«βυτ їη Ѫψ ҔҾӑґϯ ίς ϖңϑชӭ ϯӴεϔ'Іλ ϩϯαϓ.»
«Ӑחð αš £¤ñϑ āς ϯθ ЃҔέ ðґӭӓѪ Ϊ ЯҾšίϛϯ,»
«ϯЋёϓ ϖїІλ їח Ѫψ Μίñð ҒѲЯҼΛΕӃ έxїšϯ.»
.:~Grah! My parents irritate me to no end. I feel plain awful... and have no proof. I'm like a bird- I act normal until it's worse than it is now, masking how I feel. I don't try to, but that's how it is.
Like now... if I complain of my sore throat, my parents immediately pin it on allergies, and the drainage stemming from it. Disgusting, but true. No help there but mints and allergy meds.
And then I have a way of masking my tiredness... just stay up as late as I normally do. Well, today that screwed up... I fell asleep right after dinner, and slept about six hours, until half an hour ago. >.<
Jeebers, I'm irritated with my ways. Always an introvert.~:.