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Monthly Collectibles vs. Gaia Cash Items
crying The anticipation of Monthly Collectibles have diminished in my eyes. The quality and the amount of poses makes the MC not very sought after anymore. The cash shop items are much better in quality and choice. The last few MCs weren't that great...I still collect them...but I'm not using them anymore as often as I use to. They have way, way, way too many poses and just a waste of gold and money.

Who's with me in feeling this? gonk

But I very much appreciate the hard work in the artwork ._. of creating the item.

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Sevi Rais
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Dec 15, 2008 @ 06:34pm
I agree. I think that's suppose to happen given that some items in the cash shop are more than MCs. We should be getting our money's worth.

Maybe they are going to fade them out in the future? gonk

Even the announcements didn't have a picture of all the poses for the MC item. They're all "Look at this banner and you'll get the general idea." haha

Look at October. It didn't really go with the whole "Halloween" theme like other past years.

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 15, 2008 @ 09:30pm
It's kinda sad that the most multi-functional/well made items are all in the cash shop these days. I can make enough gold to purchase them, but it is just money-grubbing on Gaia's part.

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Kathleen Starr
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commentCommented on: Mon Dec 15, 2008 @ 11:44pm
Same, pretty much sweatdrop

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 12:06am
Yeah, I agree with you. gonk

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Darien S.
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commentCommented on: Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 02:46am
I'm have mixed feelings about the subject. Reason I say this is because before Evolution items and Cash Shop items were released, the MC quality and quantity was all that we were used to. Now that we have an item that costs us normally at least double what an MC costs, some expect MCs to have the same quality and quantity as an EI or normal Cash Shop item when that's not the case at all. Monthly Collectibles have been and will always be just that, a $2.50 item that was never the best quality Gaia could provide so everyone now has their expectations set too high for what they (Monthly Collectibles) really are. While yes, some months the MCs are a bit off while other months it's the exact opposite. I expect an item that costs me $10 to be better than that of an MC that only cost me $2.50, it's just logical that way, imo at least.

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 02:54am
It's almost like Sevi said... are they going to phase it out. eek Because it feels and seems that way from the quality lately. The idea bag doesn't seem to be doing so well for the MC.

Well, December's MC is pretty xd

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commentCommented on: Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 07:37am
There does seem to be too many poses, and such. I haven't been purchasing them anymore since May or June, I think. I also haven't been online much so for me, it wasn't worth it for the lack of ads anymore either.

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 07:41am
Speaking of ads...I grew immune to them *w* HOWDY MCFANO!

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commentCommented on: Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 07:43am
I figure, the amount I am online these days, I can live with the ads.

Howdy! I have not been online much for the past however long.

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 11:22am
I couldn't agree more gonk I just wish the MCs would stay old-fashioned.

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Lluvia Maya
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commentCommented on: Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 08:11pm
I agrees Arwen
Not only am I not looking forward to the release of the items, I usually now even forget what day they'll open.
Now this is just be my old age, or the fact that usually they kinda suck.

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 10:00pm
gonk Crazy pirate looking like lady.

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commentCommented on: Wed Dec 17, 2008 @ 09:38am
I would have to agree with Lluvia Maya because yesterday when I came to Gaia and opened the announcement and when I saw "December's Monthly collectibles are here!" I was all like "...WTF?? Oh yeah, they open on 15th - that's today!" xp It just became somehow....unimportant. I remember waiting a couple of hours just to see what the month's MCs (well, DIs) will be.

commentCommented on: Wed Dec 17, 2008 @ 10:40am
To be honest, the plus of having no ads because you donate doesn't seem to apply itself anymore, at least not for my account.

Also, I don't know why that only counts for buying MC's and not things like Cash or Cash Cards. IMO, that's practically the same thing as donating to Gaia.

Not to mention that ad in the top right corner is basically an ad you can't avoid now for whatever new item you should be buying.

Edible Substance
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commentCommented on: Thu Dec 18, 2008 @ 08:28am
I totally agree. I only get MC's now if I plan to wear the item in the future. On the other side I find Evo items to have the same issue of too many poses but magnified. Compound that with the fact more Evo items get released the MC's and your drowning to keep up as a collector and your absolutely dying if your a causal Gaian.

commentCommented on: Thu Dec 18, 2008 @ 08:37pm
I don't know, I think some of the MCs are very good. It's not that their quality stinks, as some of them are arguably better quality than older MCs. It's just that the variety and overall shininess of all the other Cash Shop items completely overshadows the MCs. Who cares about a couple of monthly items when we get other new Cash Shop items every month and brand new EI poses every week?

If Gaia's getting a significant amount of revenue from MCs, good for them. But if not... well, I think they're kind of pointless now.

Chibigreen Tejinashi
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commentCommented on: Tue Dec 23, 2008 @ 09:21pm
XD i'd be afriad to comment on this one...
well, i agree.... and i am not a fan of the CS.
I think it's ruined the gaia economy Dx the worth of the MCs dropped. and it wasn't just due to botted/hacked gold~!

and, it keeps re-releasing things ;.; it makes me think twice about collecting anything.
My dream quest i've been doing on gaia for like 3 years, seems like some what a waste of time now :/ why would i still continue to want 1 of all the MCs, when my real focus should be on the CS items? and, event though my focus is PULLED to the CS, they keep bringing things back! what's the point? :/ ya know?

I will always remain faithful to the MCs though. 3nodding that is what gaia support is all about i think. the CS doesn't make me feel like im being supportive, with a "thank you" letter. it makes me feel like im being greedy, and i just want stuff like everyone else. gonk
but maybe that's a guilty concience? idk.
i just prefer the MCs.
although in 08, most of them were less than attractive sweatdrop sorry guys~!
it seems like all your effort is going into the CS items. sad don't forget the MCs~! for they are ever lasting 3nodding <3
keep up the work 3nodding
~~ Your local gaian, Sirius

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