"Derek! Please, you have to help me get out of here!!" she cried. He gave a confused look and her heart dropped to her stomach. The glass was too thick. He couldn't hear her. Tears of frustration filld her eyes and she beat her fist against the glass. Derek looked around the room he was in and stood up. Hurriedly, he ran towards what looked like a large table and, with a large amount of strength, picked up the large mass. He carried it a few steps towards Kandii then threw it down at the floor. The table broke instantly but there was no impact on the glass. Even as she stood on the table, the water had risen up to her shoulders and was still coming. She wasn't going to make it, no matter how hard they tried. She looked up at Derek and placed her hand on the glass. They had spent their lives together from when they were three-years-old up until today. They knew nearly everything about eachother and they had planned on marrying each other in the near future.
"I love you..." she mouthed. Derek seemed to understand for he placed his hand over hers and his lips mirrored hers. Tears were now in both of their eyes as they both neared the glass and gently placed their lips onto it. The water was up to her chin now and before it went any higher, she mouthed "Goodbye." Derek clenched his fists an punched the glass as hard as he could. Soon, the water was all the way up to the ceiling and was filling Kandii's body rapidly. Life left her in a single breath and her eyes rolld into the back of her head. Slowly, she floated in the room, lifeless and pale.
This was Kandii's last moment of life. Soon after, Derek had died of craziness in the same house. It's been nearly thirty years since and the home has been turned into a hotel. It's been said that the ghosts of Derek and Kandii still live here and are still planning on getting married. Sure, it's only a rumor, but no one knows the real answer.
This is a story I wrote one day because I was bored out of my mind...yeah, I'm bored now so I decided to type it up! Hope you all like it! Comment please!!!!