The commander of Hells Angels battle group calls his captains together

Doomshatter: captains, you all know why i have summoned you.... a battle is brewing... the rebellious humans with their leader cherishedone have come to antarctica to try and gain a foothold.. it is our job to stop them... failure will result in you sending a personal message to lord 666 pleading for your life... and... as you all know there is a kill sender button he can press... so listen up
*doomshatter walks over to the map*
Doomshatter: there are 5 key areas we need to hold in Antarctica...
Here *points* this is the southern tip it needs to be held at all costs
Here *points to another spot* is where our portal will be summoned to recieve reenforcements.
Here and here *casually waves towards eastern and western sides of map* are inconsiquential but after the battle will have to be cleared.
But here *points to the south pole with obvious tension* is where the enemies portal will appear...
All are dismissed...
*captains start to rise*
...except for Diaku
*Diaku looks up, shrugs, and sits back down*
*all others pause look at Diaku and then leave*
Doomshatter: Diaku your elete squad will be dropped at the enemies portal site... I know you can do wonders with very few men
Diaku: of course battle master... your will is my command...
*bows, twirls on heels and leaves the room*
Doomshatter: thats all i needed to hear...
*grabs radio*
Doomshatter: Second squad form up artillary positions now!!
-over radio- *this *** is second squad*** *** [static] what are our orders ***battlemaster***?*
Doomshatter: commandeer the walls get your heavy weapons ready!
-over radio- **of course *** [static] battle master!**
*666 mulletman walks into control room*
Mulletman: what is the situation Doomshatter?
Doomshatter: My lord! *bows* i just sent out the squads to secure the areas most vulnerable...
Mulletman: call Nathan...
Doomshatter: ill get him on comset...
just a second...
Mulletman: Nathan?
-over comset- Nathan: yea?
Mulletman: are you in position?
-over comset- Nathan: yea i see the portal now... its big enough for heavy weapons...
Mulletman: how heavy are we talking?
-over comset- Nathan: lets see .... just a sec... big enough for a CC-MDB
Mulletman: *looks on list* a CC-MDB... hmmm.... Cloud Class Mobile Defense Base... size... width.... s**t.... damn they can bring in an army....
Mulletman: *to doomshatter*
Who did you send to the portal?
Doomshatter: i sent Diaku sir.
Mulletman: ah yes The Chain
-over comset- Nathan: bro... they just sent the CC-MDB through...
its a MK-5 alloy is mithrilised steel... armor thickness it 5"
I count 25 prophet class turrets and in the vehicle bay there are in my view 5 GoldHalo Main battle tanks, 10 Noah class armored troop transports, 25 lightning class speeders, its gonna be a fun battle...
Mulletman: bro..... you have a strange sense of what fun is...
-over comset- Nathan: I see DM bro...
Mulletman: ... well this is an interesting development...
DM: you can make a heavens view if you want... mabe if we get enough people we can meake a forum topic...