Commander James Wolfe- Head of the Menschliche Verteidigung. He is the brilliant military leader who has shown countless times his strength on the battle field. He is blood thirsty for vampire blood and considers the war his own personal vendetta. He appears to have a special link to the king's adviser and the two work closely together on much of the war. He may not be the most open human being out there, but he can kill 100 vampires in minutes. - 666 mulletman
Lt. William Pit- diplomat to the non human society:
a young boy if 18 william pit has just seen his first battle and was appaled at the violence his superiors had shown to the vampires. he then applied for and was accepted to the position of diplomat to non-human society to attempt to keep peace between the races.-open
Captain Arnold Veshnik- Head engineer:
Arnold Veshnik is a huge man of 40 years he has served in the military his entire life and because of this he had grown to be the strongest true-human alive. he leads the engineers in the Menschliche Verteidigung's base garage and factory with an iron fist helping to make the vehicles the organization uses some of the most sturdy and well built on the entire
Weapons expert-weapons expert:
the most knowledgeable human alive with information on every projectile weapon yet built he/she is the most highly trained and also the inventor of most all of the weapons on terraserra -open-(name needed)
Head medic- head medic of the Menschliche Verteidigung
He/she has served as a medic in countless wars, origionally a magic user He/she was one of the few sopared because His/Her magic was only ever used to heal-open-(name needed)
the common soldier-
a soldier of the Menschliche Verteidigung organization strong willed and strong hearted these individuals are brave to the core and fanatically devoted to Wolfe
the engineers/tank drivers-
these men were trained by Wolfe himself to drive the steam powered tanks that wolfe is well known for. fanatically devoted to Wolfe they will never reveal the secrets of his tanks even if death is the alternative
all of the projectile weapons in this world are steam or compressed air driven
melee weapons

sword: simple steel weapon can be one-handed two-handed the blade can be enchanted and customized in almost limitless ways. The sword class also includes daggers throwing knives and anything else made of steel and sharp. the most often used weapon and everyone carries one or two

Mace: simple steel or wooden bludgening weapon, can be one-handed two-handed, the mace can be enchanted and customized in almost limitless ways. the mace class also includes hammers

Axe: a wooden handle and steel blade can be the most accurate description of an axe. can be one handed or two handed, can be one-sided blade, ------ two-sided battleaxe ---- or four-sided frenzy-axe. the axe can be customized and enchanted in almost limitless ways. the axe class also includes: throwing axes, wood axes, battle axes, frenzy-axes, and hand axes.

Chainsaw: a relatively new invention, the chainsaw combines a small steam powered engine with a spinning blade on a belt drive to create a fast and efficient cutting machine. orrigionally intended to quicken the pace of tree cutting, it has recently been found used in the vampire wars during H'ween '07, the owners of each chainsaw usually descide to customize it though all have kept the basic steam powered engine everything else on the chainsaw can be customized.
if anyone has any more melee weapons they would like to see added please pm me and i will see what i can do within reason (technology limitations are in effect!!)
projectile weapons
bow and arrow: the most basic projectile weapon used by mainly peasants for hunting game
crossbow:a more advanced version of the bow and arrow in which the bow is places on its side on a stock, more powerful then a normal bow and arrow slower reload and heavier
crossbow variants:
Steam powered crossbow: just water heat and pressure make the bolt placed in this weapon fly 150% farther and 100% faster. it is heavier that normal and much longer reload, (need to wait for pressure to build up)
Sniper's crossbow: same as the steam powered with an aditional noise dampening layer covering the pressure chamber and a scope on the top (customizable)
Heavy crossbow: Fires larger bolts than normal and is made of iron to be able to withstand the immense forces exerted when it fires (very slow reload, shots knock back the target)
gun: the guns of Terraserra are classified as compressed air driven projectile flingers.
they comes in many forms and types
gun varients
Handgun: a small one handed gun suitable for quick access and quick shots. completely customizable
Rifle: a gun type with a long stock and usually larger bullets than a handgun. the rifle is built for long rage and accuracy. completely customizable.
Variant: sniper rifle---a rifle with a scope and aerodynamic bullets, extreamly long range accuracy
Machine gun: a new invention utilizes multiple compressed air canasters. as they fire they refill when one canaster is fired it refills while the other canasters are fireing in this case canasters that atre refilled are immediatly used (this weapon is extreamly big and bulky and is suitable only for defenseive purposes) only the Menschliche Verteidigung Organization has an unlimeted supply all other factions must purchase from Wolfe to obtain)
if anyone has any more projectile weapons they would like to see added please pm me and i will see what i can do within reason (technology limitations are in effect!!)
Troop Transport: a steam powered vehicle used mostly for transporting troops and equipment from place to place
HADES owns 2 of these
Menschliche Verteidigung Organization builds them

light tank
Armor 10 - 80 mm
armament 7.5 cm KwK 40 L/48
87 rounds
armament 2× 7.92 mm Maschinengewehr 34
3,150 rounds
Engine 12-cylinder steam
Power/weight 12.0 PS/t (8.8 kW/t)
Suspension leaf spring
range 210 km
Speed 40 km/h (road)
18 km/h (off-road)
medium steam powered tank utilises a medium armed with 75 mm KwK 42 L/70 compressed air gun
HADES obtained 4 of these as a gesture of good will from the king
Menschliche Verteidigung Organization builds them

Heavy Tank:
Armor 25–180 mm
armament 1× 8.8 cm KwK 43 L/71
84 rounds
armament 2× 7.92 mm Maschinengewehr 34
4,800 rounds
Engine V-12 Steam
Power/weight 10 PS/tonne
Transmission Maybach OLVAR EG 40 12 16 B (8 forward and 4 reverse)
Suspension torsion-bar
range 170 km
Speed 41.5 km/h
A bigger stronger version of the light tank this tank relies on steam and a secret chemical reaction to operate. the secret of the chemical reaction is known only to Wolfe and his Tank Corps. Wolfes men would die before revealing his secret. the tanks main weapon is
HADES obtained 2 of these as a gesture of good will from the king (4 of Wolfe's Tank Corps came with the tanks and they do not allow anyone enterance into the tanks)
Menschliche Verteidigung Organization builds them
if anyone has any more vehicles they would like to see added please pm me and i will see what i can do within reason (technology limitations are in effect!!)