Gaia Online is a business. A small business, not a major corporation with unlimited money. They have starving artists, programmers, and well creativity requires a lot. Oh I know, I'm using the business excuse. But its not... they really are a business and have every right to do as they please. Two thousand and three was a very long time ago and if they want to re-sell the Angelic Halo or any 2003 item as they please to give folks who actually want the item a chance of obtaining it, I applaud them.
Am I offended they're reselling the Angelic Halo? No.
Am I offended at the price? No.
Shouldn't they keep their word of unique items being sold once? Hmm... tricky subject. I don't recall Gaia ever saying they will never re-release an item. They say something along the lines of "sold once a month."
They have given it away at conventions and such. That falls under the same category. Gaians have petition in the past to allow re-sell of past MCs. They sure listened. Now, the storm of complaints contradicts itself. These forums move extremely fast and its hard to stay informed on the latest petitions.
I surely won't waste my time and energy complaining on this decisionl. If you have the money to spend and choose to spend it on cash shop items, aren't you free to do so? However, folks running amok saying those who spend over $99 are dumb, I'm really confused about that.
One great response in one of the threads sums up how I feel:
Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 5:13 am
This whole thing is blown out of proportion.
VERY few people will buy them to the point you won't even notice.
MOST of the people whining are just pissed they can't afford it, which is why they are hating on the few who can. While I'm at it its NOT your money, if someone wants to spend $1000 on a pixalated item its THEIR choice!
Then there's the ones that are all 'OMG they MASS-RELEASED IT OMG RAGEQUITTING!' good, leave, give your s**t away then regret it later after realizing that Gaia can and always will do whatever they want. Once in a while they do listen to some of the users but the bottom line is they will always just do what'll suit them best.
VERY few people will buy them to the point you won't even notice.
MOST of the people whining are just pissed they can't afford it, which is why they are hating on the few who can. While I'm at it its NOT your money, if someone wants to spend $1000 on a pixalated item its THEIR choice!
Then there's the ones that are all 'OMG they MASS-RELEASED IT OMG RAGEQUITTING!' good, leave, give your s**t away then regret it later after realizing that Gaia can and always will do whatever they want. Once in a while they do listen to some of the users but the bottom line is they will always just do what'll suit them best.
Saw Uncle Kenny roaming around doing damage control or rather enlightening folks.
Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:48 am
It's not being offered because of financial trouble, no. It's our 10th anniversary and people have asked for a way to get the Angelic Halo again for pretty much all 10 of those years. It isn't really a mass-release because it's such a high price and is only being offered in limited bursts. Even if it were doubled, it wouldn't be "mass" because of the numbers that are on active accounts. The value won't be affected by any amount that are sold since there will be so few added.
That's my rant for today.
I'm going to hide in a box until this is over. Backlashes are extremely terrifying on Gaia now. I miss the good ole' days.
Community Member
Are people really ranting? Omg.... rolleyes