Dream 3:
We were in a forest, the ground covered with moss , a dead tree at our feet and a small pond beyond, a mink like creature was there, small but ferocious as it tackled and dodged my companion who had hunted the creature. My companion was an older man, perhaps 10 or 15 years older than myself with a square jaw and tight cropped hair, the creature dodged past my feet once, then twice, each time i stepped back to avoid it's small darting body, certain that it would bite, and bite hard if it had a chance. Eventually my companion overcame it and we continued on our way through the forest along the trail we'd been transversing. We came upon the rest, the others who'd come to this strange place with us, perhaps 20 in all from children to old men, most able bodied but tired. they'd come across a hologram of sorts of a lovely lady in a yellow gown and her hair pinned back in ringlets like some old time antebellum,she wore white gloves and greeted us cordially if not distantly. she spoke softly and seriously as she explained our plight. We'd come here from somewhere else, another planet perhaps, she herself was some previousby gone relic of those who came before, she warned us of the tough times ahead but assured us that we would make it through our ordeals. weary but encouraged we set up camp in an abandoned building not far from where we now stood. it's was a facility of sorts, one side gleaning a stone and wood home with a small kitchen, downward cellar and mess hall of good size, attatched to it as a later addition was a box like structure with cement floors, green and beige walls that reminded me somewhat of a sanitarium hallway, and cots lining the walls and seperated by flimsy curtains into box like rooms, one room at the end of the hall was proper in having walls and a door, my sister and her husband took up that room, i took a bed at the center of the hall and most of the little ones took the beds nearest the kitchen, the adults and older gentleman dotting the rest. We had a doctor with us as well who never seemed to sleep at all. It wasn't long till we bedded down for the night, I awoke in mid night to find my neice had slipped into my bed, I smiled and left her deciding to walk about a bit, a caught a glimpse of a large creature clinging to the ceiling and crawling into the door where my sister slept but was not alarmed, though the creature looked larged and somewhat prehistoric, i considered it and decided it was more like a dog than a beast and it would bring them no harm. I continued down the hall past the sleepers and the few empty beds, children sprawled across covers and one man who aparently didn't sleep well on bed curled up in the cement corner of his room fast asleep. it was on my second or third journey down the hall when i came across the doctor, also awake, i greeted him and he inquired as to me being awake, i made some excuse about a bad dream and we stayed up talking till morning. By morning all had gathered in the mess hall, eating an early prepared breakfast of muffins, cookies and cereals, i was getting drowsy by this time and considered for a moment making pancakes for some of the younger ones.The hall was noisy when I arrived and several of the teen boys in the group were crowded amongst tables loudly, they were told to quiet by one of the older women but persisted, I snapped my gaze to them sternly and spoke in a loud commanding voice for them to lower thiers, they stared at me a moment not having expected such and quieted themselves, i headed to the kitchen and pass the cellar doorway, my companion who was mostly our leader stood at a landing part way down the curving stairs assembling his appearance in a mirror that stood against a wall, i continued on and grabbed a cookie from the tray near the stove and he came up behind me doing the same and remarking on his fondness for cookies, we spoke cordially as we exited the kitchen, my desire to make pancakes long since gone as we stepped back into the room, i'd yet to take a bite from my cookie and had been clutching my blanket still about me to ward off the chill of the room, but as we passed the first table and my companion began to talke to some of the older people in one corner near the door to the rooms I glanced up, the sun had risen outside and it was streaming in through windows at the back of the room, high and thin slotted things along the edge of the roof. I walked towards the light, dropping my blanket and letting it trail by on ehand like the train of a gown as a calm tranquility over took me, something was about to happen, i could feel it, something was coming, soemthing dark and dangerous, but still I felt at peace, safe in the knowledge that I could hold such a thing at bay as though there were some hidden purpose in me. my blanket snagged a moment as i neared the back of the room, some of the students watching me, i let the blanket fall and half turned to see as a small grimy rag covered figure stumbled from the tumble of blankets, i called it by name, "bobbiht" the creature was like some fairytale dwarf or hobbit and it looked up at me with frantic but knowing eyes. It began to speak, to warn that what i'd previously felt was coming, but didn't get so far as my companion inquired as to what it was (which i swiftly informed him) though none there had ever seen such a creature. I asked the creature why it came, prompting it back onto it's previous train of thought but before It could answer, I awoke.
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Hands Unclean
The Journal of Jamie Davenport and includes both random commentary as well as a descriptive detailing of my most vivid dreams. (always a good read when you've got nothing else to do)
Jamie Davenport
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