My First Senut:
Nerves racked my body as I set about to perform my first senut. My stomach was doing gymnast twists and my heart was flitting about like a confined sparrow. As I purified in the shower, I tried thinking only of Netjer and how I wish to be purified... easier said than done! I did manage to go into a state of calm though. After dressing in clean clothes, sadly not ritual whites, I went into my shrine. Blundering around with words and the order of things, I purified all of my shrine stuff from my statues, to the candles, to the alter homes. I admittedly said a few things wrong, but They didn't mind. They know that my heart was in it to please Them. As recommended to a first time senut performer, I attempted to focus on Netjer as a whole. The Great Mother Ma'at gained my focus though... So I prayed to Her on Her own dedicated shrine space along with Netjer as a whole. Thinking of speaking the prayers in the Prayer Book for Her, I read Her some of them and because of my nerves I read them wrong! I did feel graced by Her beauty and felt an inner calm start to form. I haven't really had any contact with Her until senut... I actually felt Her! Annnd I heard a giggle and then a female voice say, "Silly girl." I concluded senut by putting out the candles and incense. Feeling very calm and happy, I forgot to do the closing henu! But then I got in my head a jumbled up, "Hey!" *blushes* Oh yeah... Smiling I turned and apologized giving Netjer the closing henu It deserved. *giggles* Silly me, after all. ^_^
Last thoughts: I feel a bit more clear headed and lighter in soul after doing senut for the first time. My energy paths are free flowing through my palms (my healing centers when I use my crystals) and I feel what I can only describe as being sweetly happy. Dua Netjer!
bronze ma'at statue that I use