McHeartAttackInABag thinks they can own anything if they add the letters Mc- in front of it. McFlurry, McNuggets, McChicken Sandwich, what's next, McCoffee? McNapkins? Seriously.
I like how nobody ever takes the time to look at these things anyway. xD Why am I still writing in this, though? It's not like anybody really wants to hear what I have to say x3 Especially since all I've been doing is sleeping until nine thirty and then doing random crap until it was time for field hockey practice. I need to put up some more song lyrics to earn me some gold and have more people not care/ not comment/ not appreciate me xD. Used to it, bishes.
Trying all you might to be as random as possible is futile in an attempt to be interesting. Forsake all that is not proverbial and archaeic to be serious, for there are those who wish their life to be so random and like yours. - Ancient Proverb