Throughout the writing in this journal you may encounter other dragons, people, creatures or aliens that wish to speak their own minds. These individuals will all be parts of myself, and will help keep things interesting. For example, instead of debating internally whether or not to buy that expensive video game, each arguing side will have its own personality within this journal. Actually, rather than explain this, it may just be easier to do it and let anyone reading this figure it out on their own...
Anyway, a little about myself! I am currently 24 years old and living in an appartment while I finish college. It is a real pain to take the time to put myself through school, but it will be worth it in the end! Until that time I do homework, play World of Warcraft, and split my time between other hobbies. Currently I am devoting much of my free time to rehearsals for the upcoming Renaissance Festival being held in Franklin Tennessee. If anyone reading this gets the chance to go there, feel free to drop by and say hello! I will be the under-sheriff this year, so any roving highwaymen will have to answer to me... well technically they would have to answer to the sheriff first, but then to me xd
Drop by, say hi and mention that you are a member of gaia. if enough gaians show up, i may even be able to persuade a gaia members event before the festival is over.