Nickname: Cherry
Bio: Cherry moved from Japan to America a few months ago, but still hasn't made any friends. She hardly ever talks in public places unless nessicary because she afraid her english might not be very good yet. She still speaks fluent Japanese though she has no one to talk to. She lived by herself after two weeks of liveing in America. Her parents had died in a car accident on their way to the store to get some things they needed for the house they moved into.
Personality: Keeps to herself, is very shy, and very quiet.

Likes: Takeing night walks alone, scary movies, pocky, her red teddy bear, and ramen.
Dislikes: Strangers, violence, and large crowds of people.
Role: Human girl
Age: 17
Other: She enjoys playing the paino, her favorite songs to play are Kiss The Rain and Love me.