I Love My Dad
Which is why i'm dedicating my entry to him. He's kind of a person who keeps to himself. I'm not as close to him as my little sister is. He's also kind of cool. He tells jokes, he dances (not well though), and he's a people person. He's very strong emotional and physical. He works all the time from 8am-11pm or later and he works very hard to support his family. Yesterday I made a project for English class and left it at home. I called home expecting my mom but it was my dad who had stayed home because he was sick. I asked him to bring my project for me and sure enough he did. I know that it sounds weird to love your dad for such a simple task as that but given the circumstances it means a lot to me. He probably doesn't know how much i appreciate him, he probably thinks that i take him for granted but i don't, I love him. I love my dad very much.