• // τhe m i n d // behind τhe Wriτing
» Username: [ -aiko- ]
• // τhaτ which pierces all ears
» Name: Shintarou Masaru
» Nickname: Masa is pretty common.
» Title: The Musician.
» Age: Appears to be roughly twenty-two or twenty-three.
» Gender: Male.
» Sexual Orientation: Undecided-sexual?
» Position: Eighth Division, Lieutenant.
• // donτ leτ [ appearances ] fool you
» Weapon(s): Zanpakutou ( Sairen [ サイレン - Siren ] ), Dabbles in a bit of Kidou.
» Special Abilities/Powers: To some degree, Masaru retains all the usual abilities of any normal shinigami. However, he is quite accomplished at shunpo and zanjutsu. Inversely, he’s a bit lacking in the categories of hohou and hakuda and his skill with kidou—outside of the kidou he uses whenever utilizing his zanpakutou—only barely extends beyond the basics. His real strength in fighting, however, is reliant upon his zanpakutou.
Shikai - “Sing your deadly melody, Sairen!”
By releasing his zanpakutou, the blade shifts into a rapier. While it may outwardly seem flimsy and even laughable due to its thinness, it is advised not to underestimate him. His zanpakutou by itself my truthfully not be very formidable, but the one trait that makes it individually weaker than most other blades—its thinness—opens up the possibility for a few unique attacks.
- Soundwave
- This attack is the main ability Masaru uses whenever he releases his zanpakutou, simply for its convenience and efficiency. He begins the attack by making a very quick, wide slash in the air in the direction he wants the attack to go. The rapier makes a high-pitched noise as it cuts through the air, the sound waves traveling in the direction specified. These waves carry spiritual pressure along with them that partially solidifies them into a viable attack form. The effects that this kind of attack would have on a person depends largely on how armored they are and how close they are to Masaru. If they’re far enough away, the sound waves would lose quite a bit of energy and probably only feel like a sudden, strong bit of wind. However, if the unfortunate soul happens to get struck by the attack at point-black range, the blunt force of the attack would likely crush a few bones or bring out a bit of blood.
Of course, this move isn’t fail-proof. It is easily dodged if one happens to be fast enough and paying attention. Also, like mentioned, it largely depends on the range.
- Legendary Song
- This is the second, more defensive ability Masaru had whenever his zanpakutou is released which could easily be divided into more categories. He begins by running his finger down the sharp edge of his sword, using only a bit of his reiatsu as a cushion to keep himself from getting cut. This action emits another high pitched sound. However, Masaru manipulates these sounds to form the specific pitches he wants. Those notes are quickly, but carefully arranged along with an incantation of his own creation to have a number of effects on the enemy such a temporarily stunning them, confusing them, or freezing their movements.
This attack, however, is mainly used only as a defensive tactic due to the very short time it effects the enemy (as in about three to five seconds at the maximum—just enough time for him to put some distance between himself and the other person) and the amount of energy, time, and concentration it takes to even use it. See, the longer he recites the incantation, he longer it will effect the enemy. This also means that the longer he uses this technique, the more of energy is drained. If he uses the technique for too long or too many times, he’d pretty much be stabbing himself in the back. It’s a double edged sword, so it is used sparingly.
Not yet able to use.
» Breed: Shinigami.
» Appearance: everybody l o v e s a [ country ] .b.o.y.
Masaru stands at the grand height of six foot even. Despite his excessive height, there isn’t a single trait about him that is menacing in any way. His skin is tanned, baring a few very, very light freckles about his cheeks. He undeniably muscled, but not awkwardly so. Even his eyes are a nice, soft auburn color with a kind look to them that seems to be rare to find nowadays. His reddish-brown hair is fairly short, but constantly in disarray whether he attacks it with a brush or not. On a normal day, he usually chooses to not worry about it—looks weren’t ever very important to him.
As for his wardrobe, he wears the standard shinigami outfit without much qualm, not caring to make himself stand out in the crowd. Black-and-white, from head to toe, with his lieutenant’s badge on his left arm and his zanpakutou safely at his hip. The only thing different about it would be his change in footwear—geta, instead of the usual waraji. In his opinion, they’re just more comfortable.
Whenever sent to the human world and he comes upon a situation where he needs to use his gigai, his style of dress could best be described as casual and unassuming. After all, the point of being in disguise is to not attract attention to yourself, isn’t it? He’s usually in a pair of jeans or khakis with a dress shirt. No ties, though.. He can’t even tie them himself.
His zanpakutou, Sairen, manifests herself in the form of her namesake—a beautiful Siren of mythology. She’s a tall, thin, and utterly flawless woman at the height of five-foot-nine. Her silky, long hair is black with a slight greenish tint to it, reaching almost to her ankles. Her skin is as pale as the purest ivory and completely flawless. Perhaps the only really unsettling part of her appearance would be her eyes—they are green, but without pupils. Such a trait could easily be easily overlooked, however, if one was to hear her speak. Her sweet, lyrical voice has a quiet echo to it.
» Personality: Masaru can best be described as a socialite. He loves to be around other people and he quickly grows bored whenever he isn’t. This is a problem for his superiors sometimes as he can easily become distracted. More than a couple of times, he’s had to be reminded of his assignments whenever caught chatting to someone. It’s not that he dislikes his responsibilities.. He just likes to talk and joke around a lot. Even so, he’s still very trustworthy and always does what he is asked to do.. Sometimes it just takes longer.
There are a number of morals that Masa lives by, but the driving factor behind his personality would be his belief in honesty being the best policy. Even though honesty hurts sometimes, he’ll try his best to avoid lying to someone if they come and ask his opinion. That doesn’t mean he’ll say truthful, but hurtful things without logical cause, though. He’s very polite and absolutely hates to see people sad or disappointed, so the old Disney saying ‘If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all’ also plays a large part in his life.
Lately, though, Masaru seems to have become a bit more withdrawn and even a little paranoid. He doesn’t chat with people nearly as much as he used to, nor crack half as many jokes. After the last arrancar attack, he’s been nervous as hell that something is going to happen again soon and it’s going to be bad.. Most distressingly, he’s going to be the center of it.
» History: Masaru had humble beginnings both as a human and as a shinigami. He was never famous in life, therefore his sudden death left only a few—those being friends and family—in tears. Luckily, his soul didn’t remain stuck in the human world after death. He had no reason to stay. His death had been completely incidental. So, he was sent to Soul Society.
Luckily for him, he ended up in Rukongai’s third district. It was nice and peaceful.. He even found himself a nice family that he stayed with for a number of years before curiosity finally got the best of him. He finally applied to enroll in the shinigami academy once he started showing signs of potential and he was accepted. Despite not wanting to leave the family he’d found in the afterlife, he went to the academy and began his studies.
It was a long, hard process, he soon found out, and there were plenty of time where he wanted to quit. The man had never been fond of violence, as far as he could recall. If it wasn’t for the promise that he would be protecting so many people, he might’ve entirely lost his resolution to complete his training. After a number of years of hard training, he finally managed to graduate. He wasn’t the top of his class, but he wasn’t at the bottom either. Nothing special, nothing horrible. Just average.
He immediately joined the eighth division afterwards and had remained with that division ever since. Though, it wasn’t until the past few years that he began to make a climb in the ranks, even being appointed to the rank of lieutenant whenever the position became open. Despite the onslaught of new responsibilities he had to attend to, it was a relatively quiet and peaceful job. There weren’t as many missions to the real world that he had to attend to and it was a job that required him to socialize with a good number of people. However, as soon as the three captains left Soul Society to plot against the other shinigami and the large scale attack of the Quincy, he began to realize just how much work being a lieutenant required.
Ever since, he’s been busy with one assignment or the other, barely having enough time to even rest. If it wasn’t one thing, it was another. If one person didn’t need his help with something, then another surely did. Masa hasn’t ever really regretted his rank, though, but sometimes he does wish it allowed for a bit more breathing room between tasks.
In the latest arrancar excursion, it became quickly became apparent that he was the focus of the attack. However, no one seems to have a clue as to why, not even Masaru himself. As far as he know, he doesn’t have anything or possess any skills of value to the former fifth division captain’s side. Not only did this attack make him very paranoid, it’s also been the cause of a few rumors amongst his fellow shinigami. Some have suspected him of working with the renegade group, though that couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, he pretty much loathes Noboru. It seems to be the quickest spreading rumor of the lot, though, which makes Masa not only paranoid about an impending arrancar attack, but also about betrayal of his fellow shinigami.
• // τo τhe b e a τ of my hearτ
» Quote: “I knew I’d forgot t’ do somethin’.”
» Likes:
● Talking.
● People.
● Peace and quiet.
● Sleeping.
● Sweets.
» Dislikes:
○ Cruelty.
○ Unnecessary fighting.
○ Extreme temperatures, hot or cold.
○ Dogs.
○ Repetitive, annoying sounds.
» Theme Song:
None yet~
» Other:
► Masaru speaks with a bit of a Southern accent.
► He’s very fond of music, as if that wasn’t blatantly obvious.