This art is dedicated to my special someone. <3 His name is Blaze and he owns my heart. >w< I love him to bits! I realize my hair looks very varied in all of these. xD But that's simple cause I dye it... a LOT.
This first one was done by my special friend, Zero! I love her to bits and pieces! Her username is Lonesome Loser

This next one was done by another friend of mine, Elli. AKA Kaden Kiss I luffs Elli, go buy art from hims, and make him happy. ;P

This was the first piece of art I've ordered of me and mah honey! It was done by my gaian friend toxicondoms

And this is the last one for now, for my quest has just begun. ^^ This was done by xXxKookiixMunsterxXx

More for my collection! Yay me!
This was done by an awesome artist friend of mine on gaia, her name is Archuss though she's not currently taking any commissions.
Lucrecia Lollipop · Thu Jan 07, 2010 @ 03:40pm · 0 Comments |