Hello Gaia...ugh...This is Ginny, it's first thing in the morning and I'm tired so forgive me if I'm slow...
So a few things. I noticed most of my skits lack images. This because all of my older skits used trektek made avatars. 
I miss tektek. Was so much simpler to find Gore or monster related items. 
Yes, we all miss tektek GG, but the show must go on. O and Merry Yule, or Christmas or happy whatever in the heck you believe in.
Yes, please tell your family that I loved their gifts of real money for Xmas. It pleases me and has brought me much Gaia Gold. Which in turn has provided me with sufficient funds to procure all the items I've ever wanted. Well most of them anyway. 
Yeah, you've been splurging the past few days... stare 
Of course I have, it's Xmas and most Gory items are priced lower this time of year. 
stare stare rolleyes 
Well ba hum bug to you.
I wore the hat...what more do you want from me? I have to go anyway, it's time for my little boy to open his presents. *walks away* 
I forget that she has a small demon spawn sometimes, nice kid, and he looks cute enough to eat. twisted But I shall not focus on my appetite today. Suppose I will go into the CB and find a fellow Gaian whose day I can make festive. Bye, bye. gaia_nitemareleft twisted gaia_nitemareright