So currently, I am filling out an application form to get into my town's festival pageant for Royalty. I've never been in a pageant before, and the only other participants are my school's Juniors and Seniors. I don't know how competitive the others will be, but hopefully it will be a fun process.
For the application form, they ask us to type up a description of our hobbies, achievements, clubs, school activities, special intersts, and other training. A maximum of 200 words for that, and I have 60 so far. I'm going to include more because a 60 word description of myself is much too flimsy. Then I have to type up another description of my future plans and goals, and why I want to be Royalty. Also a maximum of 200 words. That description will probably be easier for me to type out. Then I have to include a 3"x5" photo of myself for possible use for publicity. If I make it into the Royalty, then photos of myself will definitely be in the town and regional paper. And I will also receive a scholarship for college; $1000 if I'm crowned queen, $750 if I am crowned princess. There's one spot for queen, of course, and three spots for princess. I also have to include a copy of my current transcript showing my GPA, because Royalty have to maintain a GPA of 2.5. Mine is 3.5 or so, so I'm definitely safe there. On Monday, or maybe even today, I will take photos of myself. I don't want to take a typical smiling photo, but I don't want to send in anything too strange for the newspaper. I've been browsing DeviantArt and some online model portfolios for inspiration. I also have to get a $150 sponorship from a local business/ organization. I have two businesses in mind already, and I will go to them on Monday. I hope my first choice will agree, and I have a feeling they would because I'm a regular customer and they know me, but that all depends on whether or not the business is into sponsorships to begin with. I have to get the sponsorship mailed by December 10, which is by this coming Friday. If the two businesses both turn me down, there is a list of sponsors included that have sponsored in the pageant before. A few of them I'm willing to go to if all else fails, hehe.
So hopefully, I will go along with this pageant participation; and hopefully even better, I make Royalty. c:
Wish me luck!