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whatever I feel like saying
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Creepypasta 3
If you have msn messanger, open it up. Delete all of your contacts, and keep it that way for one week (creating a new account won't work; it needs to have been used). At the exact one-week point from when you deleted your last contact, sign on again. Add someone called "end@end.end" and sign out. That same day, log in at exactly 1:55am and wait until 2:00am. "End@end.end" will sign on at 2:00am. It will remain online for 30 minutes.
If you get the courage to talk to it, you will soon discover that it will not respond. It will only respond if you ask it a specific question:

"What is The End?"

Your computer will lock up for about 30 seconds, and then the screen will go black. You will then see a video pop up in the blackness. Do not close your eyes and avert your gaze: you will die immediately if you do. Watch the video. It will show you dying in the most horrible death you can think of, one you always thought would be the worst. In the background, there will be the sound of an infant crying.
When the video is over, click the red heart that is in the center of the screen. Your computer will return to normal. All your contacts will be back, but "end@end.end" will be gone. You will not be able to re-add it.

You will die exactly as shown three days later.


A storm was raging all about, the waves of the ocean were close to being tidal waves. And in the middle of it all sat a rock, with a house upon it. It was odd, really, just sitting there. The lights were on, and, if you could hear through the noise of the storm, laughter.

The house was like any other ordinary house. A one story building, white paint, red roof, you know. There was no obvious way to get to it, except for by boat.

The inside was not much different. A living room, two bathroom, a master bedroom, a kitchen, a dining room, and three bedrooms. But there was another room, that was kept secret. The walls were all white, but the mystery rooms wall wasa dark green.

It was in the living room where the laughter came from. Three girls and two boys were sitting in the middle of the room, playing a board game, called 'Happiness at Last'. It looked like the children were having fun.

One of the girls, who seemed to be eldest, flicked her finger at an arrow, causing it to spin round and round. It finally stopped on a part of the circle that said 'There is a storm raging about you. What do you do?' The girl answered quickly 'Why, i'd be playing a board game, just like this one!" She giggled. "It's your turn Elizabeth."

The second oldest girl, Elizabeth, nodded. "I know!" She flicked the arrow once more and once again the arrow spun round and round. This time is stopped on the part of the circle that said 'There are flashes of Lightning and the sound of thunder. What do you do?' "Well," Elly said, "I would be hiding under the covers of my bed if it weren't for my family here." She smiled. "Alexander, its your turn now."

Alexander, the elder of the boys, didn't respond. He just flicked the arrow, await where it would stop on. But since he wasn't a good flicker, the arrow didn't go far, in fact, it didn't even go around the circle once. It landed on the question 'You are near the ocean, and the waves are almost tidal waves. What do you do?' Alexander thought, and thought, and thought. After a bit, he said "I would go into a house. That's what." He smiled slightly, happy with his answer.

"Is it my turn?" asked the younger of the boys. "Yes Tyler." Came the oldest girls voice. "It is your turn." "All right!" Tyler flicked his finger, sending the arrow spinning again. This time it landed on a part of the circle that said 'If you were living in a house out in the middle of the ocean, how would you feel?' Tyler frowned. "Well, I already do, but, I feel happy! I love the ocean, and I love swimming!" He grinned an ear-to-ear grin. "Its your turn Sally!"

Sally giggled and then did a sweeping motion of her hands to get the arrow started. She had had a hard time flicking her fingers, so she just made a sweeping motion instead. The arrow went around slowly, finally landing on a par tthat said 'You are playing a board game while a storm is raging outside. What is the board game called?' Sally quickly responded. "Happiness at Last!"

Then all the children look at the oldest girl. "Well?" Alexander asked. "Did we get it? Huh? Did we get it?"

The oldest girl looked at a small sheet of paper. Her face twisted into a look of horror. The others did so as well. "No...Please, no!" Sally cried. "Don't let it be true! Don't let it be true!" Elizabeth, who had started to cry, managed to ask a question through her sobs. "Well..? What-What is the ending?"

The oldest girl looked up. "Tonight, it is....

Elizabeth, while hiding under the covers, you twist and squirm so much that the sheets are wrapped around you so tightly that you can't breathe. You try to free yourself, but it just keeps getting tighter. You suffocate."

Right as the sentence was finished, Elizabeth started to turn blue. She tried to thrash, tried to escape from the invisble something that suffocated her so. But in the end, she stopped struggling, her face a dark blue and purple. The others looked at the now dead Elizabeth, tears running down their cheeks. Their was nothing they could have done for her, as the fate was for her, and her alone.

The oldest girl continued, tears also running down her cheecks.

"Alexander, while in the house, the waves soon become full tidal waves, and they pummel the house. Finally, the house gives way, and it crushes you. But this is not what kills you, it is the next wave, and it drowns you."

Just like Elizabeth, something strange started to happen to Alexander. He looked up, and screamed, but the scream was cut off short. He seems to be crushed, and he is breathing heavily. Just as he takes a breath in, his eyes go wide, and he tries to close his mouth, but he was unsucceful. Moments later, Alexander too was dead.

Tyler gulped. What would his fate be? He quickly found out.

"Tyler, while swimming one day, you are carried by a riptide far into the ocean, far away from land, you try to swim back, and you are halfway there, you can even see the house, but you are so exhausted. Your eyelids are drooping, and your trying to keep awake, but your so tired. You close your eyes for a moment, and never open them again."

Just like the others, Tyler was struggling, but this time he seemed to be swimming. He opened his eyes in shock, tried to fight. AT last he stopped, and tried to swim back to the house. Although is may have seems hours to him it was only a few minutes when his eyelids droop. He snaps them open again, only to have them droop once more. This repeats several times before his eyelids finally close, and he falls flat on the floor, dead.

Sally put her face in her hands, crying. The oldest girl smiled, and spoke softly. "Sally, oh, lucky Sally. Promise me you will wait for the rest of us will you?" Sally looked up. "What do you mean?" Although she had already figured it out.

"Sally, you are playing 'Happiness at Last', and you reached 'Home' first."

Sally looked up, half crying, half laughing. "Is it for real?" "Yes, Sally, it is for real." Was the answer. "For real." Sally leapt up, and hugged the eledst girl. "I promise. I'll wait for you day and night, and make a home, far far away from here, and I will furnish it nicely, and I will wait for you. All of you. I promise." The oldest girl smiled, and hugged back. "Hurry, before the game changes it's mind.

Sally ran to the door, but not before looking back. "You will win one day, won't you? You and the others?" The oldest girls smiled. "Yes. All of us." Sally nodded, opened the door, and ran out into the storm. "Goodbye friends! Goodbye Alexander! Goodbye Elizabeth! Goodbye Tyler! Goodbye...Lily of the Lilacs! I'll be waiting for you!" Andith that, a concrete path rose out of the water, and Sally ran upon it, on, to the other side. When she reached the end, the path dissapeared.

Lily of the Lilac sighed. It was her fate now. She read it out loud. "Lily of the Lilac, you get so obsessed with the game, that you never stop playing, and you play for years and years, until finally, you die, of old age." Lily of the Lilac began to spin the arrown many times, just answering. Everytime she seemed to grow wearier and wearier, until at long last, she dropped dead, down to the floor.

The following day was clear and sunny. As the sun was halfway set, you could hear laughter from within a house that sat on a rock in the middle of the ocean. If you were to look in the living room, you would see four children, two girls and two boys. They are playing a board game called 'Happiness at Last'. What appears to be the eldest girl, she spins an arrow. Round and round it went. Finally, it stopped. It said 'It is sunset, near the end of the day. What are you doing?' "Why, i'd be playing a board game, one much like this...'


This was in the guild, very intersting.

Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.

The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters.

Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.

Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.

Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.

Both were shot in the head.

Lincoln's secretary, Kennedy, warned him not to go to the theatre.
Kennedy's secretary, Lincoln, warned him not to go to Dallas.

Both were assassinated by Southerners.

Both were succeeded by Southerners.

Both successors were named Johnson.

Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.

John Wilkes Booth was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald was born in 1939.

Both assassins were known by their three names.

Both names are comprised of fifteen letters

Booth ran from the theater and was caught in a warehouse.
Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theater.

Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.


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