Alias/Nickname: Kei
Age: Eighteen
Occupation: College student/J-Pop singer, though growing up she was in Wammy's house
How she got her Death Note: She found it on her way home from college
Personality: She’s usually childish in some ways. Of course, she’s little bit hyper active and always think about positive things. Though, behind the childishness of her mind, she’s actually pretty smart. Depending on how you act towards her, she’ll either be nice to you or extremely mean and rude to you. People say she seemed a bit “bi-polar”.
Likes: Kittens, Vampires, Werewolves, occult type things
Dislikes: "preppy" people, overly happy people (something about them just annoy her), people who think they're better then others.
Shinigami: Tahoma
Bio: Mizuki likes to go by the name of Kei, instead. Ever since she was younger, she never really liked her real name so she just deiced that she was going to make up a nickname for herself and it became Kei. She’s the daughter of a Japanese woman and an American man, who had meet her mother while he was studying abroad in college. She’s only child, so she didn’t have to worry about any brothers or sisters bothering her. Though, she wasn’t exactly one of the smartest girls, she had gotten by with somewhat good grades when she was in high school. Of course, it wasn’t until her senior year of high school that she had found something that had changed her life forever…a Death Note. At first she wasn’t exactly certain what she would use it for but then she decided that it would be best to use it when it was needed, and not just use it for the hell of it. But now she’s starting her first year of college and has still kept the Death Note a secret from everyone. But for a while she decided that she was going to move to America to study abroad like her father did when he was in college. That’s house she ended up meeting Mello, one of L’s successors; at the time she didn’t know that he was really connected to mysterious detective L.