Whewww, sorry for the long delay! School had gotten really busy for me, especially right before Winter Break. But now I am on Break, and it is Christmas Eve! ♥♥
So I got my sponsorship deadline extended, and then got my sponsorship money on the 16th. My sponsor is my favorite coffee shop in town, and it's not a chain business. I finished the descriptions, and they're both 200 words each; the maximum number of words. I also got my photo taken, here it is: link. It might not be the greatest one of myself, but it'll do. The first meeting was also on the 16th, and only three other girls showed up. So we've all made it into Royalty, unless more girls apply before January. I doubt there will be more applicants, but if there are, I hope there will be more than one. It would suck to be the odd girl out. We'll all find out when the first pageant rehearsal happens on January 10. The theme of the parade and pageant is 100 and Super Sweet Sixteen, because this is the 116th year for the annual festival. So we all have to come up with a speech for the pageant talking about how we felt on our 16th birthdays and what being 16 means to us.
And before February, we all have to have bought our dresses and shoes. The dress doesn't have to be floor-length, but that's probably what is most elegant. So sometime in early January, I will purchase a dress and a pair of shoes that goes with it perfectly. The chair persons told us that if we wear open-toe shoes, we have to wear nylons. I think I'll be wearing nylons no matter what, hehe. And for the interview part, we dress as if it's a job interview. I already have a nice dress for that, here. I'll wear this with a pair of black tights, and then either a pair of black ballet flats or black heels. The interview, I think, will be based mainly on our descriptions we typed up, and then maybe questions about the town to see who'd best fit as the Queen ambassador.
There's also a dance routine we have to learn, and that will probably be in the bag for me, considering my past 6 years of dance classes, hehe. I'm pretty excited for the dance routine. We'll be learning that in the pageant rehearsals, as well as a bunch of history about our town. I'm not sure what the other parts are, if there are other parts, but I'll find out soon enough. I don't think there will be a swimsuit portion, haha. I hope there isn't, because I don't have a pageant-worthy swimsuit, and I don't want to try to find one in the middle of Winter. I do have a swimsuit, mind you; it's just too patterned for a pageant, in my opinion.
Now the other girls that are competing: I have a connection to. One is a Senior, and her boyfriend was my dance partner for a friend's quinceñera. The other two are Juniors. One girl I used to be really closed to in middle school, but we've drifted apart from lack of communication since then. We're still friendly though. The other Junior girl is in my AP English Literature and Photography class, and she moved here in Washington from Arizona this year. She's been involved in pageants before, but only as a kid. She's also extremely pretty; the prettiest out of the four of us, I dare say. And she has a warm, friendly personality. To be honest, I think she and I are the closest to reaching the Queen's spot.
At the first meeting, the chair persons had asked us why we wanted to be Royalty, and the Senior girl and the firstly mentioned Junior girl gave generic responses: it seems like fun and they just wanted to give it a try. The other Junior girl said that even though she's only been living here for a few months, she definitely loves it here and would love to represent the town. My response was that I've wanted to be Royalty since I saw my first parade when I was seven, so this is me pursuing a childhood dream, and I also love meeting new people (which is what we get to do as Royalty - go around the region, meeting other town Royalties).
The actual pageant will take place on Saturday, February 26 at my school's auditorium. I'm realllllly excited for this, and I hope I make Queen!