Fujiko M Takamura
Hajime M. Takamura
Ages: 21
Birthdate: (Month/Date only)
Height: English & Metric system
Weight: English & Metric system
Gender/Gender Identity: (female, female to male transgender, male to female transgender, two-spirited/androgynous...)
Race: [human, vampire, demon, ect.]
Clubs, Sports, and Organizations Participated in: (This is past clubs, sports, or organizations which may have been done prior to the current school year.This section is important to keep updated and keep in mind for recruitments for on campus activities. Include held positions or jobs in these organizations; N/A if none)
Clubs, Sports, and Organizations Currently Mentoring: (This is for current clubs, sports, or organizations which may have been done prior to the current school year.This section is important to keep updated and keep in mind for recruitment for on campus activities; N/A if none)
Residence: (Dorm room will be updated by the captain; if the character lives in town with family, put this under residence. *Note: Include a link to her home thread for those who would like to visit)
Resident or Commuter?: (Resident=Lives on campus/Commuter=commutes to campus)
Occupation: (Nurse, Sociology instructor, 9th grade health teacher...ect)
Ethnicity: (Ex: 50% Welsh/50% Vietnamese)
Nationality: [country of citizenship]
Sexuality: [straight, questioning, curious, lesbian, pansexual...]
Country of Origin: [birth country]
Personality: (At least 4 sentences minimum)
Likes: likes
Dislikes: dislikes
Hobbies: (Things your character likes to do)
Talents/Quirks: Metronome: Allan has an immediate sense of rhythm. His steps and vocal pauses are usually rhythmic if not in rhyme. Often time people find this to be a unique quirk of his.
Foresight: This talent is linked to some estranged force resting in a lot of people. Allan's foresight comes from 50% perception and deduction and 50% gut instinct. When his stomach bothers him about something the outcome usually ends up what is anticipated.
Equilibrium: Branching from Allan's exceptional sense of rhythm, timing, and foresight he can mimic any physical prowess thrown at him with matching force and grace. It oddly comes off as super natural to some individuals seeing as an opponent with clearly superior strength and skill will be met with the same force regardless as if combating themselves.
Relationship status: (Current relationship love status-- can be from anything to single/crushing to single/uncommitted to (blank))
Contact Information (In case of emergency, list the people/person who can be called/contacted. This can include close friends, members of your dorm hall you are familiar with, and even work numbers. None of this is limited to phone numbers. Be creative in this section)
Background: Biography
Artist: (The name of the person who drew your picture)
Existing Anime/Video Game Character or Original?: (The name of the character in the image or if the picture is original; if unknown or can't be found put N/A)
Allan(Alyssa) Meridia MontBlanc

Age: 19
Height: 5'9"
Race: Human
"My powers/talents/skills are...": Metronome: Allan has an immediate sense of rhythm. His steps and vocal pauses are usually rhythmic if not in rhyme. Often time people find this to be a unique quirk of his. "Some people just fail to understand, but I'm not about to reprimand. Sometimes I get weird stares. To be honest I don't care."
Foresight: This talent is linked to some estranged force resting in a lot of people. Allan's foresight comes from 50% perception and deduction and 50% gut instinct. When his stomach bothers him about something the outcome usually ends up what is anticipated. "I know when somethings wrong. You see, my stomach plays this song. It starts to bend and twist. That's why I know you're pissed."
Equilibrium: Branching from Allan's exceptional sense of rhythm, timing, and foresight he can mimic any physical prowess thrown at him with matching force and grace. It oddly comes off as super natural to some individuals seeing as an opponent with clearly superior strength and skill will be met with the same force regardless, almost as if combating themselves. "I know what I'm saying might sound crass, compare me to a looking glass. I'm not the one whose getting violent, look at me and see the tyrant."
Current Grade: 10th Grade
Best School Subject(s): "There is power within the written word. Those who hate it are absurd. Running, swimming, and jumping are all too easy. I particularly enjoy track when it's breezy. It goes without further saying that I like P.E."
Worst School Subject(s): "When it comes to math I stink. All the numbers make it hard to think. I'm also not very fond of art. When it comes to drawing I'm not that smart."
Dorm assignments & locations: Rose Hall; West Wing #227
Job?: Works part time at a Manga Cafe
Ethnicity: Asian
Nationality: Japanese
Reference Pics: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Sexuality: "I was a man in a woman's flesh. I've pretty much put sexuality to rest. I suppose, if you look back then, I'd fall under lesbian. I think by definition now I'm straight. Still peoples receptions after finding out have been less than great.
Country of Origin: Queens, New York
Likes: Manga [Both normal and adult], Books, Ramen, Caffeine, Fried Shrimp, Cosplay, Video Games, and Anime
Dislikes: Preppy girls, Weeaboos, Deus Ex Machina endings, Running, Swimming, P.E Class, Cold Food
Hobbies: Writing, Drawing, Reading, Playing Video Games [Mostly MMOs], Watching TV, Sleeping, Collecting anime and Cosplay Paraphernalia
Relationship status: Single
Immediate family:
Noemi Satome; Mother
Eiji Satome; Father
Any family or close relations attending the academy? None