Nickname: -None-
Bio: Mitsuki always had a close-to-normal life. She lived with her father and two older brothers. Her mother had died right after Mitsuki was born, so she never knew her. Her brother would always tell her stories about her, even though she was only their step mother. But they always failed to tell her one thing, that her mother was a full-blooded neko woman. She figured this out after she gained her ears and tail at the age of ten. As soon as this happened everyone knew, so the news of the new neko girl spread until finally it got to the slave market. Then she was taken away from her family and sold many diffrent times to many diffrent slave owners, which where all crule or just sick minded.
Personality: She used to be a vibrant, carefree girl, but now shes quiet and very distrusting of anyone.

Likes: Her life before she was a slave.
Dislikes: Her current life as a slave.
Role: Slave
Age: 18
Other: She has the voice of an angel when she sings, though she hardly does anymore because everytime she tried she'd be beaten for showing a sign of freedom.