Name: Maizuki
Age: Sixteen
Nation: Fire Nation
Bending: She’s a fire bender, but she is skilled in the martial arts and with twin blades
Skin Color: She’s paler then anything.
Clothing: For the most part, she wears a Chinese styled red dress that doesn’t have sleeves, with a yellow ribbon around her waist to keep the dress closed, and she wears brown boots. At other times, she wears red robs (almost like royalty would wear) with white socks and sandals.
Hair style: Her hair is usually pulled back in a pony-tail (kind of like Zuko’s) with two thin strands of her hair hanging in front of her eyes.
|This is what makes me who I am.|
Personality: Maizuki, for the most part is a kind and caring girl. Though, at times she can be a bit hot-headed (but only if you happen to say the wrong thing to her). Because she doesn’t have many friends, it’s hard for her to talk to people without giving them the most simplest of answers (which are usually one word answers like “yes” or “no”). She isn’t one to take too much pride in her, since she’s good at what she does but knows she has her faults, therefore they help her grow and learn. Also, she’s not very good with her own self-esteem but would much rather keep to herself about it.
Bio: Maizuki is the youngest daughter of a Fire Nation General named Jun-Yu and noblewoman named Tai-Jun. She has two older twin sisters Megumi and Mitagumi. Though, she was the only one out of the three of them that was capable of learning fire bending. Her father was pride to teach her the ways of using fire bending without anger, like how some of the fire benders were taught by their parents. One day when she was out helping her mother get food to take home for dinner, she had witnessed someone take her mother somewhere. She had waited and waited for her mother to return to get her but she never did. After that, she ran back home to tell her father what had happened, which had made him rather angry with the Fire Nation.
It didn’t take long before Maizuki had managed to know a few things about fire bending from her father. Though, when she was just walking around, she had met the young Fire Nation Prince. At first she didn’t get along with him, blaming his father for the loss of her mother. But she wasn’t even aware that Zuko didn’t have a mother at that moment either since she had just sort of left without really saying were she was going. But it seemed like Zuko was the only person she could talk to other then her sisters (who weren’t very fun to talk to in the first place). But within a few weeks her father was sent off into battle. Knowing there was a slim chance that he wouldn’t return; Maizuki had started to cry when her father’s ship had set sail.
Within a few years of her just turning thirteen, her and her sisters received word that her father’s fleet was lost in the battle. Now, she had lost both of her parents and only had her sisters left to be with. But seeing as her sisters were older then she was by a few years, they were old enough to marry. Which it didn’t take long for them to marry off, so she stayed behind at their parents’ house to have a place to live (only because she didn’t want to be a burden to either of her sisters). Though, within the same year, her only friend Prince Zuko had been banished from the Fire Nation for speaking out again the Fire Lord’s general. She had only prayed that he would be safe and would find away to be the Fire Lord instead of his father or younger sister Azula. But within the time Zuko was gone she had learn many different things that would help her with her fire bending, like martial arts and learning how to use twin blades (almost like she was using such thing as a part of her own body).
My words are so sweet: “I’m sorry…I…” “Prince Zuko…” “You’ll never understand me!” “You’re pointless…” “I am Maizuki the daughter of General Jun-Yu and Tai-Jun!”
The prince and the princess