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Creepypasta 2

Open your closet, don't turn on the light. Make sure you have one match with you. Step inside and close the door. If the lights are on outside of the closet this will not work. Nor will it work if it is daylight. The only room you need is enough for slight mobility.

Stand in the darkness for about two minutes, since that's all that's needed. Now, take the match and hold it in front of you and say, "Show me the light or leave me in darkness." If you begin hearing whispers light the match imemdiately. If you don't hear anything, and the match doesn't ignite on it's own then don't turn around. If you light the match too late or not at all after hearing whispers, something will grab you from behind and pull you into what seems like a forever fall into darkness.

If you do manage to light the match in time and nothing happens after, open the door slowly and get out, then close the door but do NOT look inside. From then on, never look inside your closet without the light on at all. Some say if you leave your closet open during the night you can see the demon watching you with two red eyes that glow like matches.


Mrs. Gibbs and her 16-year-old daughter, Rosemary, were taking a vacation in Paris, France during their summer vacation and it was nearing time to go home. However, Mrs. Gibbs is not feeling well, so they decide to check into a hotel for one extra night, and go home in the morning. When they go to the front desk, they pay for a room and the clerk hands them a key to room 515. When they enter the room, they notice that the carpet is white, the walls blue, and the furniture all green. They unpack and Rosemary goes to the hotel doctor to have her mother looked at to make sure they'd be able to travel tomorrow. The doctor says that it's nothing too serious, and that he had some medicine for it at his house. But his phone wasn't working, so she'd have to go and pick it up from his wife. He called her a taxi and gave her a note to give to his wife. Once she was in the taxi, she found herself moving more slowly than she'd ever moved before. They seemed to be going in circles, until they finally arrived at the doctor's home. As she waited for the doctor's wife to deliver the medicine, she was sure that she heard a phone ring somewhere in the house. She recieved the medicine and got into the taxi. Once again, the slowest driving ever. This time, she was certain that they were going in circles, and she jumped out at the next red light and ran back to the hotel. She asked the clerk for the key to her room, and he said that there were no guests in that room. "Are you sure you're at the right hotel?" he asked her. She assured him that this was her hotel and that she was staying in room 515 with her sick mother. She asked to see the doctor, and he didn't seem to recognize her. She held up the bottle of medicine, insisting that he had told her to retrieve it from his wife. "Sit down, have a rest, and maybe you will remember which hotel you're staying in." they told her. Finally, she insisted upon seeing the room, and she was shown it. It was a completely different room. The carpet was black, the walls were red, and the furniture was white. There were no clothes in the closet. "This can't be the right room!" she said. "I was staying in room 515 with my mother. Where is my mother?" Nobody seemed to know who she was or what she was talking about. "You should rest. Then maybe you will remember where your mother is." was all they told her. Rosemary Gibbs never saw her mother again.

Explanation: When the doctor looked at Mrs. Gibbs, he knew at once that she had come down with the black plague, and would not likely make it through the night. If anybody found out that the hotel had accomodated a woman with the plague, it would ruin the hotel forever. So he paid workers to do renovations on the room, and bury the dead woman in a nearby grave, and he and the hotel staff would pretend not to know the girl when she came back from his house after her search for a bottle of useless medicine.


The other Earth
Remember this -

should you ever despair of life so much that you want to die, you have the means at hand and yearn to end your life, you have written a suicide note to those you will leave behind and you are prepared to die....at that moment, stop.

Get a pair of scissors. Cut away at the note until you end up with a piece of paper in the shape of a key. Go to a door, any one will do. Push the paper key forward and turn your hand as if unlocking an imaginary lock.

The lock is real. Open the door. There you will find it. The other earth. The one that awaits to replace this one when it dies. That death is inevitable, but in the meantime the other earth will belong to you.

Be warned: the other earth is very different from this one.


So once there was this boy friend and girl friend, the girls name was abby, the boys Josh. So Abby one day went to a store and saw her boyfriend with another girl, she ignored it. A couple days later, she saw him with another girl. She walked up to him and asked who she was. "My names abby, and whats yours?" The other girl replied. "Mines also Abby, what are you doing with my boyfriend?" The girlfriend asked, by now the other girl was staring at her, "Your boyfriend? What do you mean, hes my boyfriend..." The girl friend stared at her and said, "Touch my shoulder, I'll touch yours." Then they touched each others shoulder. Them both looked the same, but a minute later, the other girl disapeared. "Dear twin... Im sorry, you have come to haunt me. . ." Then the girl friend looked at her boyfriend. "You must NEVER SPEAK of THIS!" The next day, the girlfriend was murdered. She left on a note, "I had a twin, she wanted to be like me. I was popular, she started looking like me and acting me, eventually you couldnt tell the difference. You may never know If Im actually the real one. I could have been the victim, and yet the suspect." She did not say how her twin died. It was reported at her twins house though, the same day, and month, minute and second was when she died, she died in the same clothes, with the same boyfriend. And the same note...


There once was this little girl, and her parents used to fight all the time. She had a special hiding place to go when they fought: the linen closet. It was small and dark and smelled odd, and there was this odd hole in the back that had no purpose at all, but it was also warm and comforting, and her cat, Daisy, could always be found curled up sleeping in the closet with her. Whenever she felt scared, she would go over and pet Daisy, and the cat would meow. Now, the closet was pitch black, save for the little bit of light that seeped through a crack in the bottom of the doorway, but the little girl always knew that it was her cat.
So one day she heard her parents fighting again, not just using words anymore, so she ran to her soft haven and shut the door tight, tears in her little eyes. She cuddled up in a spare blanket and fell asleep. When she woke up, the light from the doorway was out. The girl got scared, so she called for Daisy, as she always did.
"Daisy," she whispered. She didn't hear the meow, but something furry landed underneath her exploring hand. She pet it.
"Daisy," she remarked, "Your fur is awful coarse. I'll brush you after, okay?"
Suddenly she felt a long toungue on her hand. Daisy's toungue was small and felt like sandpaper, but this one was as long as her foot, and slobbery. The little girl turned around, and saw two, large red eyes.

A few hours later, her parents were searching the house for her. They were well aware that their daughter hid when they fought, but she usually came out by now. They searched the entire house, until they came to the linen closet.
Her mother opened the door and screamed. Her daughter's body was ripped to shreads, her limbs everywhere, and her mouth hanging open from her decapitated head. There was only two things missing from her corps, her toungue and her hair.

It turns out, the parents were fighting because one of them had run over Daisy with the car the night before.


A family went and stayed in a hotel not too long ago, the hotel was historical and had been renovated and had rooms taken out, and rooms added. While the kids had their own room the parents had theirs too, the rooms were beside eachother and only seperated by a sliding screen door.

It was night time and everyone had gone to bed.

Thats when the scratching started.

It sounded like nails running up and down on the wall in a digging sort of way.

The next morning both the kids and parents herd it and complained about it because it had startled them through the whole night.

The hotel managar said " We have had that for awhile.. Most people who sleep in that room say they hear it, it must be vermon because the building is so old."

So a exterminator was called in to tear down the wall and get ride of what was doing it..

When he ripped down peices they could see darkness, and felt a slgith breeze for a moment.

When there was enough room for someone to go in. the exterminator walked in the wall and turned on a his flash light.

It was a empty room that was sealed off and on every inch of the wall was writing in red, and there were chuncks of finger nail ripped off on the wall..

All said was

" Help me, help me, help me" over and over.


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