 [K]aname's gaze softened as the boy's fingers grazed his long locks. Thoughts spun through his mind concerning the strange dream, and the violet-haired soul eater. As Reo began to stutter,
Seldom Tears ((Just figured a resend couldn't hurt. Sorry I'm such a pest... just that a lot of my rps are on summer hiatus and your all I have :] )) "I am concerned." Reo responded quietly, nuzzling closer. "You are my concern now," The angel continued, voice even softer, "I... I cannot do without you." Pale fingers wound their way into the pureblood's hair. "I..I... Sensei...I..." Reo didn' have the words to express his feelings. Even as he clung to Kaname- and felt the other's firm arms enclose him- Reo still felt as though the other was pushing him away. "I'm yours." He pulled back, sincere eyes poured into the vampires as he repeated the promise before laying his head against the male's chest again. "I... need you to not push me away." Reo pleaded quietly. "I need you to stay... I need you to... I just..." The young angel blushed as he listened to himself trip over his words, "..need you." He concluded weakly, clinging more tightly to the vampire. As Kaname kissed his neck, the angel shivered- not with cold this time, but rather with more intimate emotions. Reo's cheeks burned hotly and their colour only deepened as he felt himself laid back. "Uhh..." He murmured nervously, holding the man closely, letting his fingers play with the other's dark locks, trying to distract himself from his other thoughts and feelings. Which was turning out to be difficult when his frame was laid against that of the man he loved. The pain in Kaname's voice as he spoke Reo's name hurt the angel. He had always loved how his name sounded from the vampire's lips, not it sounded as though it caused Kaname pain. "What is it?" The blonde eventually asked, concern thick in his voice. "Won't you tell me?" The male's embarrassment faded with his more lustful wants as worry quickly took over. "I hate this. You feel so far away." Reo pulled himself even closer to Kaname, holding him tightly. "You feel so far away...like I can't get in." The angel ducked his head into the crook of Kaname's neck, hating himself for expressing these fears and too insecure in Kaname's attachment to him to watch the vampire's reaction. "Why does it feel like you'll slip through my fingers...like you'll disappear if I blink?" Reo sighed gently, "Y-y-you...kiss me....and, um, and you h-hold me...." The angel's cheeks were burning again, "Why? Why that and then push me away too?" Reo turned his head enough to kiss Kaname's neck softly. "I...I'm yours now...and I n-need you. I... K-kaname...I....I hate that your hurting, and that I can't help you. I'm supposed to keep your from hurting...its my job."  [K]aname smiled lightly at the other's concerned expression, all looks of vain dropping in attempt to mask the thoughts drowning his mind. 'I'm sorry...did I wake you?' The vampire shook his head lightly, "No...I was just resting my eyes a bit." His voice lined with that of an uncertain nature, though his expression was completely blank. Even though he felt comfortable around the young male, his voice wouldn't speak complaints or troubling thoughts. It was the long years spent shutting himself from people, most likely. "..I'm relieved..." Warmth jumped forth to his cold lips as Reo pressed into a small kiss, it was a warmth that a vampire should not be able to keep. Even knowing this, Kaname realized there was no turning back now. There was no turning back the fact that he cared for this young angel.
The pureblood seemed to pull away a bit at the question, though forced himself to calm. A steady hand traced the boy's cheek, brushing the blonde locks from his face. "..I'm fine." His nature just would not express his being, Kaname just couldn't force himself to do it. There was no need for the angel to need pointless worrying. At least, that's how the vampire saw it as. His needs and thoughts were far less important than Reo's, for Kaname was quite unsure of his punishment for being aligned with the darkness, then going against them. Every path was like a dark hole, contents unknown to he. Though...that was what he had gone by his whole life, a dark hole, a gap of nothingness. And finally, when he found something he could be sure of, Reo, he still was uncertain of the comings ahead.
A strange act brought the vampire from his own thoughts, blue hues staring at the young boy as he slid upon his own lap. With ease Kaname wrapped his arms around Reo's waist, quite shocked at the action the boy never would have done the first few times he was with him. Long raven locks fell behind his shoulders as he returned the kiss. As the other nuzzled against his chest Kaname allowed his eyes to slide close, an arm draping over Reo's shoulder, hand lightly brushing through the blonde locks. 'Your heart is racing.' Kaname jolted almost, though quickly regained his posture, eyes sliding out from under their lids. "Yes...I'm fine..it's nothing to be concerned with." He gave a sincere smile as fingers lightly ran over Reo's soft lips.
The hug he recieved did calm him to the slightest, for watching the young boy with such harmless actions was truly calming. Kaname almost chuckled softly as the pink tint spread across Reo's face, an innocent look which he was relieved to see. Hm?... A daze of the beauty of the angel crept through Kaname's vision, and for a moment he seemed to be allured by the sight of the boy at his chest. At the instant of the beginning of the other's squirming, Kaname slowly pulled at Reo's slim figure, bringing him into another embrace. The pureblood's chin hooked around the boy's shoulder, lips caressing the angel's neck lightly. "Reo.." His voice seemed pained as he slid forward, resting their bodies upon the floor. Hands gently were placed on either side of Reo, though his forehead remained resting upon the boy's collarbone. Whatever danger was to come...Kaname just wasn't sure if he wished to put Reo into it. Even though it had only been a dream...
{Oh! Thank you for sending it again! I totally forgot. @o@. that's the bad thing about breaks, i lose track of my brain. Sorry!}Seldom Tears ((just incase you missed it the first time... I know the post is crud, but I'm still dying for your reply :] ))  Reo's expression changed to one of true concern as he watched Kaname's eyes. "I'm sorry.. Did I wake you?" He asked softy, blushing deeper while the vampire caressed and kissed his hand. The older looked truly disturbed. Reo let his eyes close as the other's forehead met with his. "I'm okay." He answered the question quietly, letting his fingers slip back into the other's long raven hair. "I'm a bit tired, but I'm with you." Reo smiled and tilted his head to press a soft kiss in Kaname's lips. "Are you okay?" The angel asked, concern showing through his voice, he opened his eyes again letting violet hues search the vampire's blue. Something wasn't right, he wasn't used to seeing Kaname look so worried. Even in dire situations, the pureblood had always seems so strong and calm. Maybe he was only putting on a brave front for Reo's sake? The young angel didn't want that. He wanted Kaname to feel safe with him, to feel as though he could share his concerns. Reo felt completely safe bearing his soul to the man, he only wished the vampire felt the same. Then, Reo did something slightly out of character and climbed up into Kaname's lap. The man had been so affectionate in his few waking moments in the cave that the maneuver didn't feel quite so foreign to the blonde. He wrapped his arms about Kaname's shoulders and kissed the man again before settling himself sideways in the pureblood's lap and nuzzling against his chest. Suddenly, Reo looked up at the other, his eyes widening with sad concern, "Your heart is racing." He accused softly, wrapping his arms around Kaname in a gentle hug, trying to will tha man calm. "You sure you're alright?" The young angel stayed like that for a few blissful moments. Resting his cheek against the other's bare chest, holding him. Slowly, emotions other than his concern for the vampire's well-being crept in. He blushed vibrantly, sure that Kaname would feel the heat of his cheek against his chest now. Reo's body tensed as he sat there, now painfully aware of the closeness of their bodies, of thoughts and feelings he'd never encountered before he met the pureblood. He couldn't take it any more, he was far too embarrassed, and Reo squirmed trying to move himself back off of the man's lap. ((Thanks, I'm rather fond of Kaname's new picture too :]. sorry to reply to your gorgeous post with my short, crappy one! Ugh its awful.. I'll do better next time, promise!)) v-II-Riiko-II-v  [K]aname continued to watch over the boy, watching each small breath he made. It was frightening to think that Reo could at any moment cease to breath, each labored breath of attempting to gain energy. Every once in awhile Kaname even leaned forward just to feel the warmth come from the other's lips to make sure the breath was occuring. The vampire smiled, leaning against the wall once more. He would surely be punished for loving such a light being. ...What have I done to deserve him?.. He glanced at Reo, running a hand through the blonde locks. Someone wished to give him a second chance. A second chance to redeem himself.
Kaname's eyes shot open as Reo abruptly sat up, panic lining his voice. "...I'm here...I'm right here Reo.." Does he believe I would leave him?...It would certainly be better for him...though I do not think I could leave him now... The vampire assisted the boy into returning into his earlier state upon the cool ground. As Reo reached for his hand, Kaname greeted it, entwining their fingers gently. With ease he brought the hand to his lips, brushing the soft skin slowly. He caressed the boy's palm once more before settling their hands upon his knee. ...A second chance...huh.. Eyes slid closed, a peacefulness setting over Kaname.
An old room. One that was recognizable, like an old memory. Yes…an old memory. Kaname stood in the middle of the room, hues slowly sliding from their covered state. ‘Straighten up, hold yourself with pride.’ A women’s voice echoed through the room as the vampire shifted his gaze to the left side of the room. ..A dream?..No…It cannot be, I do not dream… A women stood with a boy, whose black coursing hair fell gracefully to his knees. It…is I… The boy was an appearance he had always wanted to block out, to hide away. “…” It was strange…though it seemed that the more he tried to not remember, the more he did. His attention soon shifted to the women, who resembled the young Kaname greatly. …Mother… The one who was the closest to the vampire in blood relation, one of the last purebloods to reproduce. ‘Come along now..’ The young boy took her hand, wonder compelled in his bland eyes. “..Mother…where are we going?” She seemed as if it was strange for him to say such things. ‘The kingdoms meeting. You are going in place of your father since I am unable to take place for him.’ His father had recently passed away, and the widow naturally did not take over if the father had a rightful son heir. Yes..his father had once upon a time been ruler of a kingdom, though the ‘royal’ title had been ceased long before he begun teaching. Kaname’s memories slowly started to return, mind shooting as the kingdoms meeting was mentioned. …The kingdoms meeting!… The faithful day when his mother was…’poisoned’. …’Poisoned’… That is what they had told him as a young boy. Poisoned. Though he knew this to be incorrect. After the ‘accident’ he had listened in on the medical’s briefing. They had stated nothing was in her bloodstream, nor was there signs of distress or punctured wounds. It was as if she just fell down and died.
‘Now…you go ahead…I will be with you shortly.’ The male was brought back to his dream as the young boy nodded, accompanied by two maids as he made his way down the hallway. The large clock chimed six, and his mother turned abruptly, coursing quickly down the halls. She hissed in a language unknown to Kaname, and one that he was sure was perhaps an old vampire passage. ‘Yukral no seiaji!’ What was even more of a shock..was the voice that answered her back. ‘Kruiac ei a Faline.’ His voice, for it surely was a he, was raspy, and spoke his mother’s name, Faline. Kaname flailed, eyes trying to grasp a glimpse of the man. A figure was no where to be seen. The vampire attempted to sense or pick up a scent, but it seemed his vampire qualities had been erased. All at once his mother vanished, the clock chiming seven and to then seven thirty. Time seemed to pass quickly around him as a warmth leapt to his hand from the real world.
A deathly scream. Mother! He attempted to shout, heart racing as he swiftly sprinted through the halls. Where?! Where?! Kaname once again was rattled by the warmth, though made himself keep the steady flow of dream. Another scream echoed through the vast world, seven forty-five chiming. He flew past an open door, though stopped abruptly as his heart nearly ceased to beat. Kaname back-tracked, eyes filling with the sight that made him sick. A sight that would have best been left unknown. …Mo..ther… The female vampire lay in the position she was found dead, a creature hanging over her body. His hand pulled at a bright light hovering above her lips, silence seemed to cover her body and mind. Kaname was frozen as he watched the creature bring the light to his lips, cupping his hands over them as he began to choke upon it. ..Soul..eater.. He wanted to speak, he wanted to move, but he was frozen. The creature, with dark purple hair and hues, licked its lips as the light ceased, a dark laugh rumbling through his throat. A short breath soon left his own lips, as if he had just remembered to breath. The soul eater’s eyes flashed straight into Kaname’s, as if he could see the vampire as clear as he would anyone, as if he could see into his own very soul. ..Can he see me?!.. The world began to spin once more as the male stood, laughing. ‘Hadjj I yakura KANAME!’
Kaname’s eyes shot open, heart racing. Hues shifted down, body immediately calming a bit as he saw Reo’s innocent face. …It really was…a dream… The vampire could almost still feel the pair of cold eyes staring at him. ’Hi.’ The pureblood gave a light smile, running a finger across the blush that appeared so brightly on Reo’s cheeks. ”..Hello young one…” As the hand gently touched his face, he quickly grasped it, turning his head to kiss into it. He had to forget about it. It was nothing but something his mind had made up. Yes…something made up is all.. He leaned forward, pressing his forehead against the angel’s. ”How are you feeling?..”
{ <3 Aw! I like Reo's new piccy. :3 cute~ }Seldom Tears  Reo clutched at Kaame's shoulder, clinging to consciousness a moment longer to hear the pureblood's response. 'I'll stay.' As soon as the other spoke his comforting words, the young angels' grip softened and he slid into a deep, dreamless sleep. The tiny blonde was wholly unaware of Kaname's journey with him. It was only when his small frame was laid gently on the cool stone of the cave floor that Reo's eyes fluttered open. His eyes were dull and unfocused as he blinked through the dim cave light. "..n..sei.." Reo breathed, barely forming the word as he sought Kaname through the haze of his exhaustion. Then, as if in answer, he felt the jacket fall around his shoulder. It still smelt faintly of the man he loved, and he was soothed back into unconsciousness just as cool gentle fingers skimmed his silvery-blonde hair. Reo's lithe frame shivered gently under the jacket in his sleep. Usually, his angelic nature cause his body temperature to run high, but all of his energies and the usual warmth of his touch had been drained when he'd healed Kaname and he'd yet to recover fully. As the small fire's warmth filled the cave, the angel's tremors eased slightly and he seemed to sleep more comfortably. Hours passed with slow, steady breaths being the only sign of life from Reo. The young boy didn't toss or flinch, he only laid perfectly still while his body and mind recuperated. His body temperature began climb and the shivers finally slowed to a stop completely. Some colour eventually crept back to the boy's complexion while he slept and visibly improved. His breathing was less laboured and he stirred slightly in his sleep. All good signs that he'd make a full recovery from his exhaustion. More time passed and Reo rolled onto his side, nuzzling into the shirt Kaname had placed under his head. Subconsciously, he began to register the faint crackle and pop noises of the fire, proof of the other's presence. As he gears slowly turned and clicked in his tired mind, Reo woke with a start. His eyes flew open and his body lurched to sit up. "Sensei?" He called weakly, the panic clear in his voice. Reo had been truly out of it now for several hours and he began to fear the the vampire would've taken the opportunity to leave him. Reo leaned back against the cave wall- unable to keep himself sitting up- and rubbed his eyes, trying to bring the cave into focus. As his hand's fell weakly away from his face, the dim shadow of Kaname grew clearer. The young angel sighed his relief and let his body slide back down the wall 'til he lay on the cool floor. As the young boy's eyes slipped closed, he slowly reached his arm out from under the warm protection of the jacket and sought Kaname's hand with his own. Wordlessly, Reo clasped his hand in the pureblood's stronger one and faded back to sleep. Now he could be sure that Kaname would not leave without his taking notice. The thought comforted Reo and sleep came easily to him once again. The next time Reo awoke was still hours later. He stirred gently in his sleep for a few moments before his eyes finally opened. The violet hues were finally back to their original bright, focused state. Though the young angel wasn't feeling completely energized yet, he was happy to find some of his strength returned to him. "Mnnh" The small boy murmured and slipped his hand from Kaname's, using it to scootch his body forward instead. Reo moved himself much closer o the older man and rolled to lay on his back, resting his head softly in Kaname's lap. "Hi..." He said softly, blushing at the stupidity of his word choice while he reached a hand weakly up to touch the vampire's face, as though he were making sure it was real. ((yay, that means I get to use a new Reo pic..that old one was fdriving me nuts. :] ))  [K]aname smiled slowly as Reo softly spoke, carefully adjusting the boy so he was closer to his chest. 'Sen..sei?' The vampire peered down, calmed hues staring into the other's. "Yes?" Frankly, he thought male shouldn't try to speak, but he seemed desperate to get out what he needed to. ...I..did this to him. I involved him into everything... Long dark locks fell onto Reo's cheeks as Kaname gently pressed his forehead against the angel's. "Shh...It's alright...calm yourself young one..."
He had to stay with this boy. It was no longer something he had to do for his occupation..but because he cared for the other. The vampire's expression became even softer as large purple hues stared towards him. Kaname carefully held Reo so that his lips lightly ran over the boy's as he spoke. "...I'll stay...you do not need to worry..Reo.." He paused, resting his cheek upon the soft locks. Where could they possibly go? They couldn't go back to the woods...or the school. Even though the headmaster had been fatally injured, the darkness would continue to rise. Even I... His thoughts lingered onto Reo, and how he would take it if he told him he was still linked by blood to the darkness. ...But...I can't leave him. I..cannot hurt him anymore...
The landscape had completely changed before Kaname's eyes, though he payed no attention as he trudged on, day turning to night once more without notice. The area was more of a mountain like terrain, a crisp air lingering....ah... A small cave, too small to be a residence, but large enough to accompany some for a small while lay upon a risen pathway. It wasn't much, but the wind was blocked, and a safty feeling could arise from it.
As Kaname approached the cave, he slowly shifted Reo, arms aching from the weight movement. He carefully slid inside, ducking to the back of the cave. It was dark, but not as dark as one would have expected. The vampire slid the boy onto the cave floor, placing his torn shirt as a headrest for him. His jacket he draped around Reo's body, fingers running through the soft locks before leaving. At least he had gotten them far enough so that the darkness would have to track for some time. ...We still need to find a place to stay...that's safe...at least..i need to find him a place to stay... Kaname could make do without safety, but he wanted Reo to be safe. A chill came through, producing the vampire to turn. ..It's going to get cold fast...
Before long he had drawn a small fire, tending to it carefully while staring at the angel. Kaname chuckled softly, leaning his head against the cave wall. ...My lamb...
{Hurray for picture change~ :3 Kaname ish all fancy~ x3 }Seldom Tears  Reo smiled weakly as Kaname told him he was fine. "g-good..." The young angel managed to sigh out, but in his exhaustion, he couldn't be sure any noise actually came out with the word. As Reo was scooped into the other's arms he slung one of his own around Kaname's neck lazily and held on as tightly as someone as exhausted as he was could. "Sen...sei?" He breathed after a few moments of silence, he's eyes opening just barely. "You....you'll...s...stay with...m..mmm..me?" The young boy strggled for the energy to speak- clutching nervously at the vampire's shoulder. "You'll...P-please? I...." Reo's breath was coming heavier now as he struggled to continue talking even when everything in his body wanted to go to sleep. "You....please....with....mmm...." Reo finally got his eyes to open all the way. Hazy purple hues reflected a deep fear of abandonment as he searched the pureblood's eyes- not letting himself sleep until he got an answer. Which, was a mightly struggle considering his eyes were already slipping closed again.