Nerual glanced up at the training dummy that she was trying to pound into the dirt with her powers. Her trainer, Iwa was coming though the door with a string of people. With a shock she recognized the faces of the Neada lert and the fox lert form a little over a year ago...when they had been summoned to Buranku's office or something like that.
This must be the rest of the force that Iwa said she would be training with. So...she'd be part of a group of adolescents that were going to be the key part in getting Milloe back on their side...and she was the youngest and had never met the kid.
She briefly wondered if Buranku had finally lost it. Sending a bunch of kids...actually ten beta's and one delta. Yup...Buranku was crazy, right off his bonkers...but that might be the thing that got them though this alive.
She straightened from her crouch and walked over to her teacher. He looked at her.
“Nerual Sselevol. These are your teammates.” his toneless voice portrayed nothing. And all she got was a bunch of incredulous looks from the gathered beta's. “This, is Nerual Sselevol, cousin of Adnama Sselevol, the rebel forces in Chaos's compound are under Adnama's control.” Iwa blinked what you could see of his expression not changing by a hair. “i will give you half an hour to get acquainted then you shall begin training.” Iwa spread his wings and glided out of the room.
Nerual felt her face heat up under the scrutiny of eight of the ten faces. Myde and Ritsuka however laughed and greeted her warmly.
“Nerual! Been a while hasn't it! Why haven't you called or anything?” Myde slapped his forehead.
“i would assume because Buranku's had you working tour tail off hasn't he?” he smiled and ruffled her hair.
Another Neada, a fire one, stepped out of the ranks. “hey, Fish face told me a bit about you! your cousins the delta that's running things down in what's her face's hell isn't she?” Nerual stared a bit.
“uh, yea...that's Adnama...”The other's in the group frowned.
“wait...your cousins...a delta?” a ruddy hawk lert frowned. Nerual learned soon that his name was Arit.
“...well...yes as a matter of fact... she's the boss of Chaos's underworld...i guess you could say... her brothers help out a lot..one's a Beta...and one's a Alpha...” Nerual smiled. “and the part that is confusing everybody is that she's the one in charge!”
After that the other members of the new team relaxed slightly and the atmosphere relaxed.
Nade siko threw up her arms. “i want a cookie.” she stated. Nerule stared at her. Mabey thew were doomed...
“NO! Hehe. Where am I Matsugoo?” a white rabbit lert piped up. Matsu flushed and turned to her.
“um..were at that place i told you we were going...” he scratched the back of his neack.
“oh...the one place at the thingy?” she asked brightly. Nerule slaped her forehead. Yup. They were deinatly screwed.
CHaos noticed the energy drain within a few days. Controlling the boy as she was doing didn't take much though...but it Did take energy. She was playing with giving him orders. And sitting back to watch. So far it was working.
CHaos smiled thinly. This was just like when she was little before the Paradise incident. Buranku would give her a new toy and she would be thrilled. And she was kept occupied for quite some time
Yes...she had a new toy. Buranku wouldn't be happy with her for aquirring this new toy.
Her new toy could kill with a though, nay half a thought. He was swift and agile. He was ruthless.
And he was hers so completely he didn't have a mind.
She sat down in her chair, the boy settled at her feet like a dog. She smiled again and placed her hand on his pink head. Not even the boys tail defied her. It curled up in the boys lap.
Yes, she had a new toy...one that would bring the world cowering to her feet, begging for mercy. One that would bring Buranku's beaten form to her so she could finally KILL him!
Chaos chuckled, the chuckle became a laugh, the laugh turned crazy.
Milloe stared out of his own eyes, staring at his tail while Chaos laughed. His tail twitched. Ever so slightly, adglowloging his presence. Milloe withdrew into his prison, hedidn't have controll over his own body...but then again he had never controled his tail, his tail was his friend, of sorts. And in this...his ally.
He would get free...he would make Chaos pay for imprisoning him...and then...
Then he would find Myde... Myde would pay for ruining his life.
Myde heaved a sigh of releaf as he gingerly laid down on his assigned bed. His muscles screamed protest as his spine flattened.
The Snake lert snickered at Myde obvious discomfort.
“shut up Derrik.” Myde sighed in annoyance this time. He knew that the snake lert was in just as much pain as himself...if not more.
They had been training for a grand total of three days. Everyone who had come had thought they were in good shape...it turns out that Iwa, the old bat lert was a harder trainer than even Chaos.
Myde couldn't help but think that they would all get top marks on their next school fitness exams.
If they had another one. Myde sobered up at the thought. Milloe would probrally kill them all. Even Azami if the latest reports were to be believed , which they were, Then Milloe wasn't...exactly alive....the 'Milloe' that they knew was long dead and gone.
He was a puppet... he was dead. His body was still alive, but his soul was gone, forced out by the curse.
Yes, the curse...Myde had learned all to much about the curse. That no one who had broke it ever came out sane. That their was only a .9% chance that Milloe even break the curse...and that if he did his mind would be broken. He would be insane.
The thought of his dear friend twisted in such a way made Myde want to break down and scream.
But he couldn't do that...Milloe had a .9% chance of survival.
So that meant Myde just had to eliminate the other 99.1% of failure. Easy right? Just had to do the impossible with a group of half trained children.
No reason to worry right?
That meant Milloe would come out of this alive...and Milloe being Milloe would get over the lack of brain cells...he had to...Milloe was Buranku' s son...and Myde's best friend. He was smarter than Myde...he was the fuzzy, No one could keep the fuzzy down for long. Myde felt a lump in his thought and swallowed it down harshly.
Matsu saw his half hidden expression and started Derrik in a conversation before the snake lert had time to notice it. Myde thanked him with his eyes. Since he was here...in the middle of it all with every strange surrounding was a reminder, his emotions had been...a little on the wild side.
Myde turned to the wall. He could hear the girls chattering on the other side. Matsu's girlfriend, Usaigi was over their...she and Nadesiko had a tenuousness friend ship...Nadesiko just acted a little scatterbrained...Usaigi was stupid. But she could fight...Matsu just had to tell her when how and why.
Myde fled to the familiar sight of the back of his eyelids and sighed. He seemed to be sighing a lot lately...Ritsuka was curiously as to why. He himself didn't know.
He was asleep in short order.
His dreams were anything but restful.
Buranku raised an eyebrow as Iwa glided int his office. The children had been her a month, surely it was too early for them to be ready NOW.
“My lord, they are ready. I have taught them all they need to know for this assignment.” Iwa's colorless voice betrayed nothig as to what he felt on the matter. Buranku shuffled a report.
“are you sure, iwa. I will not send half trained children into battle, no matter how important the mission would be.” ok, mabey not true, but the old bat lert would understand what he meant.
“they are ready.” Iwa bowed and left. Leaving a surprised Buranku. They had excelled so quickly?...even that rabbit one? That would mean that CHaos really had taught them when she was pretending to be a teacher.
How interesting.
Adnama stepped into the training grounds, Chaos was watching today so she had to be extra careful not to betray her actual knowledge on the matter.
She actually found this quite irritating, ti took away from time better spent monitoring her troops movement, but it had to be done.
She only hoped that nothing happened when she was away. Nothing had yet but...
Today was the official testing day to graduate to the third link in CHaos's 'school'. It wqs described as a chain.
She waited in line, perfectly still. This was the test as well. She had to stay perfectly still and silent throughout the test until it was her turn. The line dwindled and it came to be her turn.
She padded to the beginning of the obstical course. It was quite deadly, one misstep and you could die. If fact three of the other students had failed to come out whole just today. She was hoping that the fact that none had died was a good omen.
The teacher nodded at her and she sprinted off, dodging the missiles flung her way. She hated this part of the test, she was a klutz by nature and if she was to trip...
She reached the end f the hall way and leapt over the mound of dirt, landing lightly on the steping stones, too much time spent on one of these and you would sink into the bobbling liquid at the bottom, she assumed it was acid. It looked and smelled like it, she didn't need to feel it.
Adnama leapt onto the next area, it was where you had to display your control of the elements. She sprinted to the center, long ago she had found out that this was the best place to be.
She knew that an experienced element wielder would be attacking her, it was Chaos's choice, she would send the one she wanted down into the ring to fight her. Adnama's heart was racing like she was about to die...and depending on who Chaos chose she might.
If she died then the entire plan would crumble, or at least part of it. Burnaku would step in and hold it together.
A whisper of air above her told he to move fast. She sprung out of the way in time to avoid the vortex that came down out of the cloudless sky.
She looked up to see a small figure spiraling above her on green...
She paled. A small figure? Green wings? Holy s**t. It was the boy! CHaos had sent Milloe frikin Roseada to test her! She was gonna DIE!
She gulped and staggered back a pace. Alright...this was unexpected. She trembled, with the curs eon him, he was being controlled my Chaos...that meant that she was fighting chaos...
Yup, death must be eminent.. Even so she was NOT gonna go down without a fight.
She knew that she needed to stay discreet, not show her real power. Just in case she did survive...
Milloe landed lightly on the ground in front of her, his eye's dead. This was the first time she'd actually seen him up close, she saw the scars marring his chest though his net shirt.
Adnama licked her lips nervously. She wasn't gonna make the next move. The boys tail twitched and the ground split underneath her.
Huh, wait...the boys tail twitched? Why... Hadn't she read somewhere that the boys tail didn't answer his commands...like it was it's own creature?
So...the tail was trying to help her?
Looks like she might make it though this after all!
She made platforms rise up so she could sit on them and sent Fire raining down out of the sky, small fire balls that would cause a lot of pain but not anything permanent. A simple first link trick. The sudden wind that rose up told her that she wasn't tricked. She ducked behind a stone shelter ash the wind blew the fire outwards.
Milloe was suddenly behind her and her legs were traped, not by his infamous plants (thank the Creator) But by tendrils of stone that morphed like it was alive... it was growing around her legs to stop her, she gasped and blasted her way out of that with a simple wind maneuver. Her legs throbbed angrily. She gasped in pain as she landed again.
The tail was bristled, it's fur moving kinda like fire, so she assumed that he was going to attack with fire next.
She brought up a massive wave of water, it surged greedily to her hands, she spun around and sent it thundering down onto the small boy, he took a deep breath and roared at it, fire spewing out of his mouth and dissipated the wave.
Adnama stood frozen in shock as the steam enveloped her. The sheer power behind that blast... Adnama quieted her breathing and forced herself to be calm.
Ok, plan b) survive, it didn't matter if CHaos found out how much power she had. Especially if she wasted THAT on a simple counter move. That was more power than she even dreamed of having...She'd look like a bug!
Adnama frowned and called the mist to her, it shrouded her for a split second before she took off, sprinting around the circle shaped room, creating a out ward facing spiral of mist. She tightened he hands into fists and shoved it toward the figure of the boy who had been watching her.
The mist compressed into iced daggers and flew at the boy, from every direction, No way out. She shuddered at the sudden power loss, she leaped into the air and brought out a pair of small fans, she swung them in the boys direction, he was hissing in pain with several daggers sticking out of him. The invisible gusts of razor sharp air, speed in his direction. He looked up and leaped out of the way, his green wings spread to catch the air, his eyes were still dead.
He dripped red blood as her flew into the air, Adnama found herself trapped, not able to fall fast enough and not able to stay in the air long enough to do anything. The boy lifted his hands and she felt inviable ponds of air squeeze her, her very blood was being controlled by him.
She gasped at the pain, it felt like her blood was boiling and like she was being crushed, she couldn't breath, he didn't allow air into her lungs.
She reached out with her power and slapped him with a gust of air. It felt like a real slap to, one of Adnama's which were pretty powerful. The bonds broke and she hurtled towards the ground. Her vision was fuzzy and ti was hard for her to see. She heard the annoyed growl form above her and knew he was about to do something. She knew the boy had only been toying with her, he was just poking his power at her, not even fighting her really.
She frowned and spun around in mid air, she screamed at him. It was an air enforced scream, akin to a sonic boom. He was flung into the air, his delicate wings torn to shreds. Adnama cushioned her fall with a gust of air, t o slow her down. She still landed with an audible, and painful, thud. She lay their for a while, most of her power spent. Her breath rasped in her thought painfully.
Mean while Milloe cried out in pain of having his wings ripped to pieces, he fell toward the ground. He stopped himself and landed lightly. He fell over, the scream had messed up his balance, he couldn't stand up right now. He couldn't hear.
The bell rang, that signaled a student victory. Milloe shook his head violently. His hearing returned and her stood up. His balance was back and he glared at the wings until they were whole. He flitted up to where Chaos was. And sat down next to her as if nothing had happened.
Rehpotsirhc was sick, his baby sister had gotten beat by that...that MONSTER! He sat by his stister's bed side. Shaking in grieh and rage. He couldn't atack the boy, he'd die. He couldn't ave revenge. Who said the boy was under the curse? He killed anything that cam einto the tring with him! He was dangerouse and should be dead, he was a freak!
He shuddered as he stared at his sisters' pale face, she had an oxygen mask to help her breath. The test was supposed to be a simple third link test, nothing particurlaly hard. She had been forced to reveal how deep her knowlage was.
The point of fact, the scream that sved her life. That was a sith lionk manouver. And she had stil almost died... she had been forced to expose herself. Rehpotsihc bowed his head. Un able to look at her tiny form anylonger. She was tiny, hardly taller than a nine year old human. She didn't take up much room in the bed.
A touch on his head made him look up. Adnama was staring at him above her oxygen mask her briliant blue eyes were dark with pain. She reached up and took the mask off.
“do-” she coughed over her atempted words. That scream had messed up her vocal chords, she looked annoyed and put the mask back on.
Rehpotsirhc handed his sister, no his leader a pad of paper and a piece of paper. “Don't talk Adnama.” he sighed and leant back in his chair. Waiting for her to finnish writing.
“don't blame the boy, i saw for myself that he was controlled. And this is my fault for taking the ofencive with him.” She wrote, Rehpotsirhc blinked in startlement.
She took it back. “his tail is the key. His tail was never fully under his controll, it gave me clues as to what Chaos was going to make him do next...burn these when you leave...the notes i mean.” She shoved it back at him. He regarded it for a minute.
“it's not your fault, the tail was pro-” she snatched the notebook back.
“damn it, i KNOw what i saw, in fact it saved my life. So shut up and believe me...could i get more pain killers and please inform me as to how many broken bones that little scrape earned me.” Rehpotsirhc bit his lip and stood.
“Adnama, you have two broken bones, one leg and one rib, they will be Healed befor ethe week is up. I'll fetch a nurse to give yu more pain killers.” He bowed and sliped the notebook into his bag. He took his leave and fetched a nurse.
Damn her, stupid delta, didn't kow what she was talking about...
He froze, wait...what was he thinking? Adnama was the most informed lert in the rebel force, she did know what she was talking about...
that meant that the tail had a consciousness...or was taking orders from something...or someone!
That meant the boy WAS still alive...he was just trapped! He slipped away after signaling the nurse. He needed to talk to Divad, he knew the boy the best.
Myde stood with the other when Burnaku called for the last inspection. He highly doubted that this was the last one, they coudln't be ready after such a short time training. He would bet that Buranku would do a thoughough inspection, say that they were almost their and send them back for another month of training.
Over the last month his relationship with Ritsuka had deepened. More or less. Iwa was strict about any display of affection...so it was kinda hard to have a girlfriend and follow all of the rules at that same time.
Somehow they managed, Ritsuka weas irritated. Myde understood the meaning behind it, if he were to acdentaly get her pregnant...
logicaly that would be a disaster, their drills relied on all of them being their. Emotionally it would be a disaster, moral would plumet and they would blame him. Relationship wise, well he wasn't sure if he wanted to go their when all of this was going on.
So he made sure it didn't somehow happen. And Ritsuka was a bit put out, but it was all perfectly logical as far as he was conserned.
He snaped out of his thoughts as Burnaku came into the room, he stiffened to attention (another thing they had drilled into them) and stared straight ahead. They were al in uniform. A darker green than the rest of the army with a black band around their left arm. Burnaku glided to a spot directly in front of the group.
“ The inspection begins now.”
this was possibly going to be the longest ten hours of Myde's life.
Just over a week later Myde found himself crouched on top of a low hill, staring at the walls of the fortress.
The army wasmarching towards the walls from farther south. Buranku himself was leading them. From his vantage point Myde could see CHaos standing on the walls, surveying the army that was marching exetorably towards her. Myde couldn't see any signs of Milloe. But he doubted that she would have him out in the open until the acual fighting began.
Myde shivered, it was cold here, and dry. It was very dry. Almost like in a desert at night.
Ritsuka leaned into his shoulder and stared wairly at the soon-to-be battlefeild. “i have a bad feeling about this.” she whispered quietly. He leaned back into her softly
“yea...” he couldn't think of anything to say, his stomach was in knots, and he felt promentaly nauxiouse.
Nadesiko sighed lightly on his left. “it'll be fine...why do you think Iwa spent so much time on us?” Myde gave her a startled glance, she was slmoat never so calm. She flashed hima grin and resumed staring at the tall walls.
“question...how the hell are we going to get over those monsters?” that would be Dorin, the earth weilder. Myde smiled slightly.
“were not.” he got nine startled glances. He rubbed his nose. “Milloe's good and colse up fightling. So he'll have to be neer or in sight of the battle field for this to work.” Nadesiko nodded and the others just looked ruefull.
“yea...so once the fighting startes...” Nerual's shaky voice came from his right.
“yea...we have to find him.” silence met his words. They all turned their gazed to the tence scean before them. Burnaku was demanding that Chaos turn over the boy and that she disband her followers.
She smirked and told him exactly where to stick those ideas. Buranku snarled at her and signaled the charge.
“here we go...” Myde whispered.
Milloe peered though his own eyes to see what was goint on. Buranku was demending on his return. Milloe was shocked my the gods apearence. He looked like and older, orange version of Himself!
He caught Chaos mutter something about his father... wait...Buranku was his father? Milloe lost his tenuouse grasp on his window and floated for a bit. Is Buranku was his father...ten why did he abandon him? And why was he demanding that he be 'returned'?
This was confusing...He opened the window again just in time for his body to catch a wiff of familiar smell. Like flowers...musky... MYDE it was Myde! His body didnt' react because CHaos hadnt' smelled it.
Milloe mentally snarled. That bastared was here! Damn it, if he ever got his hands on that Neada...
he calmed himselfand searched his bodys preferal vision, nothing, they were in the tower set in the wall, to sheild himself from sight. So his veiw of the field wa blocked.
That bastered was with Buranku?...then he couldnt' be al bad... But if Buranku left milloe at birth...then Myde could in all acuallity be a bad person!
Milleo found himself caught in two opinions.
He forced his thoughts away from the blue neada lert and watched the battle against his so called 'father'.
The forces charged and CHaos's eyes twilnkled in antisapation.
Chaos smiled, the boy was waiting her command. And once he was in the field, all hell would break loose. She watche dthe powerful elements battling eachother, almost evrey soldier was a expert elementalist, as well as a adept sowrdsman. The havoc that was being issued was almost breathtaking.
After half an hour Chaos delved into the boys mind and sent him flying off of the tower to kill Buranku and buranku's men.
She withdrew from the boys minda and Flew into the fight herself.
Myde gasped when he saw a black clad figure fly off of the tower. His pink hair was quite vivid against the black sky. He seemed to have wings. Myde froze when he felt the stirings of power. Milloe was clearly the most powerful creature alive in the entire field.
he gulped down bile and turned to his team.
“well, that's him.” pale faces stared p at him in horror. “lets do this.” Myde stood up and lead his team into the chaos.
Buranku hissed when he saw the boy. He moved like a demon incarnate, fast as lightning and twenty times as deadly. He distracted the boy, he couldn't make his troops suffer such treatment. Their would be none left.
He sent a bolt of lightning at the boy. He looked up and leapt ito the air. Looking like he had sented his prey. Buranku felt a chill down his spine. The boys eyes were blank, no emotion. He had sprouted wings made of rose vines out of his back, black thors glittered crulely. They werelonger than his fingers.
The boy flew straight at him and buranku fliped around and lead the boy to an out croping above the field. Stray lightning flashed acrost the sky, the dry air rasped in his lungs.
He touched down and stared at the boy, who landed acrost from hima nd studied him. Their was no emotion, no personality...but a cold logic, one that lived to obey orders reflacted in his dead green eyes.
Lightning stroke again at the round in between them, making both of their eyes Glow with an identical eiry green incandescence. The boys tail flicked and the boy sprang into motion as Buranku was still blinking his eyes clear of the blinding light.
As soon as their attacks met Buranku knew he was in trouble.
The boy was stronger.
Chaos saw a group weaving though the fighting with a practiced ease, they seemed to be children. She looked up at where they were heading and frowned. They were heading to where Buranku and Milloe were fighting. This wouldn't do.
She snarled and aimed at a random member of the group.
She scattered the groiup eaisily. They were un prepared for an attack from her.
She picked up a flayling snake lert, whose channels pulsed with the power of darkness. And smiled at him. She tightened her grip on his neck as he stared in shock.
Adnama was in her office when an aid flung himself in her office and gasped out his message, it had begun.
She paled and scrambled for the bell, it would signal her troops to gather so she could send them. She sprinted for her podeum that had beed set up int the area that they had agreed on for wehen this happened. Buranku would be able to hold his own for a while while she breifed her troops.
Her heart was raceing and she waited for the all clear form her 'oficers'. They nodded at her, signalling that all her troops were here. Divad and Rehpotsirhc stood behind her, and the two agents on her right. She faced her troops and tooka deep breath, creator grant she could do this. She never was one for public speaking.
“ah...Burnaku has arrived with his army, the've talked it over, erm Chaos and Bruanku i mean, and they've decided to fight over whitch one gets the new pink toy.” she rubber her nose. “oh, crap i'm not good at this.” she muttered and she straightened her shoulder and progected her voice properly.
“The time has come to set out and finnishe what we said we'd do. What we have been training and meating for so long. The great creator, Buranku has arrived. He needs our help. We know the ins and outs of the army. We are here to sabotouge and destory CHaos's organization.” She took another breath, she could hear the shoting and screaming all the way in here.
“I know we're not Alpha's. But we are the one's that will win this war. This will not become a seige. If it does then CHaos will loose her men, not to the army that Buranku has brought to our walls, but to US. We know how powerfull Milloe was before he was possessed. And some of us even know how kinds he was. Now we have a chance to bring that shy little boy back, as well as WIN OUR FREADOM!” The large courtyard rang with cheers. And Adnam looked relieved.
“So who is ready to turn the tide?” a resounding chear. “Who is going to be able to go home once this is done and say that you won you family's freedom?” a tunderous roar of aproval. “So let's get out their and DO IT!” she smiled and steped away from the podium, and gave a strained grin to her brothers.
“as long as they don't relise that it'll be their family and friends their fighting against i think we'll be ok.” She got a conforting hug from her brothers and she turned to ger officers.
“Move out!” she ordered.
Nadesiko wove though the battle field, carefull not to kill anyone. Now was not the tiem to lose her lunch. Chaos had divided them. She had lost the others, but pert of the drill was to meat by the boy, She knew that the manouvers could be made without the full group. She glance up at her destination. It wasn't getting much closer, and by the looks of it buranku was loosing. Millo-puu sure could pack a punch, the plateau where they had started fighting was full of boulders, thorns briar patches and raging inferno's, not to mention it wa being struck by lightning evrey few seconds.
She just hoped she could get their fast enough to help.
Myde gasped in pain as a great brute of a hog lert swung his axe at him, it missed btu it forced him to move his broken ribs. He hadn't been all that lucky. In fact ever since he had moved out of his hiding spot thisgs had gone from bad to worse! He knew that three of his command were dead, Myde leapt up and forced the hogs Blood to boil, it was a horrible way to die but Myde didnt' have any water to manipulate.
He glanced up to see Milloe beating Buranku's a**. Not literally, but close enough. The old man wouldn't hold up against much more of this.
Ritsuka sprinted up behind him and he sighed in releaf. “thank god!” he croaked and clutche her to his bloody chest. He released her and tugegd her towaerd Milloe. She nodded and they sprinted off.
Miloe was helpless, his body was destroying Buranku's! He couldn't do anything! He had decided that he didn't want to kill the man, he was almost helpless! But he was also getting visiouse.
Buranku sudenly, spun around and spread his wings, a dark glowing energy shot toward him, befor eh could react.
Milloe noticed that he couldn't detect his arm. His body looked down and Milloe's mind froze, his arm had been blown off!
His body rocked back and hunched over the limb. Milloe was assulted with the pain in his arm, even if he couldnt' control it, he could still feel it. And odd sensation made his body open his eyes. Their was a green sprout growing out of the limb, it grew and spread and Milloe loooked down at a green limb that was fading into flesh tones.
A new limb. He thought in amazement. He had just grown a new limb! Buranku was staring at him. His body flexed his hand, it looked up at Buranku, who was kneeling on the grownd panting.
And lept.
Milloe heard a scream come from the battel field., his body looked toward it for some reson.
Milloe's thoughts went blank. CHaos was holding Azami tot he wall of a pillar by her neck. Azami was struggling and clawing, wind was whiping in efectually at them.
Milloe felt time stop. HIS azami was...going to die unless he did sometjhing! He had to do something!
Milloe felt a surge of power from deep withen him.
And he broke the bonds that held him captive withen his own body, with a scream of pure rage he flung his tiny body at CHaos. That b***h was going to die! He spread his wings and Choas jerked and droped the girl. She trned and stared in horror as he reached out and lifted her up with pure power. He screamed at her.
“DON'T YOU DARE LAY A HAND ON HER!” he yelled at her before his plants shot out of his hands and wraped her ina poisunus embrace. He twisted her blood until she was bleding out of her eyes before her face was covered.the bundle was dripping blood as he opened a hole in the ground and burried her alive.
Milloe droped to the ground exausted. His mind was fuzzy. He trembled. He had been so stupid! He should have seen that it was a lie, that it was all fake...and now Azami..wait AZAMi was she ok?! He stagered to his feet to try and find her, he found her crumpled at the base of the pillar, staring at him with wide eyes.
He stook a step towards her. “aza-” Milloe paused, and excrusiating pain was radiating out of his shoulder. He placed a hand oh the sorce of the pain and shuddered. It didnt' stop instead it spread, almost like a acid wasrunning though his blood. He gasped and fell to his knees. The pain just got worse!
He threw his head back and screamed in agony. Before he blacked out.
Azami gasped as she hit the ground, Milloe...had saved her? She heard him screaming at CHaos, something abouther? She held her neck, it burned! She glance up at the sudden quite adna dripping sound. She turned green. Milloe was...tourturing her! He burried her while she was stil alive and dropped to the ground. He was shudderign and trembling from exaustion. He gasped and jerked himself into a standing position and looked around franticly, he seemed...alive. But she still felt herself pale.
“Aza-” he chocked then got a very perplexed look on his face, grabed his shoulder and started trembling again, his hace twisted in a look of pure agony and his body started glowing faintly. Azami gasped when she reconized it as the glow of one when their body went though one hell of a groth spurt. He was to all intents on purpose, turning into a Beta!
He howled in more agony then she had heard in her life and colapsed. The gow got too bright to look like and she covered her eyes.
Once the glow faded she gasped. Where a little delta boy had been was now a young man, seemingly only slightlt older then herself. His hair a dark pink, almost red with white tips. His tail had undergone the same color change and he now had thorn like thing sticking out of his forarm. He also had A dark Pink mini wings stocking uot of his back, looking soft as anything she had ever touched in her life. She blinked a few times and pulled Milloe intot he shelter of the pillar. She had to keep him safe until the battel was over.
She saw eyes on her and looke up into Buranku's green eys, he was weak and shaky but he nodded to her and surveyed the field. She pulled Milloe closer and his tail wrapped around her. She jumped and smiled in rememberance.
She looked into his face with a small smile, evreything was gong to be ok now. She sighed in amusement as she noticed how almost regal looking his face had become.
Hopefully evreyone found them in time. She hoped no one was hurt.
Myde streaked to the plateau to where uranku was collapsed. He was breathing heavily but seemed to be ok. He opened his green eyed and pointed down into the field, myde followed his finger carefully and saw, Azami was cradling something.
“the boy is now a beta, and free of the curse.” Myde jumped at the weak voive in his head, he frowned and nodded.
“should i go to them or stay with you master?” He asked. The god gave him a withering glance.
“go, you silyl boy they are both exausted, The boy killed Chaos after doing this to me, and then changed. Azami was almost killed by Chaos before the boy intervened. I will be fine.” myde nodded at his masters words and signalled Ritsuka that they should go. She nodded and they wove and doged though the crush of bodies to the pillar.
Azami's head jerked up and she stared at them for a minute befor eshe reconized them.
“oh, thank god, Milloe...he's ok! How is Buranku?” her voice was little more than croak. Myde was still gasping for breath, his broken ribs made that nigh impossible, Ritsuka ordered him to lie down and explained.
“he's ok, he almost wasn't, but luckly you distracted him and he came after Chaos instead.” Myde nodded and gingerly set himself down on the ground.
Sudden sounds of 'retreat' and 'back to the walls' sounded from out sid etheir ring of protective bolders and the pillar. The rest of the group was heard calling them. Ritsuka stood up and called them over.
“hey Idiots! Over here! We got him!” exausted cheeres sounded. As Ritsuka studied the group.
“Myde...I don't think evreybody...” tears welled up. She couldn't see Yerin! She had grown close the the fire cat lert. Now she couldn't see her!
“i'm sorry, 'suka” his exausted and grief laden voice came from back by Milloe. She turned to lookin the other direction and gasped.
“hey someone's coming! It's whoe group!” sh shouted and the other sbroke into a runt o reach them.
So it was a tight ring of seven exausted beta's and one delta lert that faced the oncoming group.
“hey are those midjets?” Ritsuka spoke up surprised. Myd elevered himself off of the ground and forced himslef over to her.
“no...i...i think that might be the reble force!” he exclaimed in suprise, thie was so many delta's! Nerual tooka few steps foreward and spotted a blond woolf lert running at the front of the grroup.
“ADNAMA!” she yelled and ran forward to meet her cousin. The rest of Bruanku's army was coming from behinmnd them. They had trapt the forces into their own coplex.
They had won.
Milloe woke to a strange an insistent beepign sound. He groaned an tried to sit up.
“Hey!, Milloe dont' Move!” His eyes flew open, that was Azami's voice! He looked at her in confusion what was she doing ...
she pressed him back down. She seemed a lot smaller than he remembered...
he lifted his hand and flexed his hand, marvling at being able to control it again when soemthing on his forarm caught his eye.
It was a giant thord sticking out of his arm.it was bout half the length of his forearm and and a green color.he wondered where it had come from.
His back kinda felt funny, like he foregot about the wings, except they were soft, he looked over his shoulder.
It looked like he ws laying on a dark pink feather boa.
Azami giggled.
“uh...” his toes seemed awsfullt far away. “Azami?” She grined at him
“yea, milloe it's me...and yes you ARE in your own body.” Milloe raised an eyebrow.
“um...” looked around, was he in ahospital? The beeping mashen looked like one of the heart moniters. “where the hell am I? Why are you here, why am i here, and why are my toes way down their?” that seemed to summ it up.
Azami relaxed.
“as long as your not saying 'who the hell am I' then i think i can answer you. Your in the hospital in you- uh Buranku's coplex...I'm watching over you so i can tell the others when you wake up...and” she broke uff and blushed lightly. “your a beta now milloe.” her blush spead.
Milloe's mouth fell open. He had caught the 'your father' slipage, but...he was a...? he flung back the sheets to reveal his new body. Yea, those toed were atached to his legs. He pondered this new relevation for a moment.
“...um, Azami-chan?” he swallowed hard. “would you be kind enough to fill me in? I think i lost...quite a bit of time.” His ears were laid back and his tail wriggled out of under the blankets. It had changed color and the poof seemed slightly different. The color was a dark pink, the same as that feather boa...wait, that wasn't a boa...it was a pair of wings. He flapped the new apendages with an odd look on his face.
Azami took his hand and smiled sadly at him. “yea, about two weeks...” he blinked at her in suprise. “well, you killed CHaos, transformed intoa Beta, then We brought you and Buranku back to here and we've been waiting for you to wake up.” she shruged fluidly and Milloe remembered the drems he had had about her and flushed the color of his hair, which matched his tail.
“oh, i'm sorry to be such a nusance...” he stared at his wolf feet, they at least were still white. She growled.
“your not a nusance, it'sd been a pleasue simply having you back!” he glanced up at her in startlement.
“trust me Milloe! I've missed you! Myde's missed you, so has evry- hey whats wrong?” as soon as she had mentioned Myde's name his face had gone blank as the usual rage filled him.
“nothing.” his statement was cold.
“Milloe? None of this was myde's fault! He ...uh, he was just caught in CHaos's web, same as you.” she stood up and forced him to lay back down.
“no butts, Milloe! He's so torn up about scaring you off he's almost susicided about it. Expecially after he figured you who you 'aunt' was.” Her tone brokked no argument anad milloe frowned in thought. He didn't want to distrust Azami, but he couldn't bring himself to trust in 'Myde'.
“...” he ran a hand though is hair. “i'll think about it.” his voice was quiet and she bit her lip.
“hm?” he looked at her.
“do you mind if...if i give you a hug?” she shuffeled her feet akwerdly. Milloe blinked in suprise. HE sat up and pulled her into his lap so he could hug her properly.
“sure” he stated. He sighed and huged her tightly. Gratefull to have her hug him back.
Myde sat with his head in his hands in the waiting room, the docter said Milloe should wake up today, Azami was sitting with him now...
“Hey, Myde!” azami stuck her head around the door and grinned at him, she took a few steps out of the door and stood in front of him. “i've managed to convince him not to killyou on sight.” he joking grin fell. “Chaos messed him up pretty bad. I dont' know if he'll trust anyone her stoped trusting when he was with her.”
Myde looked up at the odd phrasing. “ he doesn't trust me anymore?” she shook her head sadly.
“our Fuzzy's long gone, i can still see him but he's burried deep.” she sat down next to him. “ why dont' you come and say hello, i know you want to.” She tugged his elbow.
“are you sure?” his voice was pained as he followed her reluctently into milloe's room.
Milloe was laying with his back facing the door, his tail curled up on the foor of the bed and his wings streched out behind him. He visibly stiffened when Myde stpeed into the room.
Myde stood their for almost a minute before myde Cleared his thought akwerdly. “i'm sorry Milloe...I never ment...” he bit his lip and sat down hevily in the chair, knowing full well that Milloe could kill him if he chose.
“You know? At first I thought you were workign for the government.” his cold, beautiful voice made Myde look up at his back. “that you had betrayed me and were just pretending to be my friend.” Milloe'd tail twitched slightly.
“No...” Myde said, he didn't work for the government.
“then I thought you were just a b*****d...” Milloe's voice tremored slightly.
“no...” Myde shook his head, that wasn't it.
“and...now i think you were just curiouse...wern't you?” milloe rolled over to look at Myde.
“yes. I was worried about you. You hadn't aged in two years, i knew you were getting beat by your mother before, and i didnt' trust Chaos.” Myde licked his lip and stared at the wall.
Myde looked back at Milloe, they stared at eachother for a fewminutes and Myde smiled softly at him.
“i missed you Fuzzy...only your not so fuzzy anymore...are you?”
milloe gave him a startled glance. “i'd forgotten you called me that...and..i guess i'm not so fuzzy anymore...” he stared at the streamelined thorn sticking out of his arm.
“nah...your more sleekish now.” myde said thoughtfully. That earned him a bemused glance.
“Sleek? I have useless wings on my back and i have sharp pointy things sticking out of my arms ready to stab anything with a wrong move...and my tail has finger bones.” he fingered the tails now boned tail fluff.
Myde laughed. “Ok, but you atitude makes you streemlined, you have self confedence now. Your surre in the way you talk and move. It's like CHaos took you and smoothed out your rought spots, she went a bit deep, but your smooth now.” Myde frowned. “But she kept spilling ink over you and you just gott figure out how to wash it off...am i making any sence?” Milloe gave him another bemused glance.
“in theroy yes, your making sence... the practicality of the metaphore...not so much.” Milloe leaned back into the pellows on his bed. “you've gotten into the habit of making speaches Myde.” Milloe smiled faintly. “before you didn't say more than five words together.” he raised an eyebrown . “poor, Ritsuka you'll talk her ear off!” Myd echuckled.
“eh, and you'll p***k Azami with those arms of yours!” myde's eyes sparkled with mishchief. Milloe mock growled at him
“touche! But let your hair grow out much more nad you'll blind her with that red hair of yours!” Milloe retorted. Myd eraised a startled hand to his head, the hat cam come off during training and was now inhis room. But he hadn't dies his hair since he had left for Buranku's trainign complex, so their was a goodly inch of flaming red hair crowning his head.
milloe chuckled at his expression. It was a mix between laughter and embarassment. The chuckle turned into a laught and soon they were both roaring with laughter.
Azami poked her head in with suprise. Ritsuka pushed past her and stared at the boys in confusion.
“What the heck is so funny you two?! Your in a hospital!” Milloe stiffel his laughter. Myde choked his down.
“Why Ritsuka! Didn't you know we were talking about you my darling?? Milloe drawled out. Azami's eyes widened in shock. Ritsuka froze.
“why? What did you say?” she whirled to glare at Myde. He blinked and grined at Milloe.
“why just about how you snore!” he said jovially. She gasped.
“MYDE!!! your DEAD! She leapt foreward to pound him with ther fists he yelped and flew backward in his chair. “I'll get you for thi- MHPFT” Milloe was confused at the suded lack of sound other ed than Muffeled shouts. HE leaned ofer to see Myde kissing her. He blushed and leaned back, his ears burning.
“ah...” he avoided looking at Azami. “m-myde?” no answer. “Myde!” he snapped, his face feeling very hot. Myde laughed and let go of Ritsuka nd fliped his chair back into place.
Myde took one look at Milloe's face and started cracking up. Ritsuka lept up and wacked him on the head.
“you IDIOT!” she was bluching two, Azami was pink also. “you...” she seemed tothink oif something. “IF YOU DON'T STOP IM GONNA CUT YOUR STUPID TOUNG OUT!” she snarled at him He grinned at her.
“you'de have to touch it!” she froze. Milloe was compleetly lost.
“wait...what?” milloe's quiet voice interupted them, Ritsuka blinked and looked at Milloe in startlement. She ended up blushing.
Myde smiled. “'suka doesn't like my toung.” he chuckled. Milloe looke dat him in bafflement.
“but ecreybody's got a toung.”
Myde blinked. “uh...” he poke his toung out at Milloe. It came out about a foot and he blew a rasberry. Milloe's mouth formend a perfect 'o'.
“uh...” Milloe looked slightly disturbed and stared at his toung before myde pulled it back into his mouth. He peered at Myde's face for a bit. “How...how does it...fit?” his eyes were wide. Myde Laughed.
“'Suka asked the same question!” he chuckled. “i dont' know really.” myde stood up. “in any case it's getting late...their gonna kick me out soon. Ritsuka growld and stalked out. Myde blinked.
“what's with her?” he was perplexed. He didn't think he'd ever be able to understand her.
Milloe shruged. “i dunno.”
Milloe was recovering faster than any one had expected. The dranage shock really on anyone normal would have lasted for a month or so. Milloe had a full recovery withen a week of when he woke up. So that meant he was ushered to Buranku's complex to acually meet his father for the first time as soon as the perplexed imfermary released him.
Milloe had his hands stuck deep into the pockets of Myde's jeans. None of his cloths fit, they litterally had to cut his old ones off of him, so he was stuck wearing Myde's cloths. They were a bit big, if short in the legs.
He was being led to His fathers house. Needless to say he was nervouse. The last time he had seen his father he had been trying to kill him. He shoved the fact that he almost had sucedded back to the deep ressece of his memory.
Buranku's house wasn't imposing, simply elegant. Sooth ebony wood and all that. Milloe sighed, what was the guy like anyway? The simple fact was that he HAD hired his mother for a night. Milloe pondered that fact. Did he regret it? He thought he remembered something of how he had tried to have children before but Chaos kept getting them. Was he happy? Or embarrased?
Myde saw that Milloe was brooding and patted him on the back. It was still suprising to see that Milloe was taller than him.
“hey, cheer up! This isn't a funeral you know!” Milloe gave Myde a strained smile.
“alright, what IS he like?” Milloe's voice was even strained. Myde smiled.
“he's alright. A bit to...i dunno, he's different. Seriouse but with a sence of humor that really can bite your butt if your not carefull. He lieks to have funn but he's all busness most of the time.” Myde shrugged. “He's hard to discribe really...it's like...” Myde trailed off. “crap...i don't know HOW to discribe him...” he shook his head.
Milloe frowned. “do...do YOU like him?” Myde blinked in suprise, this was another way milloe was healing, he was learning to truse Myde and his opinions.
“Yea...i do.” Myde's voice was quiet as they walked up to the door.
Myde reached for the door knocker btu the door opend before he could touch it. A Cheery looking Buterfly lert stood their.
“Ah, Myde! Good to see you.” she turned to study Milloe, who looked at her wairly, His tail waved at her though, mIlloe gave it an irritated glance. “i see you've brought Milloe, good. Buranku's anxiouse to meet him.” milloe blinked at she waved them in.
Myde bowed to her. “i hope were not interupting...” She waved his concern away.
“no, He'll be glad for such a delightfull respite from his work. He's been so busy cleaning up after this whole mess i don't think he get's more than an hour of sleep!” She smiled in exasperation and led them up to the top floor.
She turned to Milloe. “He really is nervouse about meeting you formally. He's at a bit of a loss about how to treat you.” she shruged and knocked quietly on the door.
“Sir, Myde has brought your Son to meet you.” She said formally.
“wha- ah, very well. Show them in if you will Mori.” The voice almost floated thought the door, except it was coming from inside his head, or like someone was inside of his head whispering. Mori smiled at his expression and opened the door.
Myde stepped into the room. Her turned in suprise when milloe lagged. He waved him foreward. Milloe cautiously steppedinto the room, or the study as the lable on the door called it.
Buranku was just standin up from behind his desk. Milloe was stuck again by how simaler their faces look.
An akwerd silence spread over the group, Myde was fighting back a laugh. Milloe studied Buranku cautiously. Myde finnally sniggered.
“you guys are hopeless.” Myde chuckled. “Master Buranku may i intruduce you to your son, Milloe Roseada.” He grinned. “Milloe Roseada may i introduse you to your father and the creator of the world and the late thorn in your side. This is Master Buranku.”
Milloe blinked. “uh...Pleased to meet you?” Milleo didn't know how to react, how DO you react when your suposedly all powerfull father got thrust int your lap? Ignore the fact that he could woop Buranku's a** and serve it with jelly for a moment. This was his brand new (relitavly speeking) father, who had a one night stand that was planned By Buranku's own creation and his former lover and then nemisis. CHaos. Who had then proseded to make resulting's child a living hell. So what should said child do when his mother dissaperes, is taken and trained By Chaos, and then possesed by her, only to break free and kill Chaos and suddenly formally meet Buranku after almost killing him?
Even in theroy he didn't have an answer for that. Milloe shook his head.
“this...is awkwerd...” Milloe scratched the back of his neck. He steped foreward and gingerly held his hand out. “uh, My name is Milloe, Nice to meet you.” he stated. “We have a bit of an awkwerd past so i'm going to ignore it andwe are going to start out with a cleen slate.” he stated, Buranku's face cleared with releaf.
“Oh, thank you Milloe!” He wraped Milloe's hadn with one of his tentacles and shook it. Milloe blinked at stared at his arm for a bit. He was glad he hadn't inherited those... My name is Buranku, it is an great pleasure to Meet you. I agree that it would be best to forget our past and start out clean.” Milloe chuckled quietly.
“I must say you are very ...eloquent.” He comented and released the tentacle. His tail thrust itself at Buranku's tentacle. Milloe jumped and blushed. “Oh, yes. This is my tail...it has...quite a mind of it's own...It was the one that warned My oponents in Chaos's arena that i was going to attack, it saved many lifes.” Buranku stared at it.
“I've never heard of such a thing...” He shook 'hands' with it anyway. “well, i guess i am...fasinated to make your aquatence...” He stared at the tail for a moment. He peered at his own for a minute. “Quite fasintaed, if quite taken aback” milloe chuckled softly.
“that happenes.”
Myde Smiled as the two powerful beings got off to a rocky start, he glanced at Mori and they snuck out of the room..
“well, if they haven't killed eachother by now i don't think it's going to happen.” Myde decalred. “and now that i am sure the entire complex won't explod i'm going to find Ritsuka.” he declared and ran off, leaving a amused Mori.
“children. They are so very intreaging.” She smiled and flitted off to her own study.
A week later found milloe standing at the doorstep to his own disused house. He stared at the door for a moment, remembering his old life here with nausia. Myde walked up behinnd him.
“well Plant boy, do you want any help moving back?” Myde asked akwerdly.
Milloe shook his head. “no, i'll be fine...it's just odd.” He smiled over his soulder. He knew his mother wasn't here, Buranku's army had found her in the dungon, almost beet to death. Milloe had gone to see her once. He didn't think she was quite sane anymore.
Even though he could vouce that the wounds wouldn't kill her, it was rather disturbing too see the woman crying in pain and fear, begging for him to forgive her. he opened the door and it creaked open.
It was exactly as he had left it, albet extreemly dusty. He closed the door with a quiet snick. He had a bag of cloths over one shoulder that his friends had gotten him. Milloe blinked. He didn't have to sleep in the atic anymore! Chaos had refurbished the tiny space when she moved in, but he had lived their until he had moved to Chaos's complex.
Milloe set the bag downa nd went tot he kitchen. The electric was off, and the water had been shut down. That didn't bother him, it was that the house was so echoingly empty. It was still decorated by his mother. He ignored his mothers office and went straight to the guest room, Chaos hadn't left a trace of herself behind. He'd use this room. Then he'd go back to school and get his second diploma. He sat down on the bed. The house was the same, not showing anythig of what he'd gone though since he'd walked out the doors, it was comical really. His life changed so much and he comes home subconsiously expecting nothing to be the same, but nothing the at mattered had changed.
Nothing at all.
Myde stood at the entrance to the school in exasperation. The last time he had been wating on Milloe to show up was all that time ago, before CHaos had shown up. E smiled at how he had been so anxiouse that his mother would hurt him. Not much chancee of that now. Milloe had probrally just slept in on acedent.
Sure enough Five minutes before the bell rang, Myde looked up to see Milloe gliding down to him. He had grown plants out of hisown wings to make up for their incability to fly. He landed and withdrew them, teaving his own fluffy pink one's slightly ruffled.
“oh, wow.” milloe was eyeing the school. “it's so ...small.” Myde chucled.
“That may be, but your going to be late if you don't move you furry a**.” Milloe chuckled. They were getting quite a few looks, people didn't reconise Milloe and Myde seemed awfulyl friendly with him.
“yes, I think we are going to have a hell of a time explaining why you were absent for a month and a half.” Milloe smiled at him as Myde groaned.
“Don't remind me! Please! I got chewed out by my parents when i gt home, they didn't want me out of their sight!”
Milloe chuckled. “yes, i was fighting dust bunny's all night. I think we both had it rough.” Myde glanced at him. Milloe shook his head and claped Myde on the back. “lets get to class.”
Milloe was sent to the office after ariving at his class, his name had been removed from the rosters. He was closeted with the princable and counelors for a long time. He finally reached into his bag and hadned his highschool diploma from the last time he had graduated.The gaped at it and valified it.
So yes, he had graduated from this school all those years ago...but why the hell was he coming back and wasnting to be re admitted?
To stay with his friends?
Because he'd already gone and re experienced up to tenth grade?
Ok, alright. They'd do it.
Milloe walked out of the ofice, just as the bell signalling lunch rang, with a note from the princable and his old scedual re printed. Not to mention a smal grin on his face.
milloe spied his friends sitting at a far table. Azami was lauging. Milloe smirked and snuck up on her.
He bent over and whispered in her ear.“Boo.” Azami shreiked and whirled around. Milloe laughed. “what? Is the new, re highschool student so scary? Is his twisted sence of comradeship so horrifing?” he joked. Azami blinked and grined.
“they let you?” He nodded and she flung her arms around his neck. “YAY!” she laughed as he grunted.
“azami...people are staring...” he notified her and she blushed and sat down. She mad ehim sit next to her. Myde laughed and ritsuka bonked Myde on the head.
“hey! 'Suka!” she smiled and took a bite out of her sandwich.
Life was good.
Laigon stared as Azami huged the familiar guy. He hadonly seen the back of his head. But the brat's hair had bleeched like that...adn the brat had a tail like that...adn the brat had legs like that...but the brat didn't have wings. And the Brat was mostlikely dead. So why was Azami, who had finnaly come back from where ever she had been huging this strange mand who had come to schol the same day s she had gotten back?
The man turned around to reveal those yellow face stripes and those peircing green eyes and Laigon snarled. He was back! Laigon waited until Milloe turned back to the table with his lunch.
He stood up sudenly, making his friends jump. He stalked over to the table. He brought back his fist and swung it at the basterds face. He would pay for taking away his azami.
Milloe picked up his sandwich and watched his friends. They were interesting to watch. Myde the goth one, azami the cheerleader, Matsu the girl chaser, Nadesiko the distracted geniouse, the remenents of Matsu's gang. Who were acting tough, Usagi Matsu's stupid girlfriend.
A heavy step behind him made him stiffen and whirl around, he caught the blond guys punch. With a start he reconised Azami's old boyfriend. Laigon. Milloe scowled at him and flexed his hand, alost crushing Laigons.
“i do not take lightly to someone trying to bash my brains out.” he informed Laigon and twisted his hand making Laigon drop to his knees and howl. “But i would like to know the resoing behind your incredibly stupid actions.” Milloe tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. Azami stood and glared down at Laigon.
“you pig. Just let it go. He's never done anythig to you before now, he's never even scratched you before today, and now you come and try to hit him? I mean what's up with you?” she glared at Laigon.
He snarled at them. “he stole you! He Took you from me!” Laigon spat at Milloe, Milloe's face darkened.
“Idiot.” Milloe sighed. “I did not 'take' Azami from you. You speak of her like she was an item. Maby that attitude was why she left you. You treated her like she was something to add to your collection, a trophy. You lied to her. Yo would have dumped her sooner or later. She saw the truth about you and she left you. Simple.” That gained him a startled glance from Azami, Myde and the others were standing around laigon, readyt o leap on him if he seemed to want to fight.
Milloe's fist tightened around the lion lert's hand making him whimper. And eiry silence had spread over the cafiteria. “ You need to forgie and forget. Learn that the world is bigger then your own personal problem.”
Laigon snarled at him again. “yea, and your someone to tell em that are you?” he growled, Milloe raised an eyebrow.
“Certainly. Or else i would not be giving you such clishe advise. Try fighting in a war sometime. Your views of the world ceirtanly grow.” Myde snickered and Laigon stared at him. “what why else would i dissapere for over a year? I suspect you will me hearing rumors about it an a week or so.” milleo sent a pulse of powerinto laigons hand, healing it.
“and see? Forgiveness. I have healed you.” he sat down. “and forgetfullnes. I will go back to eating my lunch as if none of this had happened.” he turned around and picke up his sandwich. Azami smiled and sat down next to him.
Laigon trembeled and stared at his hand, it was un blemished, no scars or anything, his hand was in perfect condition. He stood upa dn backed away, his eys wide, he turne dand stumble dover his own feet tryig to get away. Forget the brat, forget Azami. He was getting the hell outta their!
Nades iko hadn't sat back down yet. She had the oddest feelign she was forgetting something... she stared at Milloe and grinned. “oh yea!...” She bounced up and gave him a almost bone crushing hug. “welcome back millo-puu!” Myde chuckled as Milloe blinked and patted her head.
“ah...yes, thank you Nadesiko-chan...” he had a bemused look on his face. Nadesiko let go and grinned at him.
“Your welcome!” she sat back down and picked upa carrot.
Myde looked around, no one had started talking yet. “it's quiet...” he whispered dramaticly into the silence, Milloe blinked and looked aroung, the entire cafetiria was peering at him.
Milloe flushed, and turned back to his sandwich. “Whoops...” Azami giggled.
He had to remember, no one knew him here. He couldn't go and do stuff like that. “i think i forgot to be discreet.” he muttered. Making matsu laugh.
“No, you just so godly, evrey body wants to worship you. Why else would they be staring at you with such awe?” he quiped milloe growled at him.
“yes, oh worshipable one?”
“shut up before i make you a soprano.” Milloe glared at him, making Matsu pale.
“Jeeze, please don't joke like that!” Matsu yelped. Myde laughed.
“nah, he wouldn't mess with you like that...he'd just go and re arange your vocal cords!”
They kept on like that making mIlloe flush in embarasment, Amking up things that he would or wouldn't do. This was going to be very interesting if the rest of his highschol life was goiung to be like this!
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My Insane Ramblings.
i quit my other...i'm going back to bad poetry...
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Anime obsessed Blond. Book obsessed Nerd. Video game obsessed Bookworm. Music obsessed Authoress. Life obsessed Emo. Cuddle-less Cuddle-bug.... I'm a Contradiction.
And Guess what?
I like it.