• // τhe m i n d // behind τhe Wriτing
» Username:[ -aiko- ]
• // τhaτ which pierces all ears
» Name: Venhael Nox ( Pronounced vein-hale knocks. )
» Nickname: Those on friendly terms with him call him Ven. Otherwise, stick with Venhael or Nox.
» Title: Stickyfingers. Literally and figuratively.
» Age: Looks to be about the mid-twenties.
» Gender: Male, thank-you-very-much.
» Sexual Orientation: Anyone pretty enough to meet his high standards.
» Position: Espada - Cuatro
• // donτ leτ [ appearances ] fool you
» Weapon(s): His zanpakutou ( Viuda Negra, or Black Widow ), his claws, and his fangs.
» Special Abilities/Powers: In his unreleased form, Ven has a few unique abilities..
If anyone ever gets close enough to him (and pisses him off enough) for him to bite them, they’re in for a nasty surprise. Not only does he have two very sharp canine teeth, he is capable of injecting venom through them. To fellow arrancar—especially other Espada members—the bite wouldn’t cause more than a bit of dizziness and a fever at the most, but it would be much more potent to a shinigami or a human. How bad the person infected depends firstly on what they are and, secondly, on how much venom was injected. A minimal amount would probably make the victim a bit dizzy or sick to their stomach. However, a large amount could seriously debilitate a shinigami or even kill a human if the venom is not remedied quickly. Fortunately for all potential victims, it would take him a while to inject such a serious amount of venom into someone and it is treatable.
Secondly, Ven is able to create spiderwebs from his fingertips. It’s not a technique that he uses a lot for combative purposes. He actually uses it more to set traps than anything. There’s nothing better than cementing your enemy in place whenever they think they’re clever enough to make an escape.
Once his Zanpakutou is released ( Release phrase: Entangle the enemy, Viuda Negra ), he retains his former two abilities but to slightly greater extents.
His web spinning ability becomes much more important. The webs gain an acidic trait to them in addition to their stickiness, burning anything organic that they stick to. Metals and other inorganic materials would eventually weaken when exposed to the webs, but it would take much, much longer. Because of this gained trait, Ven likes to use gathered threads of web as extendable whips. The only real downsides are that they are harder to control at longer ranges and they are easily destroyed. It is an annoyance to have ones weapon ruined even if you can generate another one fairly quickly.
Also, he’s quite good at conjuring up antivenins and other medicines, though it’s more a hobby than it is an ability. Whenever someone needs something to counteract a poison or whatnot, the best person to head to would be him.. Though you better be on good terms with him. Otherwise, he’s likely not going to give you a single thing out of his precious collection.
» Breed: Adjuchas.
» Appearance: oh, what a t a n g l e d web we weave…
Venhael is a very, very vain man, as one could expect from his nickname alone. His appearance is very important to him.. It’s pretty much an obsession for him to always look his best.
He stands at the grand height of five foot ten inches with a moderate figured—muscled, but not bulky. That would just be unsightly, would it not? He simply wouldn’t have that. His complexion is flawless and naturally as pale as a porcelain doll. His eyes are a dark purple color, though the left is obscured by his hair. Said locks are long—they reach a few inches past his mid-back—and a nice shade of red, save for the white portion of bangs that cover his eye. The remnants of his hollow mask start at a point over the bridge of his nose and covers the right side of his forehead, slipping under his hair. The very end of the mask peeks out of his hair again into four short spikes. His Hollow hole is in the usual place—right where his heart used to be oh-so-long ago. A black number four is tattooed onto his right hip, though not many people have dared to get close enough to him to look at it.
Other small, notable tidbits about his sealed appearance would be that his fingernails are naturally long and colored a deep purple. His two canine teeth are longer than a normal person’s. Also, if you were to brush away the bangs obscuring the left side of his face, it would quickly become apparent why he hides that side of his face. There’s a rather unsightly scar there. Despite it’s thinness, it runs straight down from his cheekbone to his jawbone. It’s nothing and never was anything serious except for a blow to his pride.
As for his outfit, he’s gratuitously altered the standard arrancar uniform. His jacket has a high collar, the left half covered in a soft white fur. The garment completely lacks sleeves and cuts off just below the end of his ribcage. A pair of dark purple, patterned gloves run from the back of his hand to his elbow on both arms. He wears a few pieces of silver jewelry on his wrists and fingers. The pieces serve no purpose other than to look aesthetically pleasing.
His zanpakutou is present at his hip—nothing too special. The sheath is a dark purple color, as well as the wrappings of the hilt. The guard is perhaps the most interesting part of the weapon. It’s shaped almost like a spider with eight extrusions that form an almost diamond shape.
Whenever his zanpakutou is released, his spider-like attributes are made very apparent. His hollow mask forms once again, covering all of his head save for the bottom of his face. From underneath the mask, one could see the extrusion of his fangs slightly past his lips which, oddly enough, has little effect on his ability to speak. There are eight holes around the mask for eyes, allowing him to see in almost every direction. The mask then extends downwards over the back of his neck, armoring the rest of his body save for his arms. Those—all six of them—are armored individually and armed with sharp claws and blade-like extrusions at both the wrists and elbows. His ankles also bear the same sharp extrusions at his ankles, if anyone dared to get close enough for him to kick them. On his back, there’s a red hourglass marking. Despite all the alterations, however, he still retains a generally human shape.
» Personality: First and foremost, Ven is a very, very vain little arrancar. If he doesn’t look his best for any reason, then he’s not happy at all. Chances are, if he’s not happy, the people around him aren’t either. He has a tendency to get ever more snarky than he usually is whenever he’s displeased about something. It’s definitely annoying unless you build up a tolerance to it, which could take a while. He’s so obsessed with his appearance that enough as a simple stain on his jacket would equate to someone slapping him in the face.
He’s very fond of mind games whenever he’s the one on the giving end of them, but never on the receiving. Whenever he’s bored, it’s nearly impossible to get a straight answer out of him.. Whether it’s leading a person around in a verbal circle or answering in a riddle, it always amuses him to frustrate someone with something so simple. Of course, whenever someone’s trying to yank him about, he has a tendency to get either violent or snappy, depending upon the person.
Another prominent aspect of his personality would be the fact that he absolutely abhors both shinigami and humans of all kinds of allegiances, moreso the former than the latter. They’re disgusting little creatures, in his opinions, and not even worthy of existence. However, since they’re stuck in their own little world, he hardly ever runs into problems with them. Shinigami, however.. Ever since the former fifth captain and his fellow shinigami came to Hueco Mundo, he’s held a grudge against them. Any orders relayed to him from them are completed, but with utmost reluctance. If it wasn’t easier to just give in a do whatever he’s told, he would’ve plotted many more attempts at rebellion already.
Venhael also has a rather troublesome hobby for those around him—thievery. While he doesn’t steal anything of great importance, any small objects lying around carelessly will eventually end up hoarded away in his room. Once there, he’s very reluctant to give anything back. Trying to get your things back from him is pretty much a hopeless endeavor unless you’re higher ranked than he is.
» History: Ever since his meager beginnings as a simple Hollow, Venhael has longed to be at the top. He never wanted power simply to have it and, to this day, that’s not his goal. There were ever only two reasons that he wanted to have a high ranking. One, it would make him look better. Two, it would allow him the ability to do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted to do it. To be honest, he never really liked fighting—it was something that required too much effort and had many possibilities for unsightly injuries. However, he knew that he’d have to do a lot of fighting to get exactly where he wanted to be.. So he did so, albeit with reluctance.
Due to his own laziness and disinclination to fight, his transformation into a Gillian was a slow one. Still, he was able to gain control over the hundred of other Hollows and, thusly, continued to consume other Hollows as he normally had at the same laid back pace. It took years before he finally transformed once again into an Adjuchas and he was very relieved for the change. The more appealing form and the power boost were absolutely wonderful. He was finally starting to get a taste of the fruit of his labor, though he was still pressed to continue rising to the top as much as he could. After all, rumor had it that a few shinigami had weaseled their way into his precious home.
His hatred for the race had been well-rooted in his mind ever since his days terrorizing and consuming souls left behind in the human world. The news that they were invading his home was upsetting, to say the least. Like any right-minded person would do whenever they hear of intruders, he went to seek them out and get rid of them. The fact that his fellow Hollows let such trash even make it three steps in Hueco Mundo was completely shameful and that bad image, he felt, would reflect back on him with the rest. That was something he would not allow.
Of course, whenever he actually managed to find where the shinigami had supposedly ran off to, he instantly ran into a problem—capture. Despite his efforts to get away, he couldn’t quite escape and was resultantly forced through the transformation into an arrancar.
One would think that yet another more appealing form and an increase in power and ranking would have him ecstatic over the transformation. However, the fact that he was still subservient to the shinigami he hated along with the elite ten arrancar, the Espada, didn’t bode well with him. Insult was added to injury whenever he was assigned to be the fracción of the fourth Espada.. Little more than a servant, and that was exactly what he was treated as.
Instead of violently retaliating, Ven reluctantly obliged to the menial tasks he was assigned, all the while carefully observing the person he was supposed to be loyal to. There would come a time, he reasoned, where he could catch the other off guard. While he wasn’t overly interested in becoming one of the Espada, the rank itself did have a few appealing qualities. One would still be at the command of the despicable shinigami, but at least those in the elite group had much more freedom than any of the números did. So, with his goal in mind, Ven began to carefully plan and, surely enough, it wasn’t long at all before an opportunity cropped up.
The fourth Espada had went to attend to business in a far, more abandoned corner of Las Noches. He’d sent his servant off to attend to something and had assumed that Ven went off to do it without question. Said arrancar, however, cautiously tailed said Espada and attacked as soon as he saw the other’s guard drop. With a bit of luck and his own skill, the fight that ended his previous master was quick and easily won. As the murderer of the fourth Espada, he gained the rank without dispute. Of course, a few of his fellows thought the method by which he attained the rank was merely ‘cheating’ or ‘a stroke of luck’. A few even tried to challenge that rank, but to this day, he hasn’t had the title stripped away from him.
Since then, Ven has been more-or-less content. He’s come to somewhat tolerate the shinigami that now reside in Hueco Mundo, claiming that it’s easier just to be obedient and ignore them the rest of the time than it is to be resistant. As for his fellow Espada, he’s not fond of the majority of them, though there are a few he’s on fairly good terms with.
• // τo τhe b e a τ of my hearτ
» Quote: “You’re not worth my time.”
» Likes:
o Looking good.
o Pretty people.
o Tangled things.
o Spiders, obviously.
o The colors red and purple.
o Doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants.
o Not having an overwhelming amount of responsibilities.
» Dislikes:
x Ugly things.
x Being injured.
x The color yellow.
x Humans.
x Shinigami, especially the former fifth captain and company.
x Bending to the will of others.
x Fighting.
» Theme Song:
i h a t e xhumansx
» Other: Nothing~