Simon Kei Ricci I am Seventeen years old. My Fourth year in this hell.I'm about 5'5" in length People call me Simon or Cy{Pronounced sigh} because they want to. My story is simple. Simon was born into a high class British family, with such wealth beyond need. It was quite a simple life, he being an only child for his mother had died in childbirth. Cy grew up secluded from much of the world, due to his overly protective father sheltering him. In fact, the only individuals whom he even came close to were their servants, all females since his father believed males would take advantage of Simon. Yes...his father was truly very protective, though others who knew his late wife could realize why. Cy resembles his mother almost exactly, and thus gives him a feminine appearance, feminine enough to where the female servants didn't think of him as a male.
The other reason his father is quite protective? Even though Simon would not breathe a word of complaint, he's been ill since childhood, causing his body to become so frail. Cy has learned to cope with it, though if he gets too worked up or his body obtains too much pressure the results are normally coughing blood or passing out. Despite his father's objection, Simon enrolled into Ruth Academy in order to stray from his suffocating father, and on the plus that the letter inviting him spoke of the school being an excellent way to challenge yourself before college. Okay, maybe not so simple Others have told me that I'm sorta like this Simon is quiet, yet not shy to place his opinion every now and then. Coming off somewhat as a loner, he would much rather be alone than with anyone else. Considered 'hard to get', Cy has a fashion of ignoring people, which usually leads them into leaving him alone. He furthermore never makes eye contact, sometimes even pretending to do another activity while speaking to someone, if it is absolutely necessary. But can you really trust another's opinion? I have a feeling I have feelings for Girls...I-I'm sure of it..I think.. , but if you tell you die! I happen to like {Likes} I happen to hate {dislikes} I actually belong to v-II-Riiko-II-v and I'm hopelessly devotated.