My best friend Caitlyn (white_wedding_dbi13) is so sweet, kind, and just has made me feel better.
I've known her for a long time, and i remember her well but she doesn't remember me. It's ok because i haven't seen her for 2 years!
Well on my opinion i think SasuNaru is the BEST Yaoi couple ever!!!
Any way here is my dream avi!
Before she left:

Her story is that she was created from ashes in a volcano explosion, she was protecter of Alla an ancient city. With her Flame Sword she killed demons that attacked the city. But one day, she returned to the volcano and didn't return for over 10 years. The city was hell with out her to protect them.
When she returned:

When she returned her eyes were burning with anger, and revenge. She had returned to the city to see what they would repay her with after what she did for them for over 100 years. They were weak, and they didn't know what to give her, and she began to destroy the villages with her demon flame sword and Fire Whips. Then the princess of Alla who was a reincarnation of a Water demon, Used her passed down powers to try and defeat the Fire Goddess.
This princess was named Allielia (this is her in battle mode):

Before battle:

After a 3 year battle it was finally won. Allielia had done it she defeated The Fire demon. She was the savior of Alla, and she became the next Goddess, The water goddess.
Thank you!
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