Its all so new. So old. Everythings turning. The rooms spinning. Hush. Don't make a sound. Whats that noise..? The past reaching out too me..?'t look back. Don't fall..Don't give up. You can't. You'll be eaten alive. Screaming. Yelling. Make it stop..make it go away..Is this an angel? Or does the devil hide in the back of their eyes..? You can never tell. Everythings mixed up. Hush..Don't make so much noise. Your crying hurts my ears. It's a song I know too well. I know all the words. I know how to change the bridge, make the laughter fade in quickly. But i've lost my talent..My hands have gotten shakey. My voice quivers. I am no longer the favored conductor. I have grown too old for the new..Hush..This is where it ends..
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