Well I'm turning 22 on Dec 12. *feels olds* And well with Christmas right around the corner I decide to combine them together. So here is my list of things I would love to get.
Breedable: Winged Pard (sleeping female) heart = really want Soquili heart = really want Fuzzy Slipper (either fox, bunny, or cat) ((Got Thank you Ursah and Dia)) Daeka ((THank you Sayuri)) Feli (wild) heart heart =really really want Zoombini (custome growing one) heart heart = really really want Secerts of Amazon (three horn) ((Got but don't know from who)) Lucarin A Fourth Wall child ((female Jaguar under the sign of Lodestone))
Gaia items: G-LOL Blue Gown Blurry VOX Jacket Blue Magic Coat ((Thank you Dia)) Laurels ((Thank you Dia)) Snow Yeti Pillow Plush ((Got it TY David)) Nitemare Parasol ((Got it)) Bao Aquamarine UpsideDown Top
Other: My artist wishlist Art of Krista Art of Aylana Art of Tinania Art of Virendra as a teen Art of Drac as a teen Art of Diana Art of Krista and Rinon Art of Tinania and Surion Art of Melantha and Krista
SS Gifts:
Birthday Gift Thank you Sayuri!!! heart
Thank you Chibi Sheepcat!!! heart
((This is for Nani from Surion))
Thank you Jo!!! heart
Thank you Sosiqui!!! heart
Thank you Lucien (Rayne Winner)
Freebie from +Gosamer District+
From Soquili
Thank you Antidia!!!
EEE Birthday Gift!!! Thank you Ursah Bunny!!
Black Duvet There's something on your doorstep......and you nearly trip over it in the morning trying to get the paper. Well, okay. It looks like a present, but the worst kind. Why? It's in a bag. Everyone knows that bags are either excuses for laziness or there just to taunt you until that final day comes and you can rip out all that pretty stuffing. How horrible.
You sit down and stare into it for a while. You can't really see anything in it, what with the paper and all. But...
Do you want to stick your hand in and see what's in there?Thank you so much BD for making me curious now!! XP *hugs* Thanks for the gift girl..
Okay who sent this to me?
EEEE!!! Thank you Sabin!!!
Thank you Drac!!!
EEEEEE Thank you Unseasoned!!! EEE Birthday Gift!!
EEEEE! This is so Cute. Its a birthday gift from Kaioto. Thank you hun I love it.
EEE TY Sahjiri!!
Awww thank you Kamiki!!!
Chibi Sheepcat HAPPY BIRTHDAY! WEWT! heart heart And because I cannot do REAL art, I shall modify some pixel art INSTEAD. "Hey, baby. How YOU doing? Want some jungle luvvin'? ~<3" XDD MUCH LUFF!
OMG OMG OMG EEEEEE!!!!! Thank you Lenore!!! I'm your slave now you know that? Thank you so much I love her to death!!!!
Awww thank you Sera, this is so cute!!!
Okay who got me this? Hehe I wonder *is tempted to stick finger in holes*
OMG Thank you so much Poisey for these awesome pics. And ty Kawaii Pan-chan for drawing them!!!
Thank you Mau
Thank you David!!!!
AWWW Thank you ELF!!!
Okay who ever got me this Thank you!!
Okay who ever got me this Thank you!!
Thank you Chiri!!
Thank you Cerena. Hmm I wonder what it could be....
Hmmm I wonder who this is from...
Awww thank you Ivynian
Thank you Santa!!
hehe wonder what this will be.
Thank you Kamiki!!!
Thank you Anya
Krista DarkAngel Silme · Sat Nov 19, 2005 @ 01:21pm · 0 Comments |