, its wasn't long before Gran-Gran noticed the murderous eye of vengeance that filled him. Gran-Gran would scold Yuto while Mopsy tried to level with him. As a result Yuto was prohibited from being attached to the summoning contract for sages to invoke. Simply due to Gran-Grans worries he'd turn on the summoner. Yuto later adopted to appear as what he hated most in order to blend in with the humans ironically. It wasn't long then that Gran-Gran and her fears were realized. When he could not be a part of the universal pact Yuto made a pact with a lone summoner. Naive and foolish his face reminded him of the man who had wrought murder on his family. When summoned Yuto would not only turn on his summoner but as a trophy sever his right foot. From that point on his lust for vengeance steeped in irony became an addiction. Gran-Gran would exile Yuto stripping him of a good majority of his strength in the process. NEITHER MAN NOR RABBIT, Yuto was branded a monster and after his exile had begun a rampant maiming spree that gave him the title Jack the Rabbit.
However, his recent endeavors and escapades has landed him in the village of Tanigakure. Why this is, is mostly due impart to the particular tribe that has taken refuge there. Due to his hunter nature jeopardizing his trophy hunt with blatant acts of violence became counter intuitive with the time passing. Ideally he intends to use Tanigakure for his own benefit in physical self-improvement. However, his escapades often leaves him short changed and a profession he's found himself partaking to is becoming a 'man of the night' which has surprisingly served to his favor when it comes to his trophy collecting. That said he's often confused for one of the rabbit tribes-folk but the contrast in their behaviors is jarring especially with how little he cares about the moon.
First Class: Jack
▱▰▱ Mundane Master: → Sure, you have an elemental affinity like every other ninja, but, for some reason, you've really taken a shine to Maruton techniques. If you take this Discipline, your Maruton techniques gain Overwhelming. You may cast Maruton through one-handed seals.{The Overwhelming Trait does not apply to anything above S} In addition, the user may create a free PA that augments their maruton techniques in some form, adding depth to them without costing additional chakra.
Second Class: Jack
▱▰▱Alternate Discipline > Expert: The user has achieved a sense of mastery and focus unlike others and are known as an Expert, a dedicated focus over a weapon they use to near perfection. The shinobi can pick a single weapon, or two if dual wielding, to apply this focus toward with examples such as Katana, Spear, Bows or even Dual Daggers. They acquire a Keystone technique that is unique to them with an additional 2 Custom Techniques derived of this special ability. Refer to the Keystone Guideline for more information. They gain a [+1] boost to both speed and agility & techniques cost [5] less Chakra and/or Stamina per rank of the technique when wielding attacks with their specialized weapon in attack or defense. With a minimum of 5 chakra or stamina paid.
Specialization: Jack - Jack: Master of none, the jack does, however, have an impressively large inventory of techniques. The jack gains technique slots per body rank equal to the technique slots offered by that rank's jack body rank. In addition, the user gains 50 chakra at D, B , and S ranks while gaining 50 stamina at C, A, and S+ Ranks. User may also select an alternate discipline from other classes besides Jack.
Chakra Pool: x
Stamina Pool: x
Chakra Element: Fuuton, Raiton
Chakra Color: Red
Chakra Materialization: Feast of The Family: Images of Yuto's dead family members flare around him.
Passive Stats Increases:
• Strength ► +6
• Speed ► +6
• Reflex ► +6
• Fortitude ► +6
• Seeing through lies and disillusion
• A Welcoming attitude towards pain
• His Arrogance or what some may call Ignorance
• An Inability to see humanity as nothing more than simple animals, including himself
Personal Attributes:
▱▰▱ Touch Fluffy Tail | Yuta alternatively molds chakra using his moldable often massive tail and may alternatively be used as the base emittance point of a technique.
▱▰▱ Fluff of Fortunes | Yuta's tail functions similarly to a scroll and magic pocket capable of storing objects of the mundane variety, people, and chakra entities maximally equal to his body rank worth of resource. Still requires [Fluff Release] if attempting to contain anything with a chakra interaction involved. These objects are not removed via fuuin but manually removed via hand or alternative method.
▱▰▱ Trophy Hunter | Yuta's trophies for a good hunt is already made apparent. However, perhaps its his steadfast belief in his response to the superstition that killed his family but for each [RPC] or significant enough [NPC] foot he collects he becomes all the more luckier. Each Foot collected reduces the cost of evasion by [10]
▱▰▱ Martial Mutilator | The [Manipulate Advancing Blades] technique extends to [Large Weapons] when doing so the [2] Stat bonus in [Speed] is redistributed to [Strength] alternatively may do the same exchange for [Small] and [Medium] weapons
▱▰▱ Counter Fluff | Yuto's tail is impervious. Any individual whom Yuto has not deemed his ally when reaching into the tail will find the limb incapable of being removed.
Ryo: 両 0000
Xp Total: 4228
Replenishment AC: 1200
Missions Complete:
D Rank :: 0
C Rank :: 0
B Rank :: 0
A Rank :: 8
S Rank :: 2
Crafting Trees
• {First Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
• {Second Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
• {Third Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
• {Fourth Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
Crafting Jobs Complete:
D Rank :: 0
C Rank :: 0
B Rank :: 0
A Rank :: 0
S Rank :: 0
Job Titles
• {Job} || → {Current Title}
• {Job} || → {Current Title}
Job Missions Complete:
D Rank :: 0
C Rank :: 0
B Rank :: 0
A Rank :: 0
S Rank :: 0
Mission, Training, and Job Claims
Missions Claim:
• Shakujo {Back}
• Fan {Side}
• Gunbai {Back}
Weapon Specs
•Scroll Of 100 Weapons:
A Scroll Containing 100 Different Weapons
• Ninjutsu : : 101 / 105
• Maruton : : All Excluding S+/Exclusive / 105
• Katon : : All Excluding S+/Exclusive / 105
• Raiton : : All Excluding S+/Exclusive / 105
• Suiton : : All Excluding S+/Exclusive / 105
• Fuuton : : All Excluding S+/Exclusive / 105
• Doton : : All Excluding S+/Exclusive / 105
• Genjutsu : : All Excluding S+/Exclusive / 125
• Universal Fuuinjutsu :: 54 / Ninjutsu {All Excluding S+ and Specialized}
• Universal Eiseijutsu :: 047 / Ninjutsu {All Excluding S+ and Specialized}
• Universal Sensory :: 00 / Ninjutsu
• Bukijutsu Styles: : 04 / 04
• Taijutsu Styles: : 04 / 04
All Excluding S+/Exclusive
____• | Rank
All Excluding S+/Exclusive
All Excluding S+/Exclusive
All Excluding S+/Exclusive
All Excluding S+/Exclusive
All Excluding S+/Exclusive
All Excluding S+/Exclusive
All Excluding S+/Exclusive
All Excluding S+/Exclusive
All Excluding S+/Exclusive
• Akira Art 1-6 Mastered
• Doki Yari 1-6 Mastered
• Juurai Torima 1-6 Mastered
• Sumi-Efude Masenko 1-6 Mastered
• Kyotoryuu 1-6 Mastered
• Mirror Image 1-6 Mastered
• Heavenly Momentum 1-6 Mastered
• Channeling Martial Skill 1-6 Mastered
All Excluding S+/Exclusive
• Akira Art 1-6 Mastered
• Doki Yari 1-6 Mastered
• Juurai Torima 1-6 Mastered
• Sumi-Efude Masenko 1-6 Mastered
• Kyotoryuu 1-6 Mastered
• Mirror Image 1-6 Mastered
• Heavenly Momentum 1-6 Mastered
• Channeling Martial Skill 1-6 Mastered