AnnaBelinda. Tanis . Adelinde
[Danni_s Venemous Kiss RP]
Hey there, I’m AnnaBelinda Adelinde . However most people call me Anna, Ann, Belinda, Bell, Quiet Girl, or Freak . I enjoy music, reading, silence, and warmth . I can’t wait until March 15 , it’s my birthday you know.
What legend? If I was a legend I’d have a dagger that always seems to find its way back to me and I could manipulate electricity, breathe lighting, and eat lighting . Sounds pretty cool doesn’t it. I’d probably call myself Vtitra.
Dragon form:
ƒ ϋ П ƒ д c † s
I love being in the dark.
Lighting scares me.
Being warm makes me happy and calm
I love hot chocolate.
Sarcasm is my main language.
Reading is a passion of mine.
It's not that I don't like you, you probably just don't like me.
I ran away from home recently because my parents “sold” me. I am currently staying with a friend.
I am a pretty quiet person, but I can talk my way out of any and every situation.
I wear whatever I feel like wearing and yes, my hair really is that long and is naturally that color.