Myde sat next to Ritsuka at lunch. She gave him a funny look, usually he sat in the spot acrost from her.
“i hate detention...” Myde's tired voice came out more as a sigh as he ploped down.
Ritsuka studie him. Still trying to figure out HOW he wold taste like wet chrysanthemums in the first place.
“Why are you staring at me Ritsuka?” Ritsuka shook her head.
“I'm trying to figure out how you taste like wet chrysanthemums!” Ritsuka's explination made Myde laugh.
“i taste like chrysanthemums?” Ritsuka sighed at his doubtfull inquiry.
“Wet one's...they smell different if they are wet.” Ritsuka saw him staring at her funny. “What?! I can't get the taste out of my mouth!” she sighed and took a big gulp of Milk. Within a few seconds the taste was back. She sighed hevily, she glanced at Myde, he looked like he was about to die trying not to laugh.
“Don't laugh Myde!” he rubbed his nose and grinned at her, He showed her his hand.
Ritsuka stared at the sickle moon shaped scab on either side of his lower thumb. It was a pretty nasty bite.
“oh...i-i'm sorry Myde...” it must hurt a lot...why was he acting so happy?
“oh Dont' worry Ritsuka, it doesn't hurt. But it'll leave a nice scar.” he chuckled again.
“...why are you laughing? I just scared you!” Ritsuka frowened at him.
“i don't know.” Myde smiled at her and took a bite out of his sandwich.
Myde thought for a long time as he ate his sandwich. Why did he find Ritsuka's bite mark so funny? He glanced down at his hand again and he chuckled. Was it because her biting him had popped him out of the confused state he'd been in...he didn't have anymore answers...but he did have a bitemark. He shook his head, the stress must be getting to him. After all they didn't know if Milloe was going to fly out of nowhere and attack them!
He knew that buranku had said that he'd gather them before the confrontatin...but how did he know WHEn it was going to happen? Of course Buranku made time itself...did that mean he could change it? If that was the case why was Milloe with Chaos...was CHaos more powerfull than Burnaku?
Or had he changed it alreadya nd they were mearly living in a might have been world? Burnaku wouldn't do that...would he?
“...MYDE!” Ritsuka's yell snaped him out of his thoughts.
“neh?”Myde blinked up at her....why was she standing?
“Dobe, it's time to go to class!” Ritsuka's irritated answer caught him opf gard...time to go? He glanced down at his sandwich. It was only half eaten.
He shruged and tossed it away.
“You know there are starving people who would kill to have your scraps?” Ritsuka's ironic comments Made Myde glancer at her.
“if they want it, they can come get it.” Myde replied nonchalantly. Ritsuka blushed before she huffed and went to class.
“your so impossible Myde Garr!” Myde blinked as she stomped off....what was up with her?
Buranku felt his eye twitch as he stared at Mori, She had done what?
“I'm sorry sir, i simply felt like it would be a nessisary precaution...i never dreamed they would be caught.” Mori was staring at the floor, a blush of embarassment on her cheeks.
“You sent someone to kidnap my son? I understand you resons behind doing it, if he wasn't in the battle against us it would make things easier. I had hoped you wold TELL me about these things, insead of letting me find out in a letter from my allies.” Burnaku shook his head. “i'll tell her that they are not to be harmed.”
Mori nodded and bowed herslef out. A flush finding it's way to her cheeks
Adnama Stared at the two captives. These were the one's who had tried to kidnap Milloe. She had sent a l;etter regarding them to Buranku-sama, while she was waiting on a reply she was trying to wriggle who they worked for out of them. It cleary wasn't woking. They clamed to be agents sent By Mori, one of Buranku's coworkers... Adnam didn't buy it. After all IF Buranku's assistant had sent them then wouldn't sh had gotten a lwetter of warning?
“Your only a delta! How would you know Buranku-sama anyway! You MUSt be the imposster!” This came from one of the captives, the one with the brown hair, Guinea pig lert, that kept falling in his eye's.
Rehpotsirhc sniggered from the corner. Adnama sent a scathing glance his way. She knelt by the tied prisoner.
“Let me share a secret with you...If you were an agent of Buranku...you would have been told about me...and you wouldn't be in this postion....and oh, let's not forget the fact that i would have been warned about you.” she patted his head. “So unless i get a letter from Buranku saying there had been a mistake or some such Butt saving excuse...you asses are mine.” She turned to smile at the so far silent of the two. “Wouldn't you agree that this is the resonable course of action when you find two creeps seaking around, trying to kidnap our allies son?” She got a nod from the black haired silver wolf lert.
“Good, i'm glad you see reson.” she stood up again, a messenger beta sprinted in.
“Letter from the master!” she held out the letter and adnama took it with a smile.
“thank you, you may go.” the messenger bowwed out and adnama turned back to the prisoners with a grinn.
“oh, yay I get to see if i stick you on a rosting pit!” she pretended to give them a happy dance. “I'm so exited!” she ran a claw underneathe the flap.
Don't hurt them.
My college, Mori, decided to forget to tell me she had sent somebody to kidnap Milloe. They are a Brown Haired Guinea pig lert and a black haired Silver wolf lert. If it's someone else you can roast their collective asses.
My deepest Apologies,
“oh, boys it looks like it's your lucky day!” she took out a knife and sliced the ropes. “You got the creator of the universe vetoing your death!” she grined up at them. “Well, comeon into my office, i truse you might want some company, i think the reception chamber might have been a little lonely and cold, eh?” she held the letter out for them to read.
she padded down the hall to the room she used as an office. She opened the door and bowed them in. after a moment's tought the stuck her head out.
“Rehpotsirhc could you get them somethig warm to drink?...adn something sweet for me? Thanks” she sat down in her chair as they sat don gingerly in the padded chairs that acompanied the space acrtost sthe room.
“I'm sorry for that, after all...you did try to kidnap Buranku's son without letting us know.” she smiled at them. The silver wolf nodded.
“we would have done the same.” Adnama blinked he had a deep voice. She grinned again.
“good, no hard feelings!” she rubbed her hands together. “okay...time to plan a real 'napping!” the Gunipig lert blinked, confused.
“you still want us to kidnap the boy?” He tiled his head, adnma roler her eyes.
“uh, let me see...” she held up her hand. “it sould be nice for him not to roast MY a** when Burnaku attacks and we all rebel.” she counted off one finger. “It would be nice for the casualty rate to drop by about half when we attack.” another finger. “and it would be nice for him to stop killing our soldeirs while training in the colloseum.” she ticked off another. “I think three resons are enough...after all, Choas only needed one to betray Buranku-sama.” she smiled at them.
“However...you might not be the ones to kidnap him...after all you are stangers and have no clue how to act in public.” The gunipig lert frowned and opened his mouth to speak. Adnama cut him off.
“what are your names anyway?” The two lerts stared at her for a moment.
“he didn't give you our names?” The Gunipig lert's voice was filled with disbelief. Adnam got out the letter and fliped it over, nothing on the other side either...no names.
“Nope...YOru nameless at the moment.” she smiled childishly at them for a moment before her brother poked his head in.
“Adna-chan” Rehpotsirhc smiled and scooted in, with a tray. He handed the coffie to the two lerts and handed his sister a hot chocolate. “should i...” Rehpotsirhc shifted unconfortably for a moment. He had never gotten entirly used to serving under his yuounger sister. She was over 20 years younger than him!
Adnama blinked, “you can stay if you want...acually Rehpo i'd rather if you did satay...you might catch something i missed.” Rehpotsirhc looked surprised and sat down.
Adnama knew it was hard on her brothers to take orders, she was doing her best to not give 'orders' per say, but after a while it was getting harder and harder to keep evreyone happy. It seemed as if she was getting less and less sensitive to her charges...it was quite annoying. She had been that girl no one knew, the strange girl who never said anything. Then she had seen her father murdered in front of her. She withheld this from her brothers and her mother, they would go and do something stupid if they knew. The would go and challenge Chaos...and fail miserably. No one she kneew -other than milloe- could fight the bitvh and come out alive.
So she had started cultivating rebles into her group of friends, the one's with doubts she talked to. Let them know the horrors out side of lost family members. Things she knew because Her aunt was the secretary, and she was the favriote neice. The fact that refinej left reports abd such on her table....well, that helped a lot.
Now that she tought about it she thought it kinda looked a bit sinister, how she plucked rebelion from her peers hearts. However she had not thought that she would be chosen to acually LEAD the force. That had come as a complete suprise...
Perhaps they had thought to control her...use her as a figure head. An image to work behind. She smiled at the memory. Like THAT was ever going to happen while she still had breth in her body.
“Darin” The silver wolfs voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She smile at him.
“Well, welcome abourd Darin.” she stuck out a hand acrost her desk, her took it and shook it gently. She studied his face closely. He didn't look like a Alpha...he was most likely a Mature looking Beta.
“Hmph, My name's Corig.” The cheerful Guinipig said as her leaned forward to stick out his own hand.
“Glad to meant you Mister Corig!” Adnama replied just as bouncily. She shook his hand energeticly and sat down to taje a drink out of her hot chocolate.
“So we need to figure oiut a place Milloe-san goes where he's alone...but one that's not obiouse and has subtle hiding spots...Milloe has grown a tendency to advoid those spots since Darin and corig's failed atempt...” she grined at the apologeticly. “He was under the bed you know, he heard you coming and hid.”
Corig blinked “he...was under the BED?!” Corig slamed his head into his hand.”out of all the places, i should have KNOWN!”
Myde walkd up to school the next day, he was still amazed that it was just as calm and peacefull as it was before, the birds chirping, a light dew on the grass. The sky was a fragial blue.
He reached up and tugged his hat down. Yesterday their had been an anouncement that today was 'hat day' he smiled. He had imeadiatly went to the store and bought a hat. Of course it wasn't his fault he decided to love THIS hat. He spied Ritsuka coming around the corner.
“Hiya Myde did yo-...what the HELL are you wearing?!” Rituska's shocked face made it worth wearing his new hat to school.
He kept walking “a hat.” he glanced over at her. “it IS hat day.” his tail twitched in amusement at her flabergasted expression.
“yea, but...but it's a CAT hat!” she spluttered, he smirked at her.
“It's...BLUE!” she blinked. “and it doesn't seem like something you'd wear...at knife point...” she trailed off and stared at him.
He turned around and walked backward, “ why, is it that hideouse?” he teased. She glared at him.
“No it's just surprising, you idiot. Watch out for the pole dumbass.” Myde blinked what had she said?
A sharp pain reberverated from the back of his head. “OW! What the ******** was that?” he whirled around angrely to be confronted with a large black pole. The one signaling the entrance tot he school. Ritsuka was giggling. “Oh...” his head was throbbing. And it hurt like crap.
“Myde? Why did you run into it? I TOLD you it was their!” Mirth rang in her vioce, Myde turned a pained gaze on her.
“your Tone of voice did not change, Please tell me how i am supposed to react to your words faster if your tonal signals don't indicate something is wrong?” He turned his mournful gaze on her, she blinked.
“because i told you.” her matter of fact tone betrayed that she didn't quite grasp what he was saying. Myde Probed his skul gingerly, it wasn't as bad as it could have been...after all the hat was padding. He Brightened.
“Hey...this hat is usefull! It's already saved my head once!” He chuckled and reached into his backpack. He had Known that Ritsuka would have forgotten to bring a hat, so he had brought her one. He plonked it on her head. “you might as well have something padding your head as well.” she looked bewildered at took the hat off to look at it. It was an angel hat, with two miniature wings sweeping back from her forehead.
“Hey, Myde, I like this one!” he laughed and steped into class.
Milloe snarled at his oponents. Their were ten of them. All one's that had survived rounds with him before. He had not spared with his aunt since the first time at her home. He must havedone something right if she let him batytle so many only a few days later.
Or of course she was trying to get him killed. He dodged an oncomming attack and fellinto a crouch, Milloe felt a growl rise in his chest, he spun around and summoned his favriote wepon, it was a pair of 'wings' that sprouted out of his back wand was made out of roses. They were a sheild and defence. They allowed him to escape many of the cunning traps set up by his oponents.
Of course you couldn't forget the fact that they were poisonous and shot deadly giant thorns at his enymys from above. He leapt into the air, he ignored the air sickness that made his stomach feel queese and spread his 'wings' wide. He watched with a smile on his face as the screams of fear and pain drifted up on the wind. He fliped and dove tword the ground. He spun on one foot and the ground became a writhing mass ofquicksand, mud, and entraping vines that entwined the lerts and sucked them further into the entraping muck.
Hesurveyed the damage with an expert eye, he had only killed five. The other half was still stuggling to free themselves from neck deep in the bog. But you could still see their faces and he could hear their gasping breaths.
He pulled back his wings, it tickled to feel their roots retreating from his skin. He gazed mournefully at his now tattered shirt. Stupid lert, he should have knowen that he would use the wings today.
His vision shrank. Stupid stupid lert, he was killing off their soldiers. He KNEW they would need them. Stupid idiotic mut. He cared more aboiut his shirt than the lives he had taken...lifes that they mioght need to save kaosu from Myde!
No, they were week, if they couldn't beat His own sorry lazy butt then they didn't deserve to live! No, they would be a good cusion to weaken the damn Neada lert before he could attack kaosu!
Milloe rubbed his head as his vision shrank to two seprate dots. He was so weak, he didn't even have the self control to keep his sight in cheak. He was scared to tell Kaosu because hse might not want him around anmore if he did.
Stupid Myde, it's all his fault anyway. Why should milooe be suffering like this?! This pain in his chest and the horrible anger that was ever pressent, coloring his vision at the sight of scales?
A servant held out a glass of water, he glanced up at the face. It was the same one from his first day here. The tunnel vision reateated.
“oh, it's you.” Milloe's voice seemed to startle him. The beta smiled nervously. “i talked to Aunt Kaosu and you don't have to call me any of that highborn s**t.” the boys face went blank in suprise. Milloe ploped down oon a bench and watched the medics trying to di out the injured figheters without sinking themselves. Milloe giggled and made the ground solid evreywhere but where the bodies and injured were.
“ah, thank you..um..ma-..uh Milloe-san.” the look on the servants face was quite funny. Milloe smiled slightly.
“so what's you name? After all you know mine.” Milloe tilted his head. He had an inane urge to trust this guy. He didn't know why.
“ah, uh. My name is Divad Sselevol, Milloe-san.” a bow folowed this. Milloe would have sworn that he was scared of him.
“Ah, Divad...don't be scared of me” he shook his head mournfully. “the fighting stays in the traning ground.” milloe huffed a large sigh, stupid mut, should have known that evreyone would be scared of him. He killed people. He was a monster. Yes, he was a monster mutt.
“It's alright, you simply startled me, Milloe-san.” Milloe tilted his head to look up at him. He had grey silver eyes. Milloe blinked, this was definatly not the voice of theone who tried to kidnap him.
“who, me? Who'd be starteled by a Pink gerbil mutt?” Milloe gave a bitter smile and turned his gaze back tot he arena, they had gotten the bodys free andwere resetting the ground. Milloe sighed at the pace they were setting and reset it for them.
A gjhost of a chuckle sounded from the brown wolf lert. Milloe chuckled slightly. He watched a pair delta's walk nervously onto the field. School was held here for them somethimes, they would have the entire class on the field and train them. He spotted a blond wold and Milloe peered at her curiously.
“i didn't know their were blond wolf lerts...” He felt Divad tence up beside him. Milloe looked at him curiously. “what you know her?”
Divad gave him an odd look. “that's my sister.”Divad frowned but quickly smoothed it away. “sory, Milloe-san. I'm simply suprrised to see her.” Milloe studied His new aquantence, he was trying to sheild his sister from notice... eh wondered briefly why, he studied the field for a moment, his sister was exactly middle skilled.
Milloe knew imeadetly that his stister was not what she seemed. It was the little things, the slightly exagerated clumsyness, the subtly stifining of her musles to slow reaction times. He raised an eyebrow, Students here were trained to take evrey opertunity to defeat their oponents.
“so yu sister is in school to mainly be an actor?” Divad jumped and his jaw fell open.
“oh...erm, yes...h-how could you tell?”he seemed badly shaken by this comment.
“i assumend since she's pretending to be worse than she acually is that she was acting...as if she was assigned to be ordiary...if so she is pulling it off quite nicely...other than the fact it's blatently oviouse.” Milloe's casual remark further unsettled his new companion.
“uh, d-do you have any tips i should pass along to her?” Milloe smirked at divad's shaking tone, He was havving fun with this.
“considering i spent 419 years doing what she is atempting. It would be assumed so.” Milloe chuckled. “rule number one, yawn.”
the only thing his companion could think of was “huh?”, milloe sent him a flat look.
“Yawn, when you yawn yu defences go down. I'm assuming she's trained against this so when she yawns she'd have to lower her hands slightly and let her stomach mucels relax.” divad nodded slowly and took out a pad of paper. He jotted this down. “rule number 2, bite your lip when your fighting, it conveys uncertenty. Rule nubmer three, shift your ye'sfrom their arms to their faces to their legs, then to their torso. It shows that you haven't been told where to look, or of you have you've forgotten. You use this to varing degree's also don't use the same pattern evreytimg.” he studied the lith figure on the ground. He frowned. “rule nubmer four, brighten when you land a blow and do something 'right'.” he laughed at the concentrarion on Divad's face.
“tell her to impliment these slowly, play with one and make it part of the facade so it's isn't glaringly obiouse what shes doing. Oncee out've gott that down then ad anouther.” Divad sighed and put the pencel away.
“ah, thank you milloe-san, i'l be sure to tell her.” he glanced at the clockand gasped. “i-i have to go Milloe-san!” he bowwed and started backing away. “i- uh, thank you for the instruction! My sister will greatly apriciate it!” and with that he left a slightly confused milloe staring after him.
Divad stumbled away from Milloe as he rushed headlong to the meeting. He was late and he had an inkling that this would bring complications...severe complicatiins
if the kid could see htough adnama's defensive disquise then wouldn't it mean that CHaos knew?
He burst into the meating thet he was supposed to be at. The group was on their feet before the door was open allt h way.
“Milloe know's somethig's up!” The instant silence that greeted his words was testimony to their fear, Divad glanced up from where he was bent ove his stomach as he gasped for air.
“he was talking to me and he figured out Adnama was on the practice field and he knew she was acting!” The curses that followed as evreyone was snaped out of their parilizaton were, inventive.
Milloe was brooding again, he was curled up on his bed, the dark morning glorys wraping him up in a soft embrace, he stared at a tightly curled bloom, it was a odd color, it was blue with black edges. It looked tainted, he wondered if it was from being in contact with him, he pick out a few other flowers with the same discoloraation, he made one bloomed, it was rather pretty, it's smell was sweeter than the others, but he couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't pure.
He sighed and closed his eye's painfully, Kaosu was becoming more and more hard on him to train, and it was becoming difficult to find sparing partners, they were hiding from him, and they were starting to refuse the iminent death that came with the postion. Millow was trying t not to kill them, but he seemed to lose control of his emotions just before he declared the match over, he was becoming nasuated more and more often.
To be frank, his life sucked. He sighed and leaned into the flowers embrase and stared at his ceiling, you could only see specks of the paint, the florwes covered so much. Millow felt foolish to have not figured this out eirlier, he simply fed the vines out of his own power, they would never lack for nourishment, and he had less power to mutilate the slaves with.
The slave divad had divilged the fact on acedent, when Milloe got to talking with him again. Milloe sighed, he was killing slaves. Gladiators that were promised freedom if they could kill all of their oponents. He felt the nausia at the thought again. His life well and truly sucked, he would do almost anything to have his old life back, beatings and all. But their was myde, the trator. He wanted his old life back, minus those little bloodsucking pests, and the snake, that little SNAKE that basterd! He wanted him dead, he wanted him to suffer, he wanted to see Myde mutilated and begging for mercy.
Milloe blinked back frustrated tears, ahe wasn't getting any stronger here, and Myde and their lot wern't attacking. Milloe figured that they wern't strong enough, or that Azami was keeping myde from finding Milloe.
His preciouse Azami, she most likely had nothing to do with this. It was all myde's fault. He was a trator. But not azami...azami wouldn't do such a thing...
Milloe repeated this litany to himself as he faded into sleep, he drempt of Bright blue eye's and silky blue fur.
Azami frowned at the ceiling, she had been worried about Milloe ever since he disapered, Myde and Ritsuka had went poof soon after but they came back withen a few days, but Milloe...he was astill gone.
She felt a pang of sadness as she thought about the little boy, he was so kind, he didn't havea bad bone in his fail little body. He diodn't deserve the life fate had doled out to him. No, not at all.she briefly wondered if he was ok.
She blinked, she had the oddest feeling someone was talking about her.
She sneezed.
it was a few weeks, since the hat day incedent. Myde refused to take off the stupid hat. Ritsuka had tryied EVRETHING to get it away from him, he seemed to have really bonded with that stupid cat hat.
She though it was cute...untill he confessed Matsu had glued it to his head.
“your kidding me...” ristsuka was straing at Myde in shock. “Matsu wouldn't glue the stupid thing to your head!” Myde shruged
“Oh, no. i must have been mistaken...after all, waking up to matsu with a leaking glue bottle and freah glue all over my head most definatly wound't convict My twin brother.” Myde shruged. “an innocent mistake, of course.”
He smirked at Ritsuka's stuned look. “oh come on, don't look like that. You should try and take it off” Ritsuka reached up and tried to take it off.
“Hey it won't-” she grunted and tuged harder. Mye yelped. They ended up sprawled in the grass. They were in the park. Ritsuka groaned and looked art what she had landed on...or in all acuality, Who she had landed on. Myde Blinked blearily.
“...your wlecome ritsuka. Glad i could be your pellow...” Myde's voice was dazed. She blushed a deep red. Myde blinked again and reliesed what was sitting on him and his face tinted pink.
“Ah...'Suka...” he coughed unfonfortably. Ritsuka looked at him fort a while and then snuggled into his chest. “Wha- what are your doing 'suka?!” Myde tenced as ritsuka leaned into his sholder.
He sat up and put his arms around her, his blue hair falling into his eye's, she started crying slightly. “'Suka...what's the matter?” he shifted so hi spiked clothing wouldn't be pokeing her.
“it's...just evrythig! First milloe, then that buranku guy and now...UGH!” and with that she burrowed into his chest and started sobing like there was no tomarow. Myde mentally slaped himself, with Milloe their might NOT be a tomarow.
He smother down her hair. “it's alright 'Suka, we'll make evreything work out.” she turned her angry eye's onto him.
“but your part of the problem!” Ritsuka wailed. Myde stiffened.
“how so?” Myde stared at her, confuse. His blush leaving his cheeks. Did she hate him, or did she blame him on Fuzzy leaving?
“Because-...i don't know. Because you taste like wet chrysanthemums, and...your...” she moaned and hid her head again in his jacket. Myde felt his mught drop open slightly.
“...is that all? You dont' hate me 'suka?” Ritsuka looked up sharply at the tone of voice, she saw something their that mad eher relax.
“no...i-” she blushed again “i don't hate you...I-..” she trailed off. And bit her lip. Myde felt a sudden urge to kiss her. He swallowed sharply.
He placed a gentle hand under her chin and looked her in the eye's. She really did have pretty eye's...
He lent down and placed his lips on hers almost gingerly. She gasped and kissed him right back.
After a moment Myde pulled away needing air, badly. His face felt very hot. “ah...” he stared at a dandilion a few feet away.
“...um...” Ritsuka's voice was timid. Myde blinked and glanced at her, she looked...very embarassed.
“Sorry...” Myd etrailed off and let go of her. She probralyl did hate him now.
Ritsuka Was in shock, Myde had just ...kissed her? She licked her lips, Why was he aplologising? What ever he was, wether he had a hat glued to his head or not. He was an amazing kisser. He tried to get up and she grabed his arm.
“...don't go.” he turned his bitter eye's to her. Why was he so bitter? Was it her? Did he just do that to make her stop crying? She bit her lip. She could see strains of his original eye color shining though his green contacts making his eye's look like they had no end. She lost her train of tought.
“ 'suka?” His strained voice woke her again.
“oh, just...that...” she felt her face heat up again. Why did she have to not ba able to gert her point acrost NOW? “i...” she bit her lip and looked at him. He was staring at her with a very peculiar look, part Puppy dog begging and part doggie shying away from pain.
She sighed and wraped her arms arong his neack and kissed him again, he gasped and huged her feircly.
He open his mouth and she felt his toung. It felt weird. She pulled back, he gave her a quisical look, it was cute with his hair falling in his eye's.
“what?” she frowned.
“show me your toung.” she demanded. He blinked. And stuck out his toung, it came out...and kept coming. She felt her eye's bulge.
“GAH!” she lept back it was ...liker a foot long! He blinked and grined. He stuck out his toung again and waed it at her.
“haha, 'suka, i'd forgotten you've nevr seen my toung before!” he smiled at her, all tension bannished. She was inching back with wide eye's.
“but...but it's WEIRD!!!” she stoped a good five feet from him and peered at him. “how does it all fit in their?” she gestured to his mouth. He blinked
“...i dunno.”he tought for a moment an stuck it back out and stared at it.
“ok, Myde that's GROSS!” she gave him a funny look. “and...and it was...im ..MY mouth!” she got an odd look on her face. “and i'm tasting chocolate and flowers again...”
myde threw his head back and laughed.
Myde shivered when he looked back at her, she Really didn't taste all that bad... she sighed and crawled back into his lap.
“ dont' you dare do anything with yout toung...” she warned as he leaned back onto a nearby tree. He wrpaed his arms around her middle and gave her a hug. He smiled when she squeeked.
He was having a good day now. Unfortunatly he'd have to thank Matsu for glueing his hat to his head...
Milloe stood in Kaosu's Office as the Messenger gave the report, their was activity on The borders, and The soldiers had reported seeing enemy soldiers scouting heir defences, they had been unable to capturew one, but one whing was for sure, ther were not just bandits...
They were, Buranku's army.
Milloe felt his eye's go dull as they were prone to do when Fightin was spoken of He was dressed in a almost Uniform. It was black but the jacket hung open to reveal his net shirt, and his pant's were green cargo. His belt was black leather. He stood off to the side to advoid disturbing the messenger and was chewing a piece of gum. It was a habit he had picked up since he had moved here. Milloe knew he looksed a bit intemidating, with the dark circls under his eye's from lack of sleep and the haunted expression that had frozen it'self onto his face.
Kaosu frowned. She filled out some paper work and barked out some orders. The others filed out, milloe steped foreward and sat down in a chair.
“You look Tired Aunt.” Milloe drew his Knees up to his face and sank into the fluffy chair. She looked up and studied him.
“Milloe, My dear. You don't look so good yourself.” she frowned “haven't you been getting any sleep?” Milloe shook his head.
“no, and nothing can make me. I've tried.” She studied him for a second. He stared back at her. She blinked and turned back to what was on her desk
“Very well, why don't you go train.” Milloe's face fell and he got up.
“of course, aunt.” he heard the coldness in his vioce as he said it and wondered what was happening to him.
Milloe stared at his oponet with a glare. He didn't wear any toher expression other than blood curdling glares and statue like blankness during battles. And any of the one's who he mannaged not to kill knew that it was the glares signaled that he wouldn't kill the poor slave who was trown against him. This man had watched most of his battles andwas an acual officer in the army, not a slave.
The diffrence was profound. Their was no hesantacy, no fear. Just simply ferocity and skill. Milloe was being excedingly carefull not to kill this one.
He licked his lips and tilted his head ever so slightly, Giving his enemy a slight hint of what he was going to to, just a split second hint before he exploded into motion. It was just enough to save the poor mans life.
Milloe Sent briars to entrap the mans legs, the Husky lert jumped and almost escaped, Milloe drew his two foot long knife and jumped at the man, the man drew his own sword in time to block, but was triped up by the sharp thorns. The man triped an crashed into the worst of the thicket. He screamed in pain asrt Milloe's creations Wraped eagerly around him, giving hima potentially deadly hug. Milloe felt the Killing rage try and come up. The man looked up in time to see his expression wavering into blankness.
The man close his eyes and showed his neck. Milloe stared at him for a second, a suden silence spreadig though out the battle field. Milloe's thought closed up and he looked away.
“over.” His voice was rough. He withdrew the briars and sheithed his Knife. “I will not kill this man.” he shoved his hand into his pockets and headed for the exit. He needed some time to calm down.
The staduim erupted in gaspes. Milloe stumbled slightly as he walked toward the showers. The urge to turn and kill the man was almost over powering. His face was a mask of perfect blankness as he steped into the shower/infermary. The room went silent in awe as he padded silently into the nearest shower.
Milloe relaxed as the scorching water ran down his body, he hadn't bothered to take his cloths off. It would take tto much time, and He didn't think Kaosu would be pleased with a broken shower. Milloe Looked up at the shower head that was so far above him. Nothing made sence. He heard whispers of a name that floated around the complex like ghosts. CHaos. Why would the servants and troops be whispering the Mythical beings name here? were they praying to her for a safe battle? after all their were rumors that they were going to be fighting Buranku...the creator of all living beings. But if that was true then. Myde had met the Buranku creature...and how would Myde have been able to acomplish such a feat?
Milloe felt the anger rizing in him and stood on his tip toes to turn the heat up higher. The water helped him calm down. He wearily peeled off his wet clothes. He might as well get clean while he was here.
But one thing was bothering him. If HE had really joined with Buranku. Then did they have a chance? Even though it was a possiblility that HE hadn't joined with Buranku and that Kaosu's forces were indeed going to be beseiged by more than one army- wait...when did the term of Myde and his old friends become one of 'army'? Milloe pondered this for a while, he worked soap though his tangled hair. It would seem that they were in fact being taunted by an army...but HE did not have the resourses to come up with an army..unless it was the Government that was doing this...no it wan't their style. So that mean that Buranku did indeed exist...and was coming after them...
Miloe shuddered slightly, they were going to fight the creator of the entire world... He wondered if CHaos would help them...or even if the old hag still was alive.
Milloe shook his head violently, sending goblets of suds spraying against the walls. He dealt with this gut wrenching idea the same way he had been dealing with his anger. Very hot water.
He briefly thanked Kaosu for having such a wonder full hot water tank. After all, it was boiling water that was spraying out of the shower head, and it hurt a lot. Which meant that his mind didn't have the capacity to handle coherent thoughts and...oh dang it he was thinking again.
CHaos blinked as she watched her 'nephew' stumble out of th ring. She had been trying t o make him kill the man. Something had made the boy rebel. The man himself was a traitor to her. He was sent their told that if he could come out alive he would be let go...Milloe usually killed anything that came into the ring with him...so why in HELL had he spared the man's life NOW?! Had he seen that this was no slave? Did he think he was saving an honerable man? No, no one that went against the boy in quite some time had been 'honerable' in the slightest hint of the word.
No...even the boy should have relised that he only wnet up against exedingly dangerouse criminals... After all, he might have been a Delta, but he was 420 years old...and most of those years had een with a abusive mother.
CHaos frowned at the thought of the silyl girl. She had ben extreemly crude with the boy. And it had taked two years of conditioning the boy to have any self confidence and trust. And then the girl had the gal to run away.
she smiled at the memory. The stupid girl was in the dungons right now. Rotting away. Being kept barely alive. Life had been her punishment. As crude a life as she ha grated to the boy. She was almost broken.
CHaos went on weekly visits to remind her that the boy had survived four hundred and seventeen years of this treetment. That she should be glad that CHaos was withholding the rape that the girls very own clients had done to the boy. That even the great mistress of the dark wouldn't steep that low as to allow one of her prisoners to be raped.
And in a hundred years. The girl would be conditoned into the perfect slave. To serve her mistress thoughtlessly and with out hesitation in the slightest.
Chaos smiled. She only had one question. How had the Boy kept him mind though out the entire 417 years of of his life he had lived like that. How had he stayed sane?
The answert to the question coul only be one of two things...that he had simply becomed used to it before he was old enough to acually think...or he was much stronger than even Chaos had thought...adn if that was the case then she had a sudden feeling that she was doomed.
no...The boy wouldn't find out the ruse...he was loyal to her...adn she could nake him...his sence of wright and wrong had been fooled and her now served his purpose, whitch parralleled her own, and then if the boy ever found out what he had done...he would be broken by the relization.
This she knew. If , no when they suceded, and the boy found out his mind would be shoved over the edge, and he would kill himself. That's simply who the boy was...adn how he thought and acted. They would not fail. She would kill Buranku...and then she would corrupt his preciouse earth until it colapsed. She woud win. She would finnaly Best Buranku!
The Husky Lert opened his eyes catiously when he heard the...boy?...monster? Say that he wouldn't kill him. He stared as the ...thing's face slid into the blank mask and stumble towards the showers. The boy...thing was in akilling rage...and he spared his life?
That was when Groksuka relised...he had survived the clallange...he would live! He stayed perfectly still until the freaky boy was out of sight and he sat up. It was quite and he was bleeding at a frightning rate. His sight dimmed and he say the amulence personell stumbling over their feet to get to him. He gasped for air and relised that he might not make it after all. He might not live to see his family again...
His poor wife, she knew that their son was part of the resistance. She was worried sick. Grok was doing his best to help his son. Chaos had only been able to bust him for disobeying some minor order...but she knew that something was up...she KNEW! He grabbed the nearest medic's sleeve.
“please...tell my family not to blame the boy...he did his best to...not kill me... I love them...tell them that if i...” his eye's clouded with tears.
The medic smiled sadly at the bloody husky lert. “of course sir. I'll give them it myself if...” he couldn't bring himself to say it. The Husky nodded and fainted.
Never to wake up. The Medic turned green and took the man's dog tags. He would fill out the paper work. And he would pass along the Man's last words.
Azami glanced up when Myde and Ritsuka came to the lunch table. They didn't do it often...and they had never done it it holding hands before. She smiled at them.
“Long time no see you two.” she looked pointedly at their hands. “care to tell?” Ritsuka smiled and plopped down into he seat, efectedly dragging a startled Myde down along with her.
“weeeeell...” Ritsuka drawled slightly. Azami felt her eye twitch. “ok, I was trying to take Myde's hat off and i fell down on Myde and he kissed me!” she beamed brightly. Azami raised an eye brow and looked at Myde.
“care to elaborate?” She smiled at his sheepish look. So some part of The fox's story was true.
“well...she was trying to get my hat off...we over balanced and she did land on top of me...i sat up and she started crying and i hugged her...we talked a bit and i Did Kiss her...” he trailed off and blushed slightly. Ritsuka was glaring. “and then i found out something that gives her the creeps!” he smirked impishly at that his bluch gone. Ritsuka turned and gave him a death glare.
“don't.” she ordered. He smirked
“but why?” he laughed and stood up. “ok, fine. But I'm going to get lunch.” he walked off Azami Turned to Ritsuka.
“oh wow...how good of a kisser is he anyway?!” Azami sipped at her chocolate milk. Ritsuka blushed a very bright red. Azami choked on her milk. “no way!” she sat back for a moment. “i think i envy his old boy friends...no wonder they alwase tried to get back with him.” Ritsuka glared at her
“whatever. He's only kissed three boys.” Ritsuka crossed her arms to pout and tried to lean back. But she had forgotten that their was no backing and fell on her back. “GAH!” she groaned and opened her eyes to see Myde with an amused expression on his face.
“nice...Ritsuka are you sure your inner ear is balanced?” she glared up at him
“oh shut it cat head.” he laughed and helped her up.
Buranku stared at the maps and tally s on his desk. He had begun the demoralizing on CHaos's troops. He had sent his best illusionists out to her borders. He knew it was time to summon the two beta's back to him. So they could be their when he began his campaign. He stood and went to his globe. He zoomed into where the boy called Myde was. He was sitting under a tree in the park with the girl called Ritsuka. They were solemn and staring off into space. The female was in the male's lap. The reason they were so worried was most likely their friend...and his son. Milloe. He stared at the picture a moment more. Myde bent his head and kissed Ritsuka's fore head. They had aperantly resolved the conflict he had sensed the last time he had seen them. He saw Ritsuka wrinkle her nose and sight, leaning into the caress.
Buranku's heart fell a little when he relised that he was going to have to break up a 'moment'. Never the less he opened the portal in front of them he saw them scramble up and stare at it. After he didn't come though Ritsuka took a step forward and grabbed Myde's hand. And they walked though.
Myde jumped when the bright light of the portal flashed a few feet away. He stood up and glanced at Ritsuka. She was gaping at the portal as well. He was expecting for Buranku to step out...but he didn't Myde frowned. Was this a trap? Surly Milloe had enough power by now to accomplish such a feet? Or it was CHaos trying to lure them so that their would be less people to convince Milloe to come back?
Ritsuka blinked a few times and grabbed his hand and started pulling him forward. Myde tried to keep her from going...but it was either go with her or watch her go...and if it was a trap he wasn't about to let her go into it alone.
He stepped acrost the white portal cautiously...to be met with Buranku in his study. Myde felt foolish and ducked his head, sure theta Buranku had seen his reluctance, especially since the globe was zoomed into the spot he had been sitting only a few moments ago. Buranku simply nodded to them and let the portal stay up.
“Myde, Ritsuka. It is pleasing to see you in good health. I need you to gather any who wish to fight to bring Milloe back and have them waiting by this tree next Tuesday at five in the afternoon.” Myde blinked and stared at him for a moment.
“i-. yes, sir.” Myde blinked a few times. Buranku had slight circles under his eyes as if he hadn't slept in a while and he had a particularly harried look about him. He saw the look on Myde's face and gave a wan smile.
“do not worry about My well being Myde Garr. War is not the most restful of past times.” Myde bowed his head.
“very well, sir. We will gather any and all who are trust worth and will fight for Milloe...” he stared at the floor, and bowed. He felt a touch on his head and saw Buranku had placed his hand their.
“do not fret so Myde...Milloe will come back to us. Yet as of now i have a secret i wish for you two to keep.” Ritsuka blinked and Myde startled slightly. “ I have reason to believe that Milloe Roseada is...my son.” Myde gasped and took a step back, Buranku had a pained look on his stoical face. Myde studied him for a while and bit his lip.
“ok, that...wasn't what i was expecting your secret to be...but ok.” Myde nodded. “So I'm guessing that Milloe doesn't know...and that he was born as a trick to get to you?” Myde tilted his head. Buranku raised an eyebrow.
“That was my presumption as well, Myde.” Buranku sighed lightly.
Ritsuka Blinked “so you messed around with Milloe's MOM?!” Myde winced at his girl friends lack of...discreetness. Buranku gave her a withering glance.
“that would be the point wouldn't it?” Buranku's mental tone of voice was...not happy that Ritsuka had phrased it so.
Myde placed his hand on Ritsuka's shoulder. “Master Buranku, i believe it would be time to take our leave of you until five on Tuesday afternoon.” and with that he backed out of the study and into the portal dragging a grumpy Ritsuka with him.
Damn it, Myde was doing it again! Forcing her to do something she did NOT want to do! At the moment she wanted to talk about how He did Milloe's mom, after all. Why would the great creator go and...well, you know. Isn't that a bit STRANGE?
As soon as they were clear of the portal she turned on Myde. “what was that?” he have her a flat look.
“what? You trying to breach a subject that wasn't meant to be opened at that time? Or my saving your a** from the guy who is the reason there is any life on our planet, nay the reason there is a planet for us to live on?” Ritsuka froze, Myde had a flat tone, he was clearly miffed about something.
“Myde? A-are you angry at me?” Ritsuka looked at him with big puppy dog eye's. He raised an eyebrow, his demeanor softening.
“no, 'suka I'm not mad...it's just that wasn't a subject you need have necessarily have brought up around him...I'm sure he is regretting it...or wishing he had been more careful.” he smiled at her, eye's twinkling with mischief again. “but it's over now, and we simply need to gather everyone who would fight for Milloe.”
Ritsuka frowned. “that wouldn't be very many...” she warned him and Myde frowned.
“yes...Azami...Matsu, and possibly Nadesiko if we can get her head out of the clouds long enough.” he pondered this for a moment. “Matsu's friends might help is he asked them...but we need to hurry, Tuesday is only two days away.” she groaned at this.
“but it'll take two days talking to Nadesiko!” she giggled at her joke. He smiled.
“then why don't you get out your cell phone and do what you do best?” his eye's shone with mischief now. Ritsuka tilted her head.
“what's that?”
“annoying people until they do what you want! Of course!” he yelped as she threatened to hit him and he danced out of the way laughing.
“it was a joke 'suka!” he blew a raspberry at him and got out her cell anyway. She dialed up Azami first.
“yea, Azami...i think your should know...”
Nadesiko was perched in her tree, the skeletal branches of the mulberry tree hid her quite nicely. It was a good day to study the layout of the branches and think. She liked thinking, it passed the time until something interesting happened. A movement caught her eye. Some one was walking up to her front door. She crouched out of sight. Why would the blue haired guy, Myde be coming to her house? She though of letting him know she was here...but no, what would be the fun in that?
He rang the door bell a few times, he mom finally answered the door. She shook her head, indicating that Nadesiko wasn't home. He thanked her and walked back to the car. He must have gotten his drivers license...she remembered something about that. He got in the car and she say him try and run his hands though his hair, but the hats stopped him. She pondered this for a moment, per haps he needed to talk to her. She swung down by her tail and got into her own car, she was going to follow him.
He drove to the park, it seemed like the whole gang was their, and a few people she didn't' remember. Too bad fuzzy wasn't here... she snuck into the tree's above them and listened.
“ok, I'm glad everyone could make it...i couldn't find Nadesiko. But that's ok.” Myde sighed and looked at the gathered lerts. “i just want to make this clear, you are risking your lives to bring Milloe back, i was able to explain to most of you what was going on but i want to go over it one more time so all of you know what's going on.” he took a deep breath. “you can sit down if you want. Ok, Let's start with Milloe's alleged aunt. She isn't his aunt. But she is the one we know as CHaos. The one who destroyed Paradise...yes, the one from the fairy tales. And he is actually Buranku-sama's son...yes,the creator's son. Buranku doesn't know...er, didn't know that Milloe existed. I'm sure some of you know about Milloe's mother...we don't' actually know where she is at the moment but i have a feeling she wont' be bothering Milloe for a long time. Anyway. CHaos arranged Milloe's birth and she had Pansuke raise him to be...easily manipulated. And to further this CHaos gave Milloe the 'curse of Chaos' which bends the cursed one to the curser's will. So we have to believe that Milloe is completely under Chaos's control.” he paused to look at their faces. “some of you remember how powerful Milloe was after his 'aunt' started teaching the elements class...he was holding back most of his power.” their was shocked gasps from the listeners.
“yes, Milloe was holding back and managed to kick all of our collective asses. And he's been training under Chaos this last year. So he has to be even more powerful.” he scratched his neck. “some of you are probrally wondering how I've found out this much...it's because i went to the temple and prayed to Buranku...and he actually came and took Ritsuka and i to his study...in wherever his lives...” the gathering went dead silent.
“yes, you probrally don't' believe me...but it's true” he checked his watch. “and in about 10 minutes you'll get proof. “ he sighed. “and the reason i gathered you all here is that Buranku ordered me to gather anyone who was willing to rescue Milloe...a very un-willing Milloe who is very scared...and has freakish power...he's 420 year old, and the son of the one who created the universe.” he met their eye's “so I'm asking you if you will risk your lived to fight tooth and nail to rescue his poor little delta a** from Chaos...and keep in mind, he's under CHaos's influence, i he probably doesn't even have a coherent thought in his head.” he swallowed and checked his watch.
“and now, i ask you.” he gestured behind him as a flash of white light appeared behind him. “will you help us?” their was a stunned silence
Nadesiko jumped down.”sure! I want to glomp Fuzzy anyway!” and with that she waltzed though the portal.
Myde nearly had a heart attack when the lemur lert jumped out of the tree.
“well...Nadesiko's here...” he muttered Ritsuka nodded to him and walked slowly though the portal, Azami got up and stepped firmly across. Matsu stood and faced his friends, their was five of them in all.
“well?” he asked them he got genuine smiles from them and Matsu turned to his twin. “don't worry Myde, we got your back” and they filed though the opening. Myde sighed in reileaf and followed them.
Buranku watched with interest as the one called Myde convinced the other's to follow him. The one' that didn't have Myde's loyalty, but rather were loyal to the water Neada's twin. Were a particular interest to him. They did trust Myde by the end, but at the beginning they didn't like him...the one called Myde must have made a very good speech for their trust to have been given so quickly. He watched as he opened the portal ad the lemur dropped out of the tree and walked straight into the portal he turned and saw her ...waltz into his study and look around with wide eye's. He zoomed out of the globe and watched her. She stared at him for a while and looked at his book shelves.
“oh wow...you do really look like the fuzzy don't you?” Buranku blinked she was looking at him again. This was one of his son's friends? Very well...
“so i have been informed.” she blinked and rubbed her head at His voice inside her head. Ritsuka came though the portal followed by the blue tiger lert, then the twin and his falowers and then Myde, who Buranku closed the portal after.
“welcome” several of the lerts jumped at the voice inside their head and he nodded to them. Several of them went pale. He caught stay whisper of their thoughts, they were about how much he looked like Milloe.
“well, i am very pleased with you Myde Garr... I had not expected this many to follow you into battle. However, they will need basic conditioning. Do not worry, i will not separate you...i believe this team will be an asset in regaining Milloe, since he has escaped all of our skilled dark wraiths.” he nodded to them signaling he follow him. He led them though the door and into the main hall, it was echoingly empty in here with out the majority of the servants. Iwa was waiting for them, his dark clothing making him fade into the shadows.
“Iwa here are your new charges.” Buranku studied Myde and his new friends reading into their power levels and pathways. “ the one called Myde is a water wielder, the one called Matsu a fire, the one called Ritsuka a thunder the one called Azami an air, the onecalled Nadesiko an light, the one called Dorin an earth, the one called Arit an Air, the one called Yerin an fire, the one called Derik a dark, Usaigi a water, and the one called Freudian light.” he nodded to the beta's
“take care...train well, and never loose your desire to live.” his eye's lingered on the one called Azami.
Milloe was out on the top floor of the complex, the highest point in the entire collection of buildings, and the hardest to get to. He propped his elbows onto the ledge that ran around the isolated balcony and stared at the tops of the trees. His aunt lived in the middle of the forest...and no lerts and/ or humans lived within thirty miles.
He had been listening to the servants, lurking in shadows and sneaking up on them. He had heard quite a bit...It seemed like most of them referred to CHaos as Mistress...or Master. As if they were really following her orders...not Kaosu. In fact his aunts name hadn't been mentioned over four times...but the CONTENT he had heard it in was what threw him off kilter. It was as if the whole 'aunty Kaosu' name and identity...was a ruse...this couldn't be? He KNEW when people lied to him!
Milloe frowned and ran a hand though his hair. It was getting longer, it was just past shoulder length now. He twirled the white tips in his hand. Was he being lied to by the person that convened him to desert his 'friends' and come to a better life?
But wait...wasn't he wishing not a month ago that he wanted his old life back? Was this really the 'better life' that His aunt had promised? Milloe closed his eyes, fending off a wave of dispare. What had he done?
Chaos froze, the boy was slipping away, Disentangling himself from the curse. His dispare eating away at the bonds that she held him with. She was grateful that she had sent her slaves away moments ago. She could remedy this. But she would have to...
Did she have the power? Yes, the boys dispare shackled his own power, making him more than manageable. But she had to act NOW!.
She sat down and closed her eyes. She reached towards the boy's emotional knot, that was located at the top floor of the north tower. He was alone, which gave her all the excused she needed.
She fully activated the Curse of CHaos.
Milloe groaned as another wave of black dispare rolled over to him, he dropped to his knees and curled into himself. Shuddering in internal pain.
Then he felt a...taint intruding from where it had been hovering at the edge of his consciousness all his life. He gasped in recognition. The morning glories had been WARNING him about this! He whimpered as the alien invasion slowly and excruciatingly took over his consciousness.
He felt like he was drowning by quicksand, felt like he was being burned alive, slowly crushed. He was being erased.
Milloe relised this and a memory surfaced. It was from school. Something about a curse.
“don't fight it, you will be deleted.” Milloe whimpered and let go. His vision went black. His sensed went dead. He was no longer on the balcony. He was floating, no senses, nothing but his own thoughts. No feeling.
He was trapped.
Chaos howled in triumph and called her new servant to her. In what seemed like only moments, the boy came, responding to her every whim. She marveled at the power that was now hers. For the cursed one's power was now her own. The boy had no expression. No emotion. He was no more. She smiled down at her new pawn. The perfect soldier.
She examined his mind ruthlessly. Their was nothing left of the one called “Milloe” b*****d son of the one who created the world.
She felt a cruel smile come to life on her face. This boy had such reserves. He was far more powerful than she. Yet he had no mind, she controlled him utterly.
She had the key.
She simply had to drive it home into the lock that withheld her victory all these long years...
Buranku. Her Creator.
Milloe floated, his mind seemed compressed into a tiny space. He was floating, not touching anything...but that was the 'feel' that he got. He 'looked' around trying to 'see' where he was. But he Saw nothing. He tentatively reached out to try and find anything.
He was disoriented, but a window of sorts opened up and let him peer into the world that was so familiar to him. His aunt, Kaosu was laughing like a maniac.
No, he relised, the was not his aunt. All the pieces clicked together like a puzzle. She was Chaos trying to exact revenge on Buranku...He was the god of the world. The one who CREATED the world.
But if he was the 'good guy' then why had he created evil? Milloe pondered this for a moment before an old lullaby came to mind. Something about how Chaos destroyed Buranku's paradise.
So if that was what happened...then he had been serving the lady of darkness! Milloe felt revulsion at the idea. He was so stupid! He ha a chance to stop this!
And what did he do? He want and got himself Cursed. How wonderful! Now Azami and...and Nadesiko and All them were going to DIE! Because he was so ******** STUPID! And their was nothing he could do to stop them from dieing from HIS OWN BLOODY HAND!
Stupid Myde, if he hadn't been asking about his age Milloe would have never considered any of this! He wanted to howl he wanted to snarl...
He wanted to die.
No...he wanted to kill.
Adnama froze when she heard the news. The boys curse had been activated. She had to remain calm. Everyone was looking to her for support. She had to stay calm. She re arranged some papers and sighed deeply.
“********.” She rubbed the bridge of her nose. and eyed the gathered council members. The two agents, other wise known as 'Dark wraths' were looking particularly green around the eyes.
“so...we failed in capturing the boy before it was too late...” she stuck a lollipop in her mouth, clinking it along her teeth. “but” she gave them a weary grin “hope is not lost.”
she was met by either blank or incredulous stares.
“after all..i know for a fact that the b***h had tried to activate it before, and that people's power gets...'shackled' you might say when they are disparing.” she perked up “and we all know that the boy's been depressed lately. So that means that he had a bad day and CHaos took over.” the silence was still impatient. And she sighed. “don't you get it this means that Milloe COULD BREAK FREE” is he was that strong before, he could be that strong after he comes to his senses!”
Relieved sighs met her words. But Darin, the agent, frowned. “mabey...” Adnama scowled at him, she finally got her people cheered up and WHAT does he do? “I'm afraid that only .9percent of those affected by this particular curse ever can break it. And frankly, it was only by seeing someone they loved in danger.” Adnama stared at him, mentally calling him nine kinds of idiot. “did you not say that he hates his old friends?”
utter silence met those words, and Adnama was killing the lert with her eyes.
“you...have very bad timing agent Darin.” her voice was cold, and a triffle ruffled. “as i said before, dispare shackles. I gave them hope to fight with and you tore it down.” she shook her head. “but you gave me an idea, Divad could you come here?” he brother looked surprised but padded over.
“yes?” she drew him down to where they could whisper.
“didn't you mention something about a crush of his? You know the one who couldn't o anything to him? That wouldn't?” she stared at him, her urgency clear. He frowned puzzled.
“yea, but- OH!” he exclaimed the last bit. She gave him a flat look.
“ok, i need you to give me a written report tonight of everything he said about her.” her brother nodded and sprinted out of the chamber.
“ok, anyway I'm mulling over an idea. And Hope isn't' lost!” she grinned “I'm actually feeling pretty good about this...and another thing...Milloe is STRONG...stronger than Chaos...” Adnama smiled, clearly cheerful the people gave her flat looks. “ugh, you people are being dense, since Milloe is so strong it'll require a lot of Chaos's attention to use him! After all he has no mind... so she'd have to direct most of his moves!”Adnama sucked on the lollipop, and Darin hit his forehead,
“i feel like an idiot...” the wolf muttered as his partner, Corig, laughed.
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Anime obsessed Blond. Book obsessed Nerd. Video game obsessed Bookworm. Music obsessed Authoress. Life obsessed Emo. Cuddle-less Cuddle-bug.... I'm a Contradiction.
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I like it.