Color Font: mediumseagreen
Name Meaning:
Carth is based off the name Carthage, which was an ancient city in Africa founded by the Phoenicians. Some places online say it could mean "Loving/Admirable". Carth's whole name was Carthage Dieter.
Dieter means "Warrior of the People"
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Birthday: June 25
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Height: 6' 3.5" or 1.92 meters
Beast Form Height: 8' or 2.44 meters
Blood Type: O
Muka, which was a demon in Hindu mythology who took on the form of a wild boar. In the RP it is used to refer to half breeds, or offspring between a female human and Morofor (mixed word; Mor means "sea" and Eofor means "boar" wink . Morofors can only be male, and first generation males are the only ones that can breed. Muka are sterile. There is a way for a Muka to become fertile once again, and it is to journey east. However, those who know the truth prefer to stay on the western half of the island, far, far away from their original origins on the shores to the east. Muka who do take the foolish journey either never return, or show up five to seven years later with a completely different, and negative, attitude. They are then considered a "first generation" Morofor, as they look more like them, but their hatred of females is considerably heightened and their overall aggression towards anyone who isn't a Morofor or Muka becomes dangerous. There is also an idea that if a human male travels to the same destination as a Muka or Morofor, they return back to the west in a shorter amount of time, but are now a full fledged Morofor. Any female who travels to the same destination is never heard from again.
The Muka and Morofor are plagued by what they call "singing dreams", which result in the sleeping individual sleepwalking or talking. Ones who are furthest west have a tendency to either sit up in bed or go as far as standing up next to their bed before waking up. The Morofor have these dreams a bit more strongly, but their strange fear of going back east has made the Morofor live and sleep on ships far out at sea, so if they were to sleepwalk off the ship the cold ocean waters will wake them up and snap them out of it. The further east they travel, the more the sleepwalker will move from their sleeping spot and head east. Usually sleepwalking wakes them up the further west they are, but the more east they go it's best to try and wake them up before they get themselves lost or injured. These sleepwalking dreams happen from once every few months to once a year. Muka have a tendency to vaguely mutter something about "true rebirth", but there is no known reason as to what they mean, for when the individual wakes up they're either in utter confusion or just remember hearing a humming tune in their ears.
Orphaned at age 4
Mother was a brothel whore along the northwestern seaports. Gave Carth to a local orphanage when he was four after a client saw Carth's eyes and caused a huge stir in the brothel.
Father is supposedly Evarard the Unseen, a dastardly pirate of the northern seas who attacks noble ships and treats women as nothing more than sex machines. So the story goes.
Carth’s growing up in the orphanage allowed him to become a much better man as the environment there was very positive and the place the orphanage was in was far from the shores, which further reduced some of the negative, racial discrimination that did indeed plague the orphanage for even housing him. The women who ran the place made sure he received a proper education and taught him proper manners and etiquette, which eventually helped the very hyper child of the time mellow out some and really enjoy the company of others. He is very outgoing and adventurous, which made him take up the job as a courier for the northern sea towns (despite the criticism). Carth usually wears a soft smile on his face to try and bring others at ease, whether they know he is a Muka or not. Although his job limits it, he highly enjoys companionship of others and, once he gets comfortable enough, will talk another’s ear off with his travels, moments of adventure, and anything else that comes to mind. He’s a sucker for women, and acts a little too gentlemanly around those he takes interest in. If a woman shows him the same respect as they would for another human, well, it’s a huge plus since he’ll start to enjoy and welcome their company more than before. Men he’s a little more stern with, as although he was in an orphanage run by women, the town he lived in was mostly male gender based which gave him the sense that he should be the tough guy and watch his back, especially since a few times men in the past have tried to beat him for being what he was. His infatuation with women actually gives them the upper hand in telling him what to do, as he’s more likely to listen to them rather than another male. However when he’s around a woman who he starts to take interest in, he’s a bit of a stumbling, stuttering mess from trying his hardest to not sound so shy or “uncool”. Carth is incredibly loyal to those he becomes great friends and lovers with, even though in the past it was used as his downfall more than a few times by demon hate groups.
Carth is rather protective of those he becomes close with, but not to the point where it becomes incredibly bothersome (although it’s super obvious when he’s around women). He’s also incredibly stubborn and highly sarcastic than he should be in certain situations. His sarcasm can be a bit hurtful at times, but if he catches wind of this he’ll stop and apologize quite a lot. Carth is also a huge fan of sleep, and if he’s in an actual bed, he could sleep an entire day. He sleeps like a log and is pretty much oblivious to anything unless he falls asleep while stressed or on edge. The best way to wake him up is to make him feel like he’s falling, as sometimes shaking or kicking him in the back won’t even make him stir.
More often than not Carth is a very playful person who enjoys playing tricks or light hearted pranks. If he’s found a partner in crime, his playfulness spikes on unsuspecting victims.
Relationships: A growing admiration for Astella (character belongs to griffinyasha)
Although Carth was the son of a whore and an infamous pirate, his growing up in the orphanage that took him was enriched with a positive lifestyle. Sadly the orphanage who raised him faced some repercussions by townsfolk since they were housing a Muka, and often times were faced with the law who would blame very petty crimes on the Muka living there. Even so, the women running the orphanage treated him as fairly as they would a human trial, and some of the women there treated this as some sort of experiment. Grow the Muka up in a positive environment, they will be less likely to grow up into the terrible men who plague the Northern Shores. Carth grew healthy and strong, and his attitude was calm and collected, even though he was incredibly hyper as a child and did get into some sort of trouble.
At the age of eleven Carth decided to leave the orphanage with a friend for the fantasy that living on their own would be easy and they would never have to listen to hate nor adults telling them what to do. They were caught by law enforcement months later stealing food from a shop and the two were separated. The nuns fought the courts to keep Carth, eventually winning after a few months, but at the age of fourteen he was to leave the orphanage and never go back. So when Carth was of age, he left the orphanage and headed for the sea ports. Life in the beginning was very hard but eventually he managed to settle down in a town that never had any trouble from the Morofors and Muka and worked as a butcher’s assistant for a few years. During his time there, Carth went to the markets to gather supplies and spotted a man selling beautiful black horses. There was one young foal barely a year old barricaded off in its own coral because of looking a bit sickly, and no one had taken interest in it the past week. Carth instead used the money to buy the horse (which resulted in a beating when he got back to the butcher), but Carth managed to keep the horse and it grew up into a healthy and strong stallion. It was then that Carth decided to take up the courier job and leave the abusive butcher when Carth was eighteen, and since then he’s been on the road and the sea, delivering packages (keeping a false identity to what he was) to islands and towns far along the coast or even down to the city in the heart of the desert.
Recently his life seemed to change for the better when a well known noble hired him to take a delivery to Maza. However everything fell apart when it turned out that the package contained a man eating monster that escaped without his knowing and reeked havoc on the once quite oasis city. The noble had used Carth as a back up so if the creature escaped, they could blame it on the delivery man, since hatred for the Muka could easily be stirred up in a town already wary about demons. Plus, a Muka courier was practically unheard of. Before arriving to the city Carth had caught pneumonia that had escalated dangerously after he had taken refuge within a temple on a hill in the southeasten side of the city. A brother and sister, Troy and Astella, allowed Carth to stay as a guest before the creature that was inside Carth’s package was even discovered eating people. Astella treated Carth’s illness and with her knowledge of medicine, is curing Carth of his illness faster than he could have imaged. If Carth had gone longer without any medical help, he would have died, so he owes the woman and her small dragon, Jun, his life.
After a tense situation with the brother, Troy, Carth is now forced to leave Maza the next day into the desert, even though the violent sandstorms are already starting to make their way in. Currently Carth is caught in a stressful, emotional situation of how he was going to survive going through the desert without a mount, as the stallion, Agrippa, will not be able to survive the sands, and will have to be left behind. Before Carth would have made his thanks and left, but after falling ill and slowly falling for Astella, his heart is torn between freedom and leaving the ones he cares for behind to never see again.
Human form:

Beast Form and Size comparison (with Astella)

Beast Form and Size comparison (with Astella)

Shapeshifting - When under a lot of stress or through willpower, Carth can shift into a large, eight foot tall beast with an enormous head, neck, and shoulders and teeth/jaws that could slice through a crocodile in one fell swoop. Carth rarely has taken this form, and when he has, it was something he couldn’t control. Throughout his life he has shifted three times, and all times he couldn’t recall all that well since everything happened so fast. There is one huge danger about turning into this beastly form, as when he does, Carth becomes a full fledged berserker. He will attack both friend and foe, but he will tend to go for the ones that were initially causing him pain. It is incredibly hard to calm him down, or even get close enough to attempt to soothe the beast, because if anyone gets too close they will risk losing a limb.
What makes the Muka and Morofor infamous is their beast shifting, and when either of them become infuriated, they will attack anything that moves. The Morofor however are better at snapping out of the rage, whereas the Muka need to be taken out of this mode either by force or wear them out until they collapse from exhaustion. A Muka can be snapped out of this berserker rage, and when they are finally calm, it will still be a while before they can change back. Since they are half bloods, the shifting puts a huge strain on the body, so shifting makes the user feel like they pulled nearly every muscle in their body. All they need is a bit of rest, and then they can change back; but when they change back they again need to rest in order for their muscles to not feel so pained when they move around. Another problem with beast shifting for a Muka is that they can’t speak. Their muzzles, although incredibly powerful, have a lot of trouble forming words, so it’s mostly just a bunch of grunts and snarls. Older Muka are a lot better with speaking through practice, but the younger don’t yet know how to control their vocal cords to switch between animalistic growls to human speech. Carth knows the basic sign language alphabet, but he’s a bit slow at it.
The shifting also causes the user to feel a bit less intelligent. They are a little slower at thinking things through, such as mathematics and time, but they are still intelligent enough to get through the day in their beast forms. Muka who haven’t shifted enough suffer from memory blanks and tend to stare at the ground while thinking. Some even scratch at their heads and complain like they have a bunch of flies buzzing around in their skulls. It’s wise to be cautious around individuals like these as they are considered wild animals more than they are people. Once they turn back to a human, their mentality is regained and they can think much more clearly. Their memories are slightly fuzzy and they can only remember things that went on when they weren’t in a berserker rage. If only in berserker mode between shifts they will remember nothing.
Their skins in this form are as thick and tough as a boar’s hide. This skin is not impenetrable but just tougher to break open compared to human skin. A Morofor’s skin is resistant to magic since they are a full fledged magical beast, but a Muka, which is half beast half human, has no resistance to magic because of their human half. They are as vulnerable to magic as any other human is. Carth was born with a bit of a sensitive scalp, so if he has finally calmed down in his beast form, or maybe still in his human form, a nice scalp message calms him down immediately (as a beast he tends to scrap his right roof over the ground like a dog). If he’s tired enough, a scalp message could put him to sleep on the spot if done right (ill-advised while standing because he will fall over lmao).
Their heads are abnormally huge which gives them almost unmatched biting power, so the size of their neck and upper torso is enlarged considerably in order to support their huge head. They walk with a slouch because of the weight of their skull and the slight hump in their back is solid muscle. Even if you don’t get a leg bitten off, a single swing of their head feels like a punch that could fracture or break a few bones. Their cheekbones are well defined, so getting hit in that spot will also cause a lot of internal damage. Compared to the average human, a Muka's or Morofor’s head is as long and thick as a human torso. As said before their lips aren’t build for speech so speaking is hard. Their eyes are the same green, and when in berserker mode their pupils enlarge enough to cover up most of the eye, giving them complete and total focus on the task at hand (the best way to combat this is to quickly shine a bright light in their eyes, which will blind them momentarily and pain them). They have long, powerful legs that could easily kick through most wooden doors, and their long, strong arms can send a grown man flying. Their forearms are also long enough so that the shifter can walk on all fours, preferring to walk on their knuckles or fists since walking on two legs with a heavy head gets a bit tiring once in a while.
Tapetum Lucidum - Also known as eyeshine, tapetum lucidum is a layer of tissue common in the eyes of many vertebrae animals that allows them to see much better in the dark; perfect for night traveling. This gives off the look that Carth's pupils are very reflective under certain dim light conditions.
Sleeping – He doesn’t get enough time to rest, but when he does he’s out like a light for hours. A simple nap could go on for as long as a normal rest would be. Main problem is, he sleeps like a rock. You could kick him in the back while he’s sleeping and he wouldn’t so much as twitch. The number one way to wake him up is to make him feel like he’s falling (like a falling dream).
Women – Loves them and can’t get enough of them. He is quite the flirt for some, but he doesn’t really go as far as a kiss on the hand or cheek since his line of work, and society, prevents most relationships from forming. He’s a little sexist over certain matters since he grew up in a more male dominated area as a kid, but overall he holds a high respect towards the female gender and treats them with the respect that they deserve.
Scalp Rubs – As mentioned before, Carth has a rather sensitive scalp. His thick hair is always in a wild, untamed mess but a simple pass of his fingers rights his hair in place, usually with him brushing it back and making his natural cowlick stand up a bit more in the front. He use to have younger hair when he was younger before cutting it for the jobs he had, but he highly enjoys it when others play with his hair. Scalp messages are the best way to calm him down and keep him at ease, especially if he is tired and distressed since it causes him to think irrationally. If tired and calm enough, playing with his hair and messaging his scalp will put him to sleep (this is ill advised if Carth is standing, lol). In his beast form if his scalp is rubbed and messaged, he will make a very loud, deep, vibrating sound and has an odd habit of twitching his right leg. For humor, if his chin and scalp is both rubbed and he's sitting, he will start twitching his leg like a dog and will start licking the air (or your face) until you stop, completely paralyzed by the pleasant feeling. Carth only allows those he likes or cares about touch him, so if a complete stranger tries to rub his head he'll either shove you away or (if male) knock your teeth out.
Cuisine – As a courier his job has taken him to many places along the coast and to the large islands offshore, and since he’s had to stay within some of them for quite a long period of time, he’s learned to not be picky about the certain foods offered to him. So he eats just about anything (save for things that are so slimy they make him gag). The only things he can’t eat are anything that has real coconut in it. The stuff gives him a really bad case of the hives.
Candies and Sweets – Carth probably has the biggest sweet tooth anyone has ever seen. Chocolate is his weakness, and if he finds a candy he highly enjoys from a certain country or town, it’s always a good idea to use the sweet as a bargaining chip to make him do certain tasks (that aren’t too extreme, mind you).
Freestyle Dancing – He absolutely loves freestyle dancing and prefers to go to late night festivities in certain popular areas just to let off some stress from an eventful day. Dancing is one of his favorite pastimes, but he prefers to free style than actual dancing.
Parkour – Grew up with it since the shipping town he lived in was very packed together and moved up the sides of very steep hills. Easiest way to get from the top to the bottom and vice versa was via traveling by rooftop, so after many years of doing this, he became a bit of an expert in his eyes. It’s illegal in some places, but if he’s in a rush to deliver something he doesn’t mind breaking a few rules. Besides, he’s fairly good at throwing off any pursuers when it comes to his element. He’s pretty much outgrown any fear of heights, and is a total fear junkie.
Coconut – Or really anything that has real coconut in it. Gives him really bad hives when he ingests it. He can physically touch it, but when it gets to his lips and tongue, the side effects surface pretty quickly.
Needles – He turns pale and weak at the knees. He’s never fainted before, but he gets pretty dang close. He doesn’t panic and try to swat them away, but the mere sight of it gets him so weak in the knees after a minute he has to sit down if he keeps looking and thinking about it. Even during a conversation involving needles, he gets clammy hands and his face drains of color. Medical needles are pretty much the number one thing to get him to act like this.
Cold – since he has a higher body temperature he prefers to enjoy warmer areas and will tolerate mild weather. However, even though his body is warm, he utterly hates the cold, and snow. Dreads it. He likes to see it when going to colder regions, but that’s about all he likes about snow. When going into colder regions (mostly to islands further north) he dresses up more than most because he values warmth above anything. So if you want to find Carth in a cold region, just look for the guy walking around with tons of jackets and furs on while complaining bitterly under his breath.
Staring Strangers – This could also be about people who comment about his eyes. Although a lovely yet strange green color, he is highly sensitive of strangers commenting about them. Some compliments by certain ones he meets is alright to an extent, but he prefers that no one mentions them. He looks completely human save for his eyes, which are a huge giveaway, and from where he originated from in the Northwestern sea ports at the edges of the Maza desert anyone who has eyes like him is hated and rejected from nearly everywhere. So if someone were to ask him right off the bat, "Why are the whites of your eyes green?" it's pretty much an insult to him and he will react accordingly depending on your age, the way you said it, or even by the way you act. The more he hangs around someone who either looks into his eyes with care or never questions the anomaly will make him feel much more at ease and will eventually tell the person what he is, depending on the situation and how much he really trusts that person.